blob: 963b60639aa40ab4a64f28847319b35d9d5c9177 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_framework.h"
#include "webrtc/test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
namespace bwe {
class BweReceiver;
class PacketReceiver;
class PacketSender;
class PacketProcessorRunner {
explicit PacketProcessorRunner(PacketProcessor* processor);
bool RunsProcessor(const PacketProcessor* processor) const;
void RunFor(int64_t time_ms, int64_t time_now_ms, Packets* in_out);
void FindPacketsToProcess(const FlowIds& flow_ids, Packets* in, Packets* out);
void QueuePackets(Packets* batch, int64_t end_of_batch_time_us);
PacketProcessor* processor_;
Packets queue_;
class Link : public PacketProcessorListener {
virtual ~Link() {}
virtual void AddPacketProcessor(PacketProcessor* processor,
ProcessorType type);
virtual void RemovePacketProcessor(PacketProcessor* processor);
void Run(int64_t run_for_ms, int64_t now_ms, Packets* packets);
const std::vector<PacketSender*>& senders() { return senders_; }
const std::vector<PacketProcessorRunner>& processors() { return processors_; }
std::vector<PacketSender*> senders_;
std::vector<PacketReceiver*> receivers_;
std::vector<PacketProcessorRunner> processors_;
class BweTest {
explicit BweTest(bool plot_capacity);
void RunChoke(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type,
std::vector<int> capacities_kbps);
void RunVariableCapacity1SingleFlow(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunVariableCapacity2MultipleFlows(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type,
size_t num_flows);
void RunBidirectionalFlow(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunSelfFairness(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunRoundTripTimeFairness(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunLongTcpFairness(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunMultipleShortTcpFairness(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type,
std::vector<int> tcp_file_sizes_bytes,
std::vector<int64_t> tcp_starting_times_ms);
void RunPauseResumeFlows(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type);
void RunFairnessTest(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type,
size_t num_media_flows,
size_t num_tcp_flows,
int64_t run_time_seconds,
uint32_t capacity_kbps,
int64_t max_delay_ms,
int64_t rtt_ms,
int64_t max_jitter_ms,
const int64_t* offsets_ms);
void RunFairnessTest(BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type,
size_t num_media_flows,
size_t num_tcp_flows,
int64_t run_time_seconds,
uint32_t capacity_kbps,
int64_t max_delay_ms,
int64_t rtt_ms,
int64_t max_jitter_ms,
const int64_t* offsets_ms,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& flow_name);
static std::vector<int> GetFileSizesBytes(int num_files);
static std::vector<int64_t> GetStartingTimesMs(int num_files);
void SetUp();
void VerboseLogging(bool enable);
void RunFor(int64_t time_ms);
std::string GetTestName() const;
void PrintResults(double max_throughput_kbps,
Stats<double> throughput_kbps,
int flow_id,
Stats<double> flow_delay_ms,
Stats<double> flow_throughput_kbps);
void PrintResults(double max_throughput_kbps,
Stats<double> throughput_kbps,
std::map<int, Stats<double>> flow_delay_ms,
std::map<int, Stats<double>> flow_throughput_kbps);
Link downlink_;
Link uplink_;
void FindPacketsToProcess(const FlowIds& flow_ids, Packets* in,
Packets* out);
void GiveFeedbackToAffectedSenders(PacketReceiver* receiver);
int64_t run_time_ms_;
int64_t time_now_ms_;
int64_t simulation_interval_ms_;
std::vector<Link*> links_;
Packets packets_;
bool plot_total_available_capacity_;
// Default Evaluation parameters:
// Link capacity: 4000ms;
// Queueing delay capacity: 300ms.
// One-Way propagation delay: 50ms.
// Jitter model: Truncated gaussian.
// Maximum end-to-end jitter: 30ms = 2*standard_deviation.
// Bottleneck queue type: Drop tail.
// Path loss ratio: 0%.
const int kOneWayDelayMs = 50;
const int kMaxQueueingDelayMs = 300;
const int kMaxCapacityKbps = 4000;
const int kMaxJitterMs = 15;
struct DefaultEvaluationFilter {
DefaultEvaluationFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener, int flow_id)
: choke(listener, flow_id),
delay(listener, flow_id),
jitter(listener, flow_id) {
DefaultEvaluationFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
const FlowIds& flow_ids)
: choke(listener, flow_ids),
delay(listener, flow_ids),
jitter(listener, flow_ids) {
void SetDefaultParameters() {
ChokeFilter choke;
DelayFilter delay;
JitterFilter jitter;
} // namespace bwe
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc