PipeWire video capture: split portal and PipeWire implementations

Allows to use camera portal separately in implementations where each
implementation needs to be called in different places.

This is targeted for Firefox support, where we need to ask for camera
access in the FF frontend code, otherwise making camera access requests
in the backend WebRTC code might result into presenting portal dialogs
asking for access from the javascript API.

Bug: webrtc:15202
Change-Id: Ida8b010bb93e08a9e5ddd9dd8a2a3549ee7fde8b
Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/305222
Reviewed-by: Ilya Nikolaevskiy <ilnik@webrtc.org>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Cooper <alcooper@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Jan Grulich <grulja@gmail.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#40148}
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/BUILD.gn b/modules/video_capture/BUILD.gn
index b42536d..8708bca 100644
--- a/modules/video_capture/BUILD.gn
+++ b/modules/video_capture/BUILD.gn
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
       if (rtc_use_pipewire) {
         sources += [
+          "linux/camera_portal.cc",
+          "linux/camera_portal.h",
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.cc b/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d217dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2023 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.h"
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>
+#include "modules/portal/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+using xdg_portal::RequestResponse;
+using xdg_portal::RequestResponseFromPortalResponse;
+using xdg_portal::RequestSessionProxy;
+constexpr char kCameraInterfaceName[] = "org.freedesktop.portal.Camera";
+class CameraPortalPrivate {
+ public:
+  explicit CameraPortalPrivate(CameraPortal::PortalNotifier* notifier);
+  ~CameraPortalPrivate();
+  void Start();
+ private:
+  void OnPortalDone(xdg_portal::RequestResponse result, int fd = -1);
+  static void OnProxyRequested(GObject* object,
+                               GAsyncResult* result,
+                               gpointer user_data);
+  void ProxyRequested(GDBusProxy* proxy);
+  static void OnAccessResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
+                               GAsyncResult* result,
+                               gpointer user_data);
+  static void OnResponseSignalEmitted(GDBusConnection* connection,
+                                      const char* sender_name,
+                                      const char* object_path,
+                                      const char* interface_name,
+                                      const char* signal_name,
+                                      GVariant* parameters,
+                                      gpointer user_data);
+  static void OnOpenResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
+                             GAsyncResult* result,
+                             gpointer user_data);
+  CameraPortal::PortalNotifier* notifier_ = nullptr;
+  GDBusConnection* connection_ = nullptr;
+  GDBusProxy* proxy_ = nullptr;
+  GCancellable* cancellable_ = nullptr;
+  guint access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
+CameraPortalPrivate::CameraPortalPrivate(CameraPortal::PortalNotifier* notifier)
+    : notifier_(notifier) {}
+CameraPortalPrivate::~CameraPortalPrivate() {
+  if (access_request_signal_id_) {
+    g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection_,
+                                         access_request_signal_id_);
+    access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
+  }
+  if (cancellable_) {
+    g_cancellable_cancel(cancellable_);
+    g_object_unref(cancellable_);
+    cancellable_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  if (proxy_) {
+    g_object_unref(proxy_);
+    proxy_ = nullptr;
+    connection_ = nullptr;
+  }
+void CameraPortalPrivate::Start() {
+  cancellable_ = g_cancellable_new();
+  Scoped<GError> error;
+  RequestSessionProxy(kCameraInterfaceName, OnProxyRequested, cancellable_,
+                      this);
+// static
+void CameraPortalPrivate::OnProxyRequested(GObject* gobject,
+                                           GAsyncResult* result,
+                                           gpointer user_data) {
+  CameraPortalPrivate* that = static_cast<CameraPortalPrivate*>(user_data);
+  Scoped<GError> error;
+  GDBusProxy* proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_finish(result, error.receive());
+  if (!proxy) {
+    // Ignore the error caused by user cancelling the request via `cancellable_`
+    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
+      return;
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to get a proxy for the portal: "
+                      << error->message;
+    that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponse::kError);
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Successfully created proxy for the portal.";
+  that->ProxyRequested(proxy);
+void CameraPortalPrivate::ProxyRequested(GDBusProxy* proxy) {
+  GVariantBuilder builder;
+  Scoped<char> variant_string;
+  std::string access_handle;
+  proxy_ = proxy;
+  connection_ = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(proxy);
+  g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
+  variant_string =
+      g_strdup_printf("capture%d", g_random_int_range(0, G_MAXINT));
+  g_variant_builder_add(&builder, "{sv}", "handle_token",
+                        g_variant_new_string(variant_string.get()));
+  access_handle =
+      xdg_portal::PrepareSignalHandle(variant_string.get(), connection_);
+  access_request_signal_id_ = xdg_portal::SetupRequestResponseSignal(
+      access_handle.c_str(), OnResponseSignalEmitted, this, connection_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Requesting camera access from the portal.";
+  g_dbus_proxy_call(proxy_, "AccessCamera", g_variant_new("(a{sv})", &builder),
+                    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /*timeout_msec=*/-1, cancellable_,
+                    reinterpret_cast<GAsyncReadyCallback>(OnAccessResponse),
+                    this);
+// static
+void CameraPortalPrivate::OnAccessResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
+                                           GAsyncResult* result,
+                                           gpointer user_data) {
+  CameraPortalPrivate* that = static_cast<CameraPortalPrivate*>(user_data);
+  RTC_DCHECK(that);
+  Scoped<GError> error;
+  Scoped<GVariant> variant(
+      g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, result, error.receive()));
+  if (!variant) {
+    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
+      return;
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to access portal:" << error->message;
+    if (that->access_request_signal_id_) {
+      g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(that->connection_,
+                                           that->access_request_signal_id_);
+      that->access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
+    }
+    that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponse::kError);
+  }
+// static
+void CameraPortalPrivate::OnResponseSignalEmitted(GDBusConnection* connection,
+                                                  const char* sender_name,
+                                                  const char* object_path,
+                                                  const char* interface_name,
+                                                  const char* signal_name,
+                                                  GVariant* parameters,
+                                                  gpointer user_data) {
+  CameraPortalPrivate* that = static_cast<CameraPortalPrivate*>(user_data);
+  RTC_DCHECK(that);
+  uint32_t portal_response;
+  g_variant_get(parameters, "(u@a{sv})", &portal_response, nullptr);
+  if (portal_response) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Camera access denied by the XDG portal.";
+    that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponseFromPortalResponse(portal_response));
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Camera access granted by the XDG portal.";
+  GVariantBuilder builder;
+  g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
+  g_dbus_proxy_call(
+      that->proxy_, "OpenPipeWireRemote", g_variant_new("(a{sv})", &builder),
+      G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /*timeout_msec=*/-1, that->cancellable_,
+      reinterpret_cast<GAsyncReadyCallback>(OnOpenResponse), that);
+void CameraPortalPrivate::OnOpenResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
+                                         GAsyncResult* result,
+                                         gpointer user_data) {
+  CameraPortalPrivate* that = static_cast<CameraPortalPrivate*>(user_data);
+  RTC_DCHECK(that);
+  Scoped<GError> error;
+  Scoped<GUnixFDList> outlist;
+  Scoped<GVariant> variant(g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_finish(
+      proxy, outlist.receive(), result, error.receive()));
+  if (!variant) {
+    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
+      return;
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to open PipeWire remote:" << error->message;
+    if (that->access_request_signal_id_) {
+      g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(that->connection_,
+                                           that->access_request_signal_id_);
+      that->access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
+    }
+    that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponse::kError);
+    return;
+  }
+  int32_t index;
+  g_variant_get(variant.get(), "(h)", &index);
+  int fd = g_unix_fd_list_get(outlist.get(), index, error.receive());
+  if (fd == -1) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to get file descriptor from the list: "
+                      << error->message;
+    that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponse::kError);
+    return;
+  }
+  that->OnPortalDone(RequestResponse::kSuccess, fd);
+void CameraPortalPrivate::OnPortalDone(RequestResponse result, int fd) {
+  notifier_->OnCameraRequestResult(result, fd);
+CameraPortal::CameraPortal(PortalNotifier* notifier)
+    : private_(std::make_unique<CameraPortalPrivate>(notifier)) {}
+CameraPortal::~CameraPortal() {}
+void CameraPortal::Start() {
+  private_->Start();
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.h b/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f2ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2023 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "modules/portal/portal_request_response.h"
+#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class CameraPortalPrivate;
+class RTC_EXPORT CameraPortal {
+ public:
+  class PortalNotifier {
+   public:
+    virtual void OnCameraRequestResult(xdg_portal::RequestResponse result,
+                                       int fd) = 0;
+   protected:
+    PortalNotifier() = default;
+    virtual ~PortalNotifier() = default;
+  };
+  explicit CameraPortal(PortalNotifier* notifier);
+  ~CameraPortal();
+  void Start();
+ private:
+  std::unique_ptr<CameraPortalPrivate> private_;
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.cc b/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.cc
index 14d557d..f628bfc 100644
--- a/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.cc
+++ b/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.cc
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include "modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.h"
-#include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>
 #include <spa/monitor/device.h>
 #include <spa/param/format-utils.h>
 #include <spa/param/format.h>
@@ -19,18 +18,14 @@
 #include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
 #include "modules/portal/pipewire_utils.h"
-#include "modules/portal/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.h"
 #include "modules/video_capture/device_info_impl.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
 #include "rtc_base/string_encode.h"
 #include "rtc_base/string_to_number.h"
 namespace webrtc {
 namespace videocapturemodule {
-using xdg_portal::RequestSessionProxy;
-constexpr char kCameraInterfaceName[] = "org.freedesktop.portal.Camera";
 VideoType PipeWireRawFormatToVideoType(uint32_t id) {
   switch (id) {
     case SPA_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
@@ -215,6 +210,21 @@
   return cap->videoType != VideoType::kUnknown;
+CameraPortalNotifier::CameraPortalNotifier(PipeWireSession* session)
+    : session_(session) {}
+void CameraPortalNotifier::OnCameraRequestResult(
+    xdg_portal::RequestResponse result,
+    int fd) {
+  if (result == xdg_portal::RequestResponse::kSuccess) {
+    session_->InitPipeWire(fd);
+  } else if (result == xdg_portal::RequestResponse::kUserCancelled) {
+    session_->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::DENIED);
+  } else {
+    session_->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
+  }
     : status_(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::UNINITIALIZED) {}
@@ -222,174 +232,24 @@
-void PipeWireSession::Init(VideoCaptureOptions::Callback* callback) {
+void PipeWireSession::Init(VideoCaptureOptions::Callback* callback, int fd) {
   callback_ = callback;
-  cancellable_ = g_cancellable_new();
-  Scoped<GError> error;
-  RequestSessionProxy(kCameraInterfaceName, OnProxyRequested, cancellable_,
-                      this);
-// static
-void PipeWireSession::OnProxyRequested(GObject* gobject,
-                                       GAsyncResult* result,
-                                       gpointer user_data) {
-  PipeWireSession* that = static_cast<PipeWireSession*>(user_data);
-  Scoped<GError> error;
-  GDBusProxy* proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_finish(result, error.receive());
-  if (!proxy) {
-    // Ignore the error caused by user cancelling the request via `cancellable_`
-    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
-      return;
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to get a proxy for the portal: "
-                      << error->message;
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::DENIED);
-    return;
-  }
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Successfully created proxy for the portal.";
-  that->ProxyRequested(proxy);
-void PipeWireSession::ProxyRequested(GDBusProxy* proxy) {
-  GVariantBuilder builder;
-  Scoped<char> variant_string;
-  std::string access_handle;
-  proxy_ = proxy;
-  connection_ = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(proxy);
-  g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
-  variant_string =
-      g_strdup_printf("capture%d", g_random_int_range(0, G_MAXINT));
-  g_variant_builder_add(&builder, "{sv}", "handle_token",
-                        g_variant_new_string(variant_string.get()));
-  access_handle =
-      xdg_portal::PrepareSignalHandle(variant_string.get(), connection_);
-  access_request_signal_id_ = xdg_portal::SetupRequestResponseSignal(
-      access_handle.c_str(), OnResponseSignalEmitted, this, connection_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Requesting camera access from the portal.";
-  g_dbus_proxy_call(proxy_, "AccessCamera", g_variant_new("(a{sv})", &builder),
-                    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /*timeout_msec=*/-1, cancellable_,
-                    reinterpret_cast<GAsyncReadyCallback>(OnAccessResponse),
-                    this);
-// static
-void PipeWireSession::OnAccessResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
-                                       GAsyncResult* result,
-                                       gpointer user_data) {
-  PipeWireSession* that = static_cast<PipeWireSession*>(user_data);
-  RTC_DCHECK(that);
-  Scoped<GError> error;
-  Scoped<GVariant> variant(
-      g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, result, error.receive()));
-  if (!variant) {
-    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
-      return;
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to access portal:" << error->message;
-    if (that->access_request_signal_id_) {
-      g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(that->connection_,
-                                           that->access_request_signal_id_);
-      that->access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
-    }
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
+  if (fd != -1) {
+    InitPipeWire(fd);
+  } else {
+    portal_notifier_ = std::make_unique<CameraPortalNotifier>(this);
+    portal_ = std::make_unique<CameraPortal>(portal_notifier_.get());
+    portal_->Start();
-// static
-void PipeWireSession::OnResponseSignalEmitted(GDBusConnection* connection,
-                                              const char* sender_name,
-                                              const char* object_path,
-                                              const char* interface_name,
-                                              const char* signal_name,
-                                              GVariant* parameters,
-                                              gpointer user_data) {
-  PipeWireSession* that = static_cast<PipeWireSession*>(user_data);
-  RTC_DCHECK(that);
+void PipeWireSession::InitPipeWire(int fd) {
+  if (!InitializePipeWire())
+    Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::UNAVAILABLE);
-  uint32_t portal_response;
-  g_variant_get(parameters, "(u@a{sv})", &portal_response, nullptr);
-  if (portal_response) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Camera access denied by the XDG portal.";
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::DENIED);
-    return;
-  }
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Camera access granted by the XDG portal.";
-  GVariantBuilder builder;
-  g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
-  g_dbus_proxy_call(
-      that->proxy_, "OpenPipeWireRemote", g_variant_new("(a{sv})", &builder),
-      G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /*timeout_msec=*/-1, that->cancellable_,
-      reinterpret_cast<GAsyncReadyCallback>(OnOpenResponse), that);
-void PipeWireSession::OnOpenResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
-                                     GAsyncResult* result,
-                                     gpointer user_data) {
-  PipeWireSession* that = static_cast<PipeWireSession*>(user_data);
-  RTC_DCHECK(that);
-  Scoped<GError> error;
-  Scoped<GUnixFDList> outlist;
-  Scoped<GVariant> variant(g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_finish(
-      proxy, outlist.receive(), result, error.receive()));
-  if (!variant) {
-    if (g_error_matches(error.get(), G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
-      return;
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to open PipeWire remote:" << error->message;
-    if (that->access_request_signal_id_) {
-      g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(that->connection_,
-                                           that->access_request_signal_id_);
-      that->access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
-    }
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
-    return;
-  }
-  int32_t index;
-  g_variant_get(variant.get(), "(h)", &index);
-  int fd = g_unix_fd_list_get(outlist.get(), index, error.receive());
-  if (fd == -1) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to get file descriptor from the list: "
-                      << error->message;
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!InitializePipeWire()) {
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::UNAVAILABLE);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!that->StartPipeWire(fd))
-    that->Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
-void PipeWireSession::StopDBus() {
-  if (access_request_signal_id_) {
-    g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection_,
-                                         access_request_signal_id_);
-    access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
-  }
-  if (cancellable_) {
-    g_cancellable_cancel(cancellable_);
-    g_object_unref(cancellable_);
-    cancellable_ = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (proxy_) {
-    g_object_unref(proxy_);
-    proxy_ = nullptr;
-    connection_ = nullptr;
-  }
+  if (!StartPipeWire(fd))
+    Finish(VideoCaptureOptions::Status::ERROR);
 bool PipeWireSession::StartPipeWire(int fd) {
@@ -523,7 +383,6 @@
 void PipeWireSession::Cleanup() {
-  StopDBus();
 }  // namespace videocapturemodule
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.h b/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.h
index 71cd1fe..54555ed 100644
--- a/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.h
+++ b/modules/video_capture/linux/pipewire_session.h
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
-#include <gio/gio.h>
 #include <pipewire/core.h>
 #include <pipewire/pipewire.h>
@@ -21,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "api/ref_counted_base.h"
 #include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
+#include "modules/video_capture/linux/camera_portal.h"
 #include "modules/video_capture/video_capture.h"
 #include "modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.h"
@@ -66,40 +66,33 @@
   std::vector<VideoCaptureCapability> capabilities_;
+class CameraPortalNotifier : public CameraPortal::PortalNotifier {
+ public:
+  CameraPortalNotifier(PipeWireSession* session);
+  ~CameraPortalNotifier() = default;
+  void OnCameraRequestResult(xdg_portal::RequestResponse result,
+                             int fd) override;
+ private:
+  PipeWireSession* session_;
 class PipeWireSession : public rtc::RefCountedNonVirtual<PipeWireSession> {
-  void Init(VideoCaptureOptions::Callback* callback);
-  void CancelInit();
+  void Init(VideoCaptureOptions::Callback* callback, int fd = -1);
   const std::deque<PipeWireNode>& nodes() const { return nodes_; }
+  friend class CameraPortalNotifier;
   friend class PipeWireNode;
   friend class VideoCaptureModulePipeWire;
-  static void OnProxyRequested(GObject* object,
-                               GAsyncResult* result,
-                               gpointer user_data);
-  void ProxyRequested(GDBusProxy* proxy);
-  static void OnAccessResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
-                               GAsyncResult* result,
-                               gpointer user_data);
-  static void OnResponseSignalEmitted(GDBusConnection* connection,
-                                      const char* sender_name,
-                                      const char* object_path,
-                                      const char* interface_name,
-                                      const char* signal_name,
-                                      GVariant* parameters,
-                                      gpointer user_data);
-  static void OnOpenResponse(GDBusProxy* proxy,
-                             GAsyncResult* result,
-                             gpointer user_data);
-  void StopDBus();
+  void InitPipeWire(int fd);
   bool StartPipeWire(int fd);
   void StopPipeWire();
   void PipeWireSync();
@@ -124,11 +117,6 @@
   VideoCaptureOptions::Callback* callback_ = nullptr;
-  GDBusConnection* connection_ = nullptr;
-  GDBusProxy* proxy_ = nullptr;
-  GCancellable* cancellable_ = nullptr;
-  guint access_request_signal_id_ = 0;
   VideoCaptureOptions::Status status_;
   struct pw_thread_loop* pw_main_loop_ = nullptr;
@@ -142,6 +130,8 @@
   int sync_seq_ = 0;
   std::deque<PipeWireNode> nodes_;
+  std::unique_ptr<CameraPortal> portal_;
+  std::unique_ptr<CameraPortalNotifier> portal_notifier_;
 }  // namespace videocapturemodule
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.cc b/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.cc
index 444c23f..203d0a6 100644
--- a/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.cc
+++ b/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.cc
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   if (allow_pipewire_) {
     pipewire_session_ =
-    pipewire_session_->Init(callback);
+    pipewire_session_->Init(callback, pipewire_fd_);
diff --git a/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.h b/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.h
index f35c614..c90e035 100644
--- a/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.h
+++ b/modules/video_capture/video_capture_options.h
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
-// An object that stores initialization parameters for screen and window
-// capturers.
+// An object that stores initialization parameters for video capturers
 class RTC_EXPORT VideoCaptureOptions {
@@ -60,6 +59,7 @@
   bool allow_pipewire() const { return allow_pipewire_; }
   void set_allow_pipewire(bool allow) { allow_pipewire_ = allow; }
+  void set_pipewire_fd(int fd) { pipewire_fd_ = fd; }
   rtc::scoped_refptr<videocapturemodule::PipeWireSession> pipewire_session();
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
   bool allow_pipewire_ = false;
+  int pipewire_fd_ = -1;
   rtc::scoped_refptr<videocapturemodule::PipeWireSession> pipewire_session_;