blob: 3a848f39edb034dda175e6d72eb0f5a9ff381c3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
// TODO(mflodman): Add default complexity for VP9 and VP9.
VideoCodecVP8 VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp8Settings() {
VideoCodecVP8 vp8_settings;
memset(&vp8_settings, 0, sizeof(vp8_settings));
vp8_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers = 1;
vp8_settings.denoisingOn = true;
vp8_settings.automaticResizeOn = false;
vp8_settings.frameDroppingOn = true;
vp8_settings.keyFrameInterval = 3000;
return vp8_settings;
VideoCodecVP9 VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings() {
VideoCodecVP9 vp9_settings;
memset(&vp9_settings, 0, sizeof(vp9_settings));
vp9_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers = 1;
vp9_settings.denoisingOn = true;
vp9_settings.frameDroppingOn = true;
vp9_settings.keyFrameInterval = 3000;
vp9_settings.adaptiveQpMode = true;
vp9_settings.automaticResizeOn = true;
vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers = 1;
vp9_settings.flexibleMode = false;
vp9_settings.interLayerPred = InterLayerPredMode::kOn;
return vp9_settings;
VideoCodecH264 VideoEncoder::GetDefaultH264Settings() {
VideoCodecH264 h264_settings;
memset(&h264_settings, 0, sizeof(h264_settings));
h264_settings.frameDroppingOn = true;
h264_settings.keyFrameInterval = 3000;
h264_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers = 1;
return h264_settings;
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::ScalingSettings() = default;
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::ScalingSettings(KOff) : ScalingSettings() {}
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::ScalingSettings(int low, int high)
: thresholds(QpThresholds(low, high)) {}
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::ScalingSettings(int low,
int high,
int min_pixels)
: thresholds(QpThresholds(low, high)), min_pixels_per_frame(min_pixels) {}
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::ScalingSettings(const ScalingSettings&) =
VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::~ScalingSettings() {}
// static
constexpr VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::KOff
// static
constexpr uint8_t VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo::kMaxFramerateFraction;
: scaling_settings(VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::kOff),
fps_allocation{absl::InlinedVector<uint8_t, kMaxTemporalStreams>(
kMaxFramerateFraction)} {}
VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo::EncoderInfo(const EncoderInfo&) = default;
VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo::~EncoderInfo() = default;
: bitrate(VideoBitrateAllocation()),
bandwidth_allocation(DataRate::Zero()) {}
const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate,
double framerate_fps)
: bitrate(bitrate),
bandwidth_allocation(DataRate::bps(bitrate.get_sum_bps())) {}
const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate,
double framerate_fps,
DataRate bandwidth_allocation)
: bitrate(bitrate),
bandwidth_allocation(bandwidth_allocation) {}
bool VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters::operator==(
const VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters& rhs) const {
return std::tie(bitrate, framerate_fps, bandwidth_allocation) ==
std::tie(rhs.bitrate, rhs.framerate_fps, rhs.bandwidth_allocation);
bool VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters::operator!=(
const VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters& rhs) const {
return !(rhs == *this);
VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters::~RateControlParameters() = default;
void VideoEncoder::SetFecControllerOverride(
FecControllerOverride* fec_controller_override) {}
int32_t VideoEncoder::InitEncode(const VideoCodec* codec_settings,
int32_t number_of_cores,
size_t max_payload_size) {
const VideoEncoder::Capabilities capabilities(/* loss_notification= */ false);
const VideoEncoder::Settings settings(capabilities, number_of_cores,
// In theory, this and the other version of InitEncode() could end up calling
// each other in a loop until we get a stack overflow.
// In practice, any subclass of VideoEncoder would overload at least one
// of these, and we have a TODO in the header file to make this pure virtual.
return InitEncode(codec_settings, settings);
int VideoEncoder::InitEncode(const VideoCodec* codec_settings,
const VideoEncoder::Settings& settings) {
// In theory, this and the other version of InitEncode() could end up calling
// each other in a loop until we get a stack overflow.
// In practice, any subclass of VideoEncoder would overload at least one
// of these, and we have a TODO in the header file to make this pure virtual.
return InitEncode(codec_settings, settings.number_of_cores,
void VideoEncoder::OnPacketLossRateUpdate(float packet_loss_rate) {}
void VideoEncoder::OnRttUpdate(int64_t rtt_ms) {}
void VideoEncoder::OnLossNotification(
const LossNotification& loss_notification) {}
// TODO(webrtc:9722): Remove and make pure virtual.
VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo VideoEncoder::GetEncoderInfo() const {
return EncoderInfo();
} // namespace webrtc