blob: cc9820393ca7691b3ec25bb4b58f452537c17928 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string.h> // Provide access to size_t.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/neteq/tick_timer.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/histogram.h"
#include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h"
namespace webrtc {
class DelayManager {
DelayManager(int max_packets_in_buffer,
int base_minimum_delay_ms,
int histogram_quantile,
absl::optional<int> resample_interval_ms,
int max_history_ms,
const TickTimer* tick_timer,
std::unique_ptr<Histogram> histogram);
// Create a DelayManager object. Notify the delay manager that the packet
// buffer can hold no more than `max_packets_in_buffer` packets (i.e., this
// is the number of packet slots in the buffer) and that the target delay
// should be greater than or equal to `base_minimum_delay_ms`. Supply a
// PeakDetector object to the DelayManager.
static std::unique_ptr<DelayManager> Create(int max_packets_in_buffer,
int base_minimum_delay_ms,
const TickTimer* tick_timer);
virtual ~DelayManager();
// Updates the delay manager with a new incoming packet, with `timestamp` from
// the RTP header. This updates the statistics and a new target buffer level
// is calculated. Returns the relative delay if it can be calculated. If
// `reset` is true, restarts the relative arrival delay calculation from this
// packet.
virtual absl::optional<int> Update(uint32_t timestamp,
int sample_rate_hz,
bool reset = false);
// Resets all state.
virtual void Reset();
// Gets the target buffer level in milliseconds.
virtual int TargetDelayMs() const;
// Notifies the DelayManager of how much audio data is carried in each packet.
virtual int SetPacketAudioLength(int length_ms);
// Accessors and mutators.
// Assuming `delay` is in valid range.
virtual bool SetMinimumDelay(int delay_ms);
virtual bool SetMaximumDelay(int delay_ms);
virtual bool SetBaseMinimumDelay(int delay_ms);
virtual int GetBaseMinimumDelay() const;
// These accessors are only intended for testing purposes.
int effective_minimum_delay_ms_for_test() const {
return effective_minimum_delay_ms_;
int histogram_quantile() const { return histogram_quantile_; }
Histogram* histogram() const { return histogram_.get(); }
// Provides value which minimum delay can't exceed based on current buffer
// size and given `maximum_delay_ms_`. Lower bound is a constant 0.
int MinimumDelayUpperBound() const;
// Updates `delay_history_`.
void UpdateDelayHistory(int iat_delay_ms,
uint32_t timestamp,
int sample_rate_hz);
// Calculate relative packet arrival delay from `delay_history_`.
int CalculateRelativePacketArrivalDelay() const;
// Updates `effective_minimum_delay_ms_` delay based on current
// `minimum_delay_ms_`, `base_minimum_delay_ms_` and `maximum_delay_ms_`
// and buffer size.
void UpdateEffectiveMinimumDelay();
// Makes sure that `delay_ms` is less than maximum delay, if any maximum
// is set. Also, if possible check `delay_ms` to be less than 75% of
// `max_packets_in_buffer_`.
bool IsValidMinimumDelay(int delay_ms) const;
bool IsValidBaseMinimumDelay(int delay_ms) const;
// TODO(jakobi): set maximum buffer delay instead of number of packets.
const int max_packets_in_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<Histogram> histogram_;
const int histogram_quantile_;
const TickTimer* tick_timer_;
const absl::optional<int> resample_interval_ms_;
const int max_history_ms_;
int base_minimum_delay_ms_;
int effective_minimum_delay_ms_; // Used as lower bound for target delay.
int minimum_delay_ms_; // Externally set minimum delay.
int maximum_delay_ms_; // Externally set maximum allowed delay.
int packet_len_ms_ = 0;
packet_iat_stopwatch_; // Time elapsed since last packet.
int target_level_ms_; // Currently preferred buffer level.
last_timestamp_; // Timestamp for the last received packet.
int max_delay_in_interval_ms_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<TickTimer::Stopwatch> resample_stopwatch_;
struct PacketDelay {
int iat_delay_ms;
uint32_t timestamp;
std::deque<PacketDelay> delay_history_;
} // namespace webrtc