blob: fc3018f9967d4c979e9665ce62b2230ba7df2b58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/packet.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/bitrate_controller/include/bitrate_controller.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_framework.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
namespace bwe {
// Overload map comparator.
class SequenceNumberOlderThan {
bool operator()(uint16_t seq_num_1, uint16_t seq_num_2) const {
return IsNewerSequenceNumber(seq_num_2, seq_num_1);
// Holds information for computing global packet loss.
struct LossAccount {
LossAccount() : num_total(0), num_lost(0) {}
LossAccount(size_t num_total, size_t num_lost)
: num_total(num_total), num_lost(num_lost) {}
void Add(LossAccount rhs);
void Subtract(LossAccount rhs);
float LossRatio();
size_t num_total;
size_t num_lost;
// Holds only essential information about packets to be saved for
// further use, e.g. for calculating packet loss and receiving rate.
struct PacketIdentifierNode {
PacketIdentifierNode(uint16_t sequence_number,
int64_t send_time_ms,
int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t payload_size)
: sequence_number(sequence_number),
payload_size(payload_size) {}
uint16_t sequence_number;
int64_t send_time_ms;
int64_t arrival_time_ms;
size_t payload_size;
typedef std::list<PacketIdentifierNode*>::iterator PacketNodeIt;
// FIFO implementation for a limited capacity set.
// Used for keeping the latest arrived packets while avoiding duplicates.
// Allows efficient insertion, deletion and search.
class LinkedSet {
explicit LinkedSet(int capacity) : capacity_(capacity) {}
// If the arriving packet (identified by its sequence number) is already
// in the LinkedSet, move its Node to the head of the list. Else, create
// a PacketIdentifierNode n_ and then UpdateHead(n_), calling RemoveTail()
// if the LinkedSet reached its maximum capacity.
void Insert(uint16_t sequence_number,
int64_t send_time_ms,
int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t payload_size);
void Insert(PacketIdentifierNode packet_identifier);
PacketNodeIt begin() { return list_.begin(); }
PacketNodeIt end() { return list_.end(); }
bool empty() const { return list_.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return list_.size(); }
size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
uint16_t OldestSeqNumber() const { return empty() ? 0 : map_.begin()->first; }
uint16_t NewestSeqNumber() const {
return empty() ? 0 : map_.rbegin()->first;
void Erase(PacketNodeIt node_it);
// Pop oldest element from the back of the list and remove it from the map.
void RemoveTail();
// Add new element to the front of the list and insert it in the map.
void UpdateHead(PacketIdentifierNode* new_head);
size_t capacity_;
std::map<uint16_t, PacketNodeIt, SequenceNumberOlderThan> map_;
std::list<PacketIdentifierNode*> list_;
const int kMinBitrateKbps = 50;
const int kMaxBitrateKbps = 2500;
class BweSender : public Module {
BweSender() {}
explicit BweSender(int bitrate_kbps) : bitrate_kbps_(bitrate_kbps) {}
virtual ~BweSender() {}
virtual int GetFeedbackIntervalMs() const = 0;
virtual void GiveFeedback(const FeedbackPacket& feedback) = 0;
virtual void OnPacketsSent(const Packets& packets) = 0;
int bitrate_kbps_;
class BweReceiver {
explicit BweReceiver(int flow_id);
BweReceiver(int flow_id, int64_t window_size_ms);
virtual ~BweReceiver() {}
virtual void ReceivePacket(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
const MediaPacket& media_packet);
virtual FeedbackPacket* GetFeedback(int64_t now_ms) { return NULL; }
size_t GetSetCapacity() { return received_packets_.capacity(); }
double BitrateWindowS() const { return rate_counter_.BitrateWindowS(); }
uint32_t RecentKbps() const; // Receiving Rate.
// Computes packet loss during an entire simulation, up to 4 billion packets.
float GlobalReceiverPacketLossRatio(); // Plot histogram.
float RecentPacketLossRatio(); // Plot dynamics.
static const int64_t kPacketLossTimeWindowMs = 500;
static const int64_t kReceivingRateTimeWindowMs = 1000;
int flow_id_;
// Deals with packets sent more than once.
LinkedSet received_packets_;
// Used for calculating recent receiving rate.
RateCounter rate_counter_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BweReceiverTest, RecentKbps);
void UpdateLoss();
void RelieveSetAndUpdateLoss();
// Packet loss for packets stored in the LinkedSet, up to 1000 packets.
// Used to update global loss account whenever the set is filled and cleared.
LossAccount LinkedSetPacketLossRatio();
// Used for calculating global packet loss ratio.
LossAccount loss_account_;
enum BandwidthEstimatorType {
const std::string bwe_names[] = {"Null", "NADA", "REMB", "GCC", "TCP"};
int64_t GetAbsSendTimeInMs(uint32_t abs_send_time);
BweSender* CreateBweSender(BandwidthEstimatorType estimator,
int kbps,
BitrateObserver* observer,
Clock* clock);
BweReceiver* CreateBweReceiver(BandwidthEstimatorType type,
int flow_id,
bool plot);
} // namespace bwe
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc