Delete unused class Vp9SsMap

Appears unused since

Bug: webrtc:7408
Change-Id: I13b8c35548314705eaf31ff2366636f358fef718
Reviewed-by: Åsa Persson <>
Commit-Queue: Niels Moller <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#27645}
diff --git a/modules/video_coding/ b/modules/video_coding/
index 933b976..c9314f3 100644
--- a/modules/video_coding/
+++ b/modules/video_coding/
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
 #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
 namespace webrtc {
-// Interval for updating SS data.
-static const uint32_t kSsCleanupIntervalSec = 60;
 // Use this rtt if no value has been reported.
 static const int64_t kDefaultRtt = 200;
@@ -115,104 +112,6 @@
-Vp9SsMap::Vp9SsMap() {}
-Vp9SsMap::~Vp9SsMap() {}
-bool Vp9SsMap::Insert(const VCMPacket& packet) {
-  const auto& vp9_header =
-      absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet.video_header.video_type_header);
-  if (!vp9_header.ss_data_available)
-    return false;
-  ss_map_[packet.timestamp] = vp9_header.gof;
-  return true;
-void Vp9SsMap::Reset() {
-  ss_map_.clear();
-bool Vp9SsMap::Find(uint32_t timestamp, SsMap::iterator* it_out) {
-  bool found = false;
-  for (SsMap::iterator it = ss_map_.begin(); it != ss_map_.end(); ++it) {
-    if (it->first == timestamp || IsNewerTimestamp(timestamp, it->first)) {
-      *it_out = it;
-      found = true;
-    }
-  }
-  return found;
-void Vp9SsMap::RemoveOld(uint32_t timestamp) {
-  if (!TimeForCleanup(timestamp))
-    return;
-  SsMap::iterator it;
-  if (!Find(timestamp, &it))
-    return;
-  ss_map_.erase(ss_map_.begin(), it);
-  AdvanceFront(timestamp);
-bool Vp9SsMap::TimeForCleanup(uint32_t timestamp) const {
-  if (ss_map_.empty() || !IsNewerTimestamp(timestamp, ss_map_.begin()->first))
-    return false;
-  uint32_t diff = timestamp - ss_map_.begin()->first;
-  return diff / kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency >= kSsCleanupIntervalSec;
-void Vp9SsMap::AdvanceFront(uint32_t timestamp) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(!ss_map_.empty());
-  GofInfoVP9 gof = ss_map_.begin()->second;
-  ss_map_.erase(ss_map_.begin());
-  ss_map_[timestamp] = gof;
-// TODO(asapersson): Update according to updates in RTP payload profile.
-bool Vp9SsMap::UpdatePacket(VCMPacket* packet) {
-  auto& vp9_header =
-      absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet->video_header.video_type_header);
-  uint8_t gof_idx = vp9_header.gof_idx;
-  if (gof_idx == kNoGofIdx)
-    return false;  // No update needed.
-  SsMap::iterator it;
-  if (!Find(packet->timestamp, &it))
-    return false;  // Corresponding SS not yet received.
-  if (gof_idx >= it->second.num_frames_in_gof)
-    return false;  // Assume corresponding SS not yet received.
-  vp9_header.temporal_idx = it->second.temporal_idx[gof_idx];
-  vp9_header.temporal_up_switch = it->second.temporal_up_switch[gof_idx];
-  // TODO(asapersson): Set vp9.ref_picture_id[i] and add usage.
-  vp9_header.num_ref_pics = it->second.num_ref_pics[gof_idx];
-  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < it->second.num_ref_pics[gof_idx]; ++i) {
-    vp9_header.pid_diff[i] = it->second.pid_diff[gof_idx][i];
-  }
-  return true;
-void Vp9SsMap::UpdateFrames(FrameList* frames) {
-  for (const auto& frame_it : *frames) {
-    uint8_t gof_idx =
-        frame_it.second->CodecSpecific()->codecSpecific.VP9.gof_idx;
-    if (gof_idx == kNoGofIdx) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    SsMap::iterator ss_it;
-    if (Find(frame_it.second->Timestamp(), &ss_it)) {
-      if (gof_idx >= ss_it->second.num_frames_in_gof) {
-        continue;  // Assume corresponding SS not yet received.
-      }
-      frame_it.second->SetGofInfo(ss_it->second, gof_idx);
-    }
-  }
 VCMJitterBuffer::VCMJitterBuffer(Clock* clock,
                                  std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event)
     : clock_(clock),
diff --git a/modules/video_coding/jitter_buffer.h b/modules/video_coding/jitter_buffer.h
index 0d24776..994c160 100644
--- a/modules/video_coding/jitter_buffer.h
+++ b/modules/video_coding/jitter_buffer.h
@@ -68,40 +68,6 @@
   void Reset(UnorderedFrameList* free_frames);
-class Vp9SsMap {
- public:
-  typedef std::map<uint32_t, GofInfoVP9, TimestampLessThan> SsMap;
-  Vp9SsMap();
-  ~Vp9SsMap();
-  bool Insert(const VCMPacket& packet);
-  void Reset();
-  // Removes SS data that are older than |timestamp|.
-  // The |timestamp| should be an old timestamp, i.e. packets with older
-  // timestamps should no longer be inserted.
-  void RemoveOld(uint32_t timestamp);
-  bool UpdatePacket(VCMPacket* packet);
-  void UpdateFrames(FrameList* frames);
-  // Public for testing.
-  // Returns an iterator to the corresponding SS data for the input |timestamp|.
-  bool Find(uint32_t timestamp, SsMap::iterator* it);
- private:
-  // These two functions are called by RemoveOld.
-  // Checks if it is time to do a clean up (done each kSsCleanupIntervalSec).
-  bool TimeForCleanup(uint32_t timestamp) const;
-  // Advances the oldest SS data to handle timestamp wrap in cases where SS data
-  // are received very seldom (e.g. only once in beginning, second when
-  // IsNewerTimestamp is not true).
-  void AdvanceFront(uint32_t timestamp);
-  SsMap ss_map_;
 class VCMJitterBuffer {
   VCMJitterBuffer(Clock* clock, std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event);
diff --git a/modules/video_coding/ b/modules/video_coding/
index f92c092..221701b 100644
--- a/modules/video_coding/
+++ b/modules/video_coding/
@@ -31,176 +31,6 @@
 namespace webrtc {
-namespace {
-const uint32_t kProcessIntervalSec = 60;
-}  // namespace
-class Vp9SsMapTest : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
-  Vp9SsMapTest() : packet_() {}
-  virtual void SetUp() {
-    auto& vp9_header =
-        packet_.video_header.video_type_header.emplace<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>();
-    packet_.video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
-    packet_.dataPtr = data_;
-    packet_.sizeBytes = 1400;
-    packet_.seqNum = 1234;
-    packet_.timestamp = 1;
-    packet_.markerBit = true;
-    packet_.frameType = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey;
-    packet_.video_header.codec = kVideoCodecVP9;
-    packet_.video_header.codec = kVideoCodecVP9;
-    vp9_header.flexible_mode = false;
-    vp9_header.gof_idx = 0;
-    vp9_header.temporal_idx = kNoTemporalIdx;
-    vp9_header.temporal_up_switch = false;
-    vp9_header.ss_data_available = true;
-    vp9_header.gof.SetGofInfoVP9(
-        kTemporalStructureMode3);  // kTemporalStructureMode3: 0-2-1-2..
-  }
-  Vp9SsMap map_;
-  uint8_t data_[1500];
-  VCMPacket packet_;
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, Insert) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, Insert_NoSsData) {
-  absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet_.video_header.video_type_header)
-      .ss_data_available = false;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, Find) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  Vp9SsMap::SsMap::iterator it;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(packet_.timestamp, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(packet_.timestamp, it->first);
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, Find_WithWrap) {
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp2 = 100;
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp1;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp2;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  Vp9SsMap::SsMap::iterator it;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp1 - 1, &it));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp1, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kSsTimestamp1, it->first);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(0, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kSsTimestamp1, it->first);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp2 - 1, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kSsTimestamp1, it->first);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp2, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kSsTimestamp2, it->first);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp2 + 1, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kSsTimestamp2, it->first);
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, Reset) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  Vp9SsMap::SsMap::iterator it;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(packet_.timestamp, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(packet_.timestamp, it->first);
-  map_.Reset();
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Find(packet_.timestamp, &it));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, RemoveOld) {
-  Vp9SsMap::SsMap::iterator it;
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp1 = 10000;
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp1;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  const uint32_t kTimestamp = kSsTimestamp1 + kProcessIntervalSec * 90000;
-  map_.RemoveOld(kTimestamp - 1);              // Interval not passed.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp1, &it));  // Should not been removed.
-  map_.RemoveOld(kTimestamp);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp1, &it));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kTimestamp, &it));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kTimestamp, it->first);
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, RemoveOld_WithWrap) {
-  Vp9SsMap::SsMap::iterator it;
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp1 = 0xFFFFFFFF - kProcessIntervalSec * 90000;
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp2 = 10;
-  const uint32_t kSsTimestamp3 = 1000;
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp1;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp2;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  packet_.timestamp = kSsTimestamp3;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  map_.RemoveOld(kSsTimestamp3);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp1, &it));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp2, &it));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Find(kSsTimestamp3, &it));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, UpdatePacket_NoSsData) {
-  absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet_.video_header.video_type_header).gof_idx =
-      0;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, UpdatePacket_NoGofIdx) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet_.video_header.video_type_header).gof_idx =
-      kNoGofIdx;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, UpdatePacket_InvalidGofIdx) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));
-  absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet_.video_header.video_type_header).gof_idx =
-      4;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-TEST_F(Vp9SsMapTest, UpdatePacket) {
-  auto& vp9_header =
-      absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(packet_.video_header.video_type_header);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.Insert(packet_));  // kTemporalStructureMode3: 0-2-1-2..
-  vp9_header.gof_idx = 0;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, vp9_header.temporal_idx);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(vp9_header.temporal_up_switch);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, vp9_header.num_ref_pics);
-  EXPECT_EQ(4, vp9_header.pid_diff[0]);
-  vp9_header.gof_idx = 1;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-  EXPECT_EQ(2, vp9_header.temporal_idx);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(vp9_header.temporal_up_switch);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, vp9_header.num_ref_pics);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, vp9_header.pid_diff[0]);
-  vp9_header.gof_idx = 2;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, vp9_header.temporal_idx);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(vp9_header.temporal_up_switch);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, vp9_header.num_ref_pics);
-  EXPECT_EQ(2, vp9_header.pid_diff[0]);
-  vp9_header.gof_idx = 3;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(map_.UpdatePacket(&packet_));
-  EXPECT_EQ(2, vp9_header.temporal_idx);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(vp9_header.temporal_up_switch);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, vp9_header.num_ref_pics);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, vp9_header.pid_diff[0]);
 class TestBasicJitterBuffer : public ::testing::Test {
   TestBasicJitterBuffer() {}