Change kDefaultMaximumPreStreamDecoders to 1

The experiment WebRTC-PreStreamDecoders (aka Lazy decoder creation) has
investigated the benefit of only creating a subset of all decoders
during negotiation and the remaining decoders on demand.

This CL changes the default value to only create one decoder during
negotiation. This frees up hardware resources and reduces the SDP
negotiation time.

Bug: chromium:1202042
Change-Id: I6e2206839162aa857fcc948ccd53d0ff91cbdeaf
Reviewed-by: Ilya Nikolaevskiy <>
Commit-Queue: Johannes Kron <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#34959}
diff --git a/video/ b/video/
index 725a9bb..0776a40 100644
--- a/video/
+++ b/video/
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@
 constexpr int kMaxWaitForFrameMs = 3000;
-constexpr int kDefaultMaximumPreStreamDecoders = 100;
+// Create a decoder for the preferred codec before the stream starts and any
+// other decoder lazily on demand.
+constexpr int kDefaultMaximumPreStreamDecoders = 1;
 // Concrete instance of RecordableEncodedFrame wrapping needed content
 // from EncodedFrame.