blob: dad718cd0f3f7c4c381886c30c935cd1191e7051 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* This file defines the interface for doing temporal layers with VP8.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "typedefs.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg;
typedef struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t;
namespace webrtc {
struct CodecSpecificInfoVP8;
class TemporalLayers {
enum BufferFlags {
kNone = 0,
kReference = 1,
kUpdate = 2,
kReferenceAndUpdate = kReference | kUpdate,
enum FreezeEntropy { kFreezeEntropy };
struct FrameConfig {
FrameConfig(BufferFlags last, BufferFlags golden, BufferFlags arf);
FrameConfig(BufferFlags last,
BufferFlags golden,
BufferFlags arf,
bool drop_frame;
BufferFlags last_buffer_flags;
BufferFlags golden_buffer_flags;
BufferFlags arf_buffer_flags;
// The encoder layer ID is used to utilize the correct bitrate allocator
// inside the encoder. It does not control references nor determine which
// "actual" temporal layer this is. The packetizer temporal index determines
// which layer the encoded frame should be packetized into.
// Normally these are the same, but current temporal-layer strategies for
// screenshare use one bitrate allocator for all layers, but attempt to
// packetize / utilize references to split a stream into multiple layers,
// with different quantizer settings, to hit target bitrate.
// TODO(pbos): Screenshare layers are being reconsidered at the time of
// writing, we might be able to remove this distinction, and have a temporal
// layer imply both (the normal case).
int encoder_layer_id;
int packetizer_temporal_idx;
bool layer_sync;
bool freeze_entropy;
bool operator==(const FrameConfig& o) const {
return drop_frame == o.drop_frame &&
last_buffer_flags == o.last_buffer_flags &&
golden_buffer_flags == o.golden_buffer_flags &&
arf_buffer_flags == o.arf_buffer_flags &&
layer_sync == o.layer_sync && freeze_entropy == o.freeze_entropy &&
encoder_layer_id == o.encoder_layer_id &&
packetizer_temporal_idx == o.packetizer_temporal_idx;
bool operator!=(const FrameConfig& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
FrameConfig(BufferFlags last,
BufferFlags golden,
BufferFlags arf,
bool freeze_entropy);
// Factory for TemporalLayer strategy. Default behavior is a fixed pattern
// of temporal layers. See
virtual ~TemporalLayers() {}
// Returns the recommended VP8 encode flags needed. May refresh the decoder
// and/or update the reference buffers.
virtual FrameConfig UpdateLayerConfig(uint32_t timestamp) = 0;
// Update state based on new bitrate target and incoming framerate.
// Returns the bitrate allocation for the active temporal layers.
virtual std::vector<uint32_t> OnRatesUpdated(int bitrate_kbps,
int max_bitrate_kbps,
int framerate) = 0;
// Update the encoder configuration with target bitrates or other parameters.
// Returns true iff the configuration was actually modified.
virtual bool UpdateConfiguration(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t* cfg) = 0;
virtual void PopulateCodecSpecific(
bool is_keyframe,
const TemporalLayers::FrameConfig& tl_config,
CodecSpecificInfoVP8* vp8_info,
uint32_t timestamp) = 0;
virtual void FrameEncoded(unsigned int size, int qp) = 0;
// Returns the current tl0_pic_idx, so it can be reused in future
// instantiations.
virtual uint8_t Tl0PicIdx() const = 0;
class TemporalLayersListener;
class TemporalLayersChecker;
class TemporalLayersFactory {
TemporalLayersFactory() : listener_(nullptr) {}
virtual ~TemporalLayersFactory() {}
virtual TemporalLayers* Create(int simulcast_id,
int temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx) const;
// Creates helper class which performs online checks of a correctness of
// temporal layers dependencies returned by TemporalLayers class created in
// the same factory.
virtual std::unique_ptr<TemporalLayersChecker> CreateChecker(
int simulcast_id,
int temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx) const;
void SetListener(TemporalLayersListener* listener);
TemporalLayersListener* listener_;
class ScreenshareTemporalLayersFactory : public webrtc::TemporalLayersFactory {
ScreenshareTemporalLayersFactory() {}
virtual ~ScreenshareTemporalLayersFactory() {}
webrtc::TemporalLayers* Create(int simulcast_id,
int num_temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx) const override;
// Creates helper class which performs online checks of a correctness of
// temporal layers dependencies returned by TemporalLayers class created in
// the same factory.
std::unique_ptr<webrtc::TemporalLayersChecker> CreateChecker(
int simulcast_id,
int temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx) const override;
class TemporalLayersListener {
TemporalLayersListener() {}
virtual ~TemporalLayersListener() {}
virtual void OnTemporalLayersCreated(int simulcast_id,
TemporalLayers* layers) = 0;
// Used only inside RTC_DCHECK(). It checks correctness of temporal layers
// dependencies and sync bits. The only method of this class is called after
// each UpdateLayersConfig() of a corresponding TemporalLayers class.
class TemporalLayersChecker {
TemporalLayersChecker(int num_temporal_layers, uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx);
virtual ~TemporalLayersChecker() {}
virtual bool CheckTemporalConfig(
bool frame_is_keyframe,
const TemporalLayers::FrameConfig& frame_config);
struct BufferState {
BufferState() : is_keyframe(true), temporal_layer(0), sequence_number(0) {}
bool is_keyframe;
uint8_t temporal_layer;
uint32_t sequence_number;
bool CheckAndUpdateBufferState(BufferState* state,
bool* need_sync,
bool frame_is_keyframe,
uint8_t temporal_layer,
webrtc::TemporalLayers::BufferFlags flags,
uint32_t sequence_number,
uint32_t* lowest_sequence_referenced);
BufferState last_;
BufferState arf_;
BufferState golden_;
int num_temporal_layers_;
uint32_t sequence_number_;
uint32_t last_sync_sequence_number_;
uint32_t last_tl0_sequence_number_;
} // namespace webrtc