blob: 75f1265e1f41d3f7bb84b8a803191e42e14f111d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/single_process_encoded_image_data_injector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "api/video/encoded_image.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace webrtc_pc_e2e {
SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector::SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector() =
~SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector() = default;
EncodedImage SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector::InjectData(
uint16_t id,
bool discard,
const EncodedImage& source,
int coding_entity_id) {
RTC_CHECK(source.size() >= ExtractionInfo::kUsedBufferSize);
ExtractionInfo info;
info.discard = discard;
size_t insertion_pos = source.size() - ExtractionInfo::kUsedBufferSize;
memcpy(info.origin_data, &[insertion_pos],
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
// Will create new one if missed.
ExtractionInfoVector& ev = extraction_cache_[id];
info.sub_id = ev.next_sub_id++;
ev.infos[info.sub_id] = info;
EncodedImage out = source;[insertion_pos] = id & 0x00ff;[insertion_pos + 1] = (id & 0xff00) >> 8;[insertion_pos + 2] = info.sub_id;
return out;
EncodedImageExtractionResult SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector::ExtractData(
const EncodedImage& source,
int coding_entity_id) {
EncodedImage out = source;
// Both |source| and |out| image will share the same buffer for payload or
// out will have a copy for it, so we can operate on the |out| buffer only.
uint8_t* buffer =;
size_t size = out.size();
std::vector<size_t> frame_sizes;
std::vector<size_t> frame_sl_index;
size_t max_spatial_index = out.SpatialIndex().value_or(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= max_spatial_index; ++i) {
auto frame_size = source.SpatialLayerFrameSize(i);
if (frame_size.value_or(0)) {
if (frame_sizes.empty()) {
size_t prev_frames_size = 0;
absl::optional<uint16_t> id = absl::nullopt;
bool discard = true;
std::vector<ExtractionInfo> extraction_infos;
for (size_t frame_size : frame_sizes) {
size_t insertion_pos =
prev_frames_size + frame_size - ExtractionInfo::kUsedBufferSize;
// Extract frame id from first 2 bytes starting from insertion pos.
uint16_t next_id = buffer[insertion_pos] + (buffer[insertion_pos + 1] << 8);
// Extract frame sub id from second 3 byte starting from insertion pos.
uint8_t sub_id = buffer[insertion_pos + 2];
RTC_CHECK(!id || *id == next_id)
<< "Different frames encoded into single encoded image: " << *id
<< " vs " << next_id;
id = next_id;
ExtractionInfo info;
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
auto ext_vector_it = extraction_cache_.find(next_id);
// TODO(titovartem) add support for receiving single frame multiple times
// when in simulcast key frame for another spatial stream can be received.
RTC_CHECK(ext_vector_it != extraction_cache_.end())
<< "Unknown frame_id=" << next_id;
auto info_it = ext_vector_it->second.infos.find(sub_id);
RTC_CHECK(info_it != ext_vector_it->second.infos.end())
<< "Unknown sub_id=" << sub_id << " for frame_id=" << next_id;
info = info_it->second;
// We need to discard encoded image only if all concatenated encoded images
// have to be discarded.
discard = discard && info.discard;
prev_frames_size += frame_size;
if (discard) {
for (size_t i = 0; i <= max_spatial_index; ++i) {
out.SetSpatialLayerFrameSize(i, 0);
return EncodedImageExtractionResult{*id, out, true};
// Make a pass from begin to end to restore origin payload and erase discarded
// encoded images.
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t frame_index = 0; frame_index < frame_sizes.size();
++frame_index) {
RTC_CHECK(pos < size);
const size_t frame_size = frame_sizes[frame_index];
const ExtractionInfo& info = extraction_infos[frame_index];
if (info.discard) {
// If this encoded image is marked to be discarded - erase it's payload
// from the buffer.
memmove(&buffer[pos], &buffer[pos + frame_size], size - pos - frame_size);
RTC_CHECK_LT(frame_index, frame_sl_index.size())
<< "codec doesn't support discard option or the image, that was "
"supposed to be discarded, is lost";
out.SetSpatialLayerFrameSize(frame_sl_index[frame_index], 0);
size -= frame_size;
} else {
memcpy(&buffer[pos + frame_size - ExtractionInfo::kUsedBufferSize],
info.origin_data, ExtractionInfo::kUsedBufferSize);
pos += frame_size;
return EncodedImageExtractionResult{*id, out, discard};
ExtractionInfoVector() = default;
~ExtractionInfoVector() = default;
} // namespace webrtc_pc_e2e
} // namespace webrtc