blob: 4e28cec0188e56bf13eaecd11f36dd4ba35ec904 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/api/videosource.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/api/mediaconstraintsinterface.h"
#include "webrtc/base/arraysize.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/channelmanager.h"
using cricket::CaptureState;
using webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface;
using webrtc::MediaSourceInterface;
namespace {
const double kRoundingTruncation = 0.0005;
enum {
// Default resolution. If no constraint is specified, this is the resolution we
// will use.
static const cricket::VideoFormatPod kDefaultFormat =
{640, 480, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY};
// List of formats used if the camera doesn't support capability enumeration.
static const cricket::VideoFormatPod kVideoFormats[] = {
{1920, 1080, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{1280, 720, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{960, 720, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{640, 360, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{640, 480, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{320, 240, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY},
{320, 180, FPS_TO_INTERVAL(30), cricket::FOURCC_ANY}
GetReadyState(cricket::CaptureState state) {
switch (state) {
case cricket::CS_STARTING:
return MediaSourceInterface::kInitializing;
case cricket::CS_RUNNING:
return MediaSourceInterface::kLive;
case cricket::CS_FAILED:
case cricket::CS_STOPPED:
return MediaSourceInterface::kEnded;
case cricket::CS_PAUSED:
return MediaSourceInterface::kMuted;
ASSERT(false && "GetReadyState unknown state");
return MediaSourceInterface::kEnded;
void SetUpperLimit(int new_limit, int* original_limit) {
if (*original_limit < 0 || new_limit < *original_limit)
*original_limit = new_limit;
// Updates |format_upper_limit| from |constraint|.
// If constraint.maxFoo is smaller than,
// set to constraint.maxFoo.
void SetUpperLimitFromConstraint(
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraint& constraint,
cricket::VideoFormat* format_upper_limit) {
if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxWidth) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
SetUpperLimit(value, &(format_upper_limit->width));
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxHeight) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
SetUpperLimit(value, &(format_upper_limit->height));
// Fills |format_out| with the max width and height allowed by |constraints|.
void FromConstraintsForScreencast(
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints& constraints,
cricket::VideoFormat* format_out) {
typedef MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints::const_iterator
cricket::VideoFormat upper_limit(-1, -1, 0, 0);
for (ConstraintsIterator constraints_it = constraints.begin();
constraints_it != constraints.end(); ++constraints_it)
SetUpperLimitFromConstraint(*constraints_it, &upper_limit);
if (upper_limit.width >= 0)
format_out->width = upper_limit.width;
if (upper_limit.height >= 0)
format_out->height = upper_limit.height;
// Returns true if |constraint| is fulfilled. |format_out| can differ from
// |format_in| if the format is changed by the constraint. Ie - the frame rate
// can be changed by setting maxFrameRate.
bool NewFormatWithConstraints(
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraint& constraint,
const cricket::VideoFormat& format_in,
bool mandatory,
cricket::VideoFormat* format_out) {
ASSERT(format_out != NULL);
*format_out = format_in;
if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMinWidth) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
return (value <= format_in.width);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxWidth) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
return (value >= format_in.width);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMinHeight) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
return (value <= format_in.height);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxHeight) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
return (value >= format_in.height);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMinFrameRate) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
return (value <= cricket::VideoFormat::IntervalToFps(format_in.interval));
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxFrameRate) {
int value = rtc::FromString<int>(constraint.value);
if (value == 0) {
if (mandatory) {
// TODO(ronghuawu): Convert the constraint value to float when sub-1fps
// is supported by the capturer.
return false;
} else {
value = 1;
if (value <= cricket::VideoFormat::IntervalToFps(format_in.interval))
format_out->interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(value);
return true;
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMinAspectRatio) {
double value = rtc::FromString<double>(constraint.value);
// The aspect ratio in |constraint.value| has been converted to a string and
// back to a double, so it may have a rounding error.
// E.g if the value 1/3 is converted to a string, the string will not have
// infinite length.
// We add a margin of 0.0005 which is high enough to detect the same aspect
// ratio but small enough to avoid matching wrong aspect ratios.
double ratio = static_cast<double>(format_in.width) / format_in.height;
return (value <= ratio + kRoundingTruncation);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kMaxAspectRatio) {
double value = rtc::FromString<double>(constraint.value);
double ratio = static_cast<double>(format_in.width) / format_in.height;
// Subtract 0.0005 to avoid rounding problems. Same as above.
const double kRoundingTruncation = 0.0005;
return (value >= ratio - kRoundingTruncation);
} else if (constraint.key == MediaConstraintsInterface::kNoiseReduction) {
// These are actually options, not constraints, so they can be satisfied
// regardless of the format.
return true;
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Found unknown MediaStream constraint. Name:"
<< constraint.key << " Value:" << constraint.value;
return false;
// Removes cricket::VideoFormats from |formats| that don't meet |constraint|.
void FilterFormatsByConstraint(
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraint& constraint,
bool mandatory,
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>* formats) {
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>::iterator format_it =
while (format_it != formats->end()) {
// Modify the format_it to fulfill the constraint if possible.
// Delete it otherwise.
if (!NewFormatWithConstraints(constraint, (*format_it),
mandatory, &(*format_it))) {
format_it = formats->erase(format_it);
} else {
// Returns a vector of cricket::VideoFormat that best match |constraints|.
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat> FilterFormats(
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints& mandatory,
const MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints& optional,
const std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>& supported_formats) {
typedef MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints::const_iterator
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat> candidates = supported_formats;
for (ConstraintsIterator constraints_it = mandatory.begin();
constraints_it != mandatory.end(); ++constraints_it)
FilterFormatsByConstraint(*constraints_it, true, &candidates);
if (candidates.size() == 0)
return candidates;
// Ok - all mandatory checked and we still have a candidate.
// Let's try filtering using the optional constraints.
for (ConstraintsIterator constraints_it = optional.begin();
constraints_it != optional.end(); ++constraints_it) {
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat> current_candidates = candidates;
FilterFormatsByConstraint(*constraints_it, false, &current_candidates);
if (current_candidates.size() > 0) {
candidates = current_candidates;
// We have done as good as we can to filter the supported resolutions.
return candidates;
// Find the format that best matches the default video size.
// Constraints are optional and since the performance of a video call
// might be bad due to bitrate limitations, CPU, and camera performance,
// it is better to select a resolution that is as close as possible to our
// default and still meets the contraints.
const cricket::VideoFormat& GetBestCaptureFormat(
const std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>& formats) {
ASSERT(formats.size() > 0);
int default_area = kDefaultFormat.width * kDefaultFormat.height;
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>::const_iterator it = formats.begin();
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>::const_iterator best_it = formats.begin();
int best_diff_area = std::abs(default_area - it->width * it->height);
int64_t best_diff_interval = kDefaultFormat.interval;
for (; it != formats.end(); ++it) {
int diff_area = std::abs(default_area - it->width * it->height);
int64_t diff_interval = std::abs(kDefaultFormat.interval - it->interval);
if (diff_area < best_diff_area ||
(diff_area == best_diff_area && diff_interval < best_diff_interval)) {
best_diff_area = diff_area;
best_diff_interval = diff_interval;
best_it = it;
return *best_it;
// Set |option| to the highest-priority value of |key| in the constraints.
// Return false if the key is mandatory, and the value is invalid.
bool ExtractOption(const MediaConstraintsInterface* all_constraints,
const std::string& key,
rtc::Optional<bool>* option) {
size_t mandatory = 0;
bool value;
if (FindConstraint(all_constraints, key, &value, &mandatory)) {
*option = rtc::Optional<bool>(value);
return true;
return mandatory == 0;
// Search |all_constraints| for known video options. Apply all options that are
// found with valid values, and return false if any mandatory video option was
// found with an invalid value.
bool ExtractVideoOptions(const MediaConstraintsInterface* all_constraints,
cricket::VideoOptions* options) {
bool all_valid = true;
all_valid &= ExtractOption(all_constraints,
return all_valid;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace webrtc {
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoSource> VideoSource::Create(
cricket::ChannelManager* channel_manager,
cricket::VideoCapturer* capturer,
const webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
bool remote) {
ASSERT(channel_manager != NULL);
ASSERT(capturer != NULL);
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoSource> source(new rtc::RefCountedObject<VideoSource>(
channel_manager, capturer, remote));
return source;
VideoSource::VideoSource(cricket::ChannelManager* channel_manager,
cricket::VideoCapturer* capturer,
bool remote)
: channel_manager_(channel_manager),
remote_(remote) {
this, &VideoSource::OnStateChange);
VideoSource::~VideoSource() {
channel_manager_->StopVideoCapture(video_capturer_.get(), format_);
void VideoSource::Initialize(
const webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints) {
std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat> formats =
if (formats.empty()) {
if (video_capturer_->IsScreencast()) {
// The screen capturer can accept any resolution and we will derive the
// format from the constraints if any.
// Note that this only affects tab capturing, not desktop capturing,
// since the desktop capturer does not respect the VideoFormat passed in.
} else {
// The VideoCapturer implementation doesn't support capability
// enumeration. We need to guess what the camera supports.
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kVideoFormats); ++i) {
if (constraints) {
MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints mandatory_constraints =
MediaConstraintsInterface::Constraints optional_constraints;
optional_constraints = constraints->GetOptional();
if (video_capturer_->IsScreencast()) {
// Use the maxWidth and maxHeight allowed by constraints for screencast.
FromConstraintsForScreencast(mandatory_constraints, &(formats[0]));
formats = FilterFormats(mandatory_constraints, optional_constraints,
if (formats.size() == 0) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to find a suitable video format.";
cricket::VideoOptions options;
if (!ExtractVideoOptions(constraints, &options)) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not satisfy mandatory options.";
options_.is_screencast = rtc::Optional<bool>(video_capturer_->IsScreencast());
format_ = GetBestCaptureFormat(formats);
// Start the camera with our best guess.
// TODO(perkj): Should we try again with another format it it turns out that
// the camera doesn't produce frames with the correct format? Or will
// cricket::VideCapturer be able to re-scale / crop to the requested
// resolution?
if (!channel_manager_->StartVideoCapture(video_capturer_.get(), format_)) {
// Initialize hasn't succeeded until a successful state change has occurred.
void VideoSource::Stop() {
channel_manager_->StopVideoCapture(video_capturer_.get(), format_);
void VideoSource::Restart() {
if (!channel_manager_->StartVideoCapture(video_capturer_.get(), format_)) {
for (auto* sink : sinks_) {
channel_manager_->AddVideoSink(video_capturer_.get(), sink);
void VideoSource::AddSink(
rtc::VideoSinkInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* output) {
channel_manager_->AddVideoSink(video_capturer_.get(), output);
void VideoSource::RemoveSink(
rtc::VideoSinkInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* output) {
channel_manager_->RemoveVideoSink(video_capturer_.get(), output);
// OnStateChange listens to the ChannelManager::SignalVideoCaptureStateChange.
// This signal is triggered for all video capturers. Not only the one we are
// interested in.
void VideoSource::OnStateChange(cricket::VideoCapturer* capturer,
cricket::CaptureState capture_state) {
if (capturer == video_capturer_.get()) {
void VideoSource::SetState(SourceState new_state) {
// TODO(hbos): Temporarily disabled VERIFY due to webrtc:4776.
// if (VERIFY(state_ != new_state)) {
if (state_ != new_state) {
state_ = new_state;
} // namespace webrtc