blob: 0f84e246fdf9e2e2ef73fe86f6dd342a9650b665 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
rtc_library("aec3") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
configs += [ "..:apm_debug_dump" ]
sources = [
defines = []
if (rtc_build_with_neon && current_cpu != "arm64") {
suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:compiler_arm_fpu" ]
cflags = [ "-mfpu=neon" ]
deps = [
if (current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64") {
deps += [ ":aec3_avx2" ]
rtc_source_set("aec3_common") {
sources = [ "aec3_common.h" ]
rtc_source_set("aec3_fft") {
sources = [ "aec3_fft.h" ]
deps = [
rtc_source_set("render_buffer") {
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_source_set("adaptive_fir_filter") {
sources = [ "adaptive_fir_filter.h" ]
deps = [
rtc_source_set("adaptive_fir_filter_erl") {
sources = [ "adaptive_fir_filter_erl.h" ]
deps = [
rtc_source_set("matched_filter") {
sources = [ "matched_filter.h" ]
deps = [
rtc_source_set("vector_math") {
sources = [ "vector_math.h" ]
deps = [
rtc_source_set("fft_data") {
sources = [ "fft_data.h" ]
deps = [
if (current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64") {
rtc_library("aec3_avx2") {
configs += [ "..:apm_debug_dump" ]
sources = [
if (is_win) {
cflags = [ "/arch:AVX2" ]
} else {
cflags = [
deps = [
if (rtc_include_tests) {
rtc_library("aec3_unittests") {
testonly = true
configs += [ "..:apm_debug_dump" ]
sources = [
deps = [
defines = []
if (rtc_enable_protobuf) {
sources += [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
deps += [ "..:audio_processing_unittests" ]