blob: b8953b0a4f8d2d4c1e0083b8de7cba0c37e80dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// MSVC++ requires this to be set before any other includes to get M_PI.
#include <math.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/common_audio/lapped_transform.h"
#include "webrtc/common_audio/channel_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/beamformer/beamformer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/beamformer/complex_matrix.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Enhances sound sources coming directly in front of a uniform linear array
// and suppresses sound sources coming from all other directions. Operates on
// multichannel signals and produces single-channel output.
// The implemented nonlinear postfilter algorithm taken from "A Robust Nonlinear
// Beamforming Postprocessor" by Bastiaan Kleijn.
class NonlinearBeamformer
: public Beamformer<float>,
public LappedTransform::Callback {
static const float kHalfBeamWidthRadians;
explicit NonlinearBeamformer(
const std::vector<Point>& array_geometry,
SphericalPointf target_direction =
SphericalPointf(static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 2.f, 0.f, 1.f));
// Sample rate corresponds to the lower band.
// Needs to be called before the NonlinearBeamformer can be used.
void Initialize(int chunk_size_ms, int sample_rate_hz) override;
// Process one time-domain chunk of audio. The audio is expected to be split
// into frequency bands inside the ChannelBuffer. The number of frames and
// channels must correspond to the constructor parameters. The same
// ChannelBuffer can be passed in as |input| and |output|.
void ProcessChunk(const ChannelBuffer<float>& input,
ChannelBuffer<float>* output) override;
void AimAt(const SphericalPointf& target_direction) override;
bool IsInBeam(const SphericalPointf& spherical_point) override;
// After processing each block |is_target_present_| is set to true if the
// target signal es present and to false otherwise. This methods can be called
// to know if the data is target signal or interference and process it
// accordingly.
bool is_target_present() override { return is_target_present_; }
// Process one frequency-domain block of audio. This is where the fun
// happens. Implements LappedTransform::Callback.
void ProcessAudioBlock(const complex<float>* const* input,
size_t num_input_channels,
size_t num_freq_bins,
size_t num_output_channels,
complex<float>* const* output) override;
typedef Matrix<float> MatrixF;
typedef ComplexMatrix<float> ComplexMatrixF;
typedef complex<float> complex_f;
void InitLowFrequencyCorrectionRanges();
void InitHighFrequencyCorrectionRanges();
void InitInterfAngles();
void InitDelaySumMasks();
void InitTargetCovMats();
void InitDiffuseCovMats();
void InitInterfCovMats();
void NormalizeCovMats();
// Calculates postfilter masks that minimize the mean squared error of our
// estimation of the desired signal.
float CalculatePostfilterMask(const ComplexMatrixF& interf_cov_mat,
float rpsiw,
float ratio_rxiw_rxim,
float rmxi_r);
// Prevents the postfilter masks from degenerating too quickly (a cause of
// musical noise).
void ApplyMaskTimeSmoothing();
void ApplyMaskFrequencySmoothing();
// The postfilter masks are unreliable at low frequencies. Calculates a better
// mask by averaging mid-low frequency values.
void ApplyLowFrequencyCorrection();
// Postfilter masks are also unreliable at high frequencies. Average mid-high
// frequency masks to calculate a single mask per block which can be applied
// in the time-domain. Further, we average these block-masks over a chunk,
// resulting in one postfilter mask per audio chunk. This allows us to skip
// both transforming and blocking the high-frequency signal.
void ApplyHighFrequencyCorrection();
// Compute the means needed for the above frequency correction.
float MaskRangeMean(size_t start_bin, size_t end_bin);
// Applies both sets of masks to |input| and store in |output|.
void ApplyMasks(const complex_f* const* input, complex_f* const* output);
void EstimateTargetPresence();
static const size_t kFftSize = 256;
static const size_t kNumFreqBins = kFftSize / 2 + 1;
// Deals with the fft transform and blocking.
size_t chunk_length_;
std::unique_ptr<LappedTransform> lapped_transform_;
float window_[kFftSize];
// Parameters exposed to the user.
const size_t num_input_channels_;
int sample_rate_hz_;
const std::vector<Point> array_geometry_;
// The normal direction of the array if it has one and it is in the xy-plane.
const rtc::Optional<Point> array_normal_;
// Minimum spacing between microphone pairs.
const float min_mic_spacing_;
// Calculated based on user-input and constants in the .cc file.
size_t low_mean_start_bin_;
size_t low_mean_end_bin_;
size_t high_mean_start_bin_;
size_t high_mean_end_bin_;
// Quickly varying mask updated every block.
float new_mask_[kNumFreqBins];
// Time smoothed mask.
float time_smooth_mask_[kNumFreqBins];
// Time and frequency smoothed mask.
float final_mask_[kNumFreqBins];
float target_angle_radians_;
// Angles of the interferer scenarios.
std::vector<float> interf_angles_radians_;
// The angle between the target and the interferer scenarios.
const float away_radians_;
// Array of length |kNumFreqBins|, Matrix of size |1| x |num_channels_|.
ComplexMatrixF delay_sum_masks_[kNumFreqBins];
ComplexMatrixF normalized_delay_sum_masks_[kNumFreqBins];
// Arrays of length |kNumFreqBins|, Matrix of size |num_input_channels_| x
// |num_input_channels_|.
ComplexMatrixF target_cov_mats_[kNumFreqBins];
ComplexMatrixF uniform_cov_mat_[kNumFreqBins];
// Array of length |kNumFreqBins|, Matrix of size |num_input_channels_| x
// |num_input_channels_|. The vector has a size equal to the number of
// interferer scenarios.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ComplexMatrixF>> interf_cov_mats_[kNumFreqBins];
// Of length |kNumFreqBins|.
float wave_numbers_[kNumFreqBins];
// Preallocated for ProcessAudioBlock()
// Of length |kNumFreqBins|.
float rxiws_[kNumFreqBins];
// The vector has a size equal to the number of interferer scenarios.
std::vector<float> rpsiws_[kNumFreqBins];
// The microphone normalization factor.
ComplexMatrixF eig_m_;
// For processing the high-frequency input signal.
float high_pass_postfilter_mask_;
// True when the target signal is present.
bool is_target_present_;
// Number of blocks after which the data is considered interference if the
// mask does not pass |kMaskSignalThreshold|.
size_t hold_target_blocks_;
// Number of blocks since the last mask that passed |kMaskSignalThreshold|.
size_t interference_blocks_count_;
} // namespace webrtc