blob: 1b63ef3d294e228d602447120f9a124a3a6f8069 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "api/environment/environment.h"
#include "api/media_stream_interface.h"
#include "api/media_types.h"
#include "api/peer_connection_interface.h"
#include "api/rtc_error.h"
#include "api/rtp_parameters.h"
#include "api/rtp_receiver_interface.h"
#include "api/rtp_sender_interface.h"
#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "api/sequence_checker.h"
#include "media/base/media_channel.h"
#include "pc/legacy_stats_collector_interface.h"
#include "pc/rtp_receiver.h"
#include "pc/rtp_receiver_proxy.h"
#include "pc/rtp_sender.h"
#include "pc/rtp_sender_proxy.h"
#include "pc/rtp_transceiver.h"
#include "pc/transceiver_list.h"
#include "pc/usage_pattern.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "rtc_base/weak_ptr.h"
namespace rtc {
class Thread;
namespace webrtc {
// This class contains information about
// an RTPSender, used for things like looking it up by SSRC.
struct RtpSenderInfo {
RtpSenderInfo() : first_ssrc(0) {}
RtpSenderInfo(const std::string& stream_id,
const std::string& sender_id,
uint32_t ssrc)
: stream_id(stream_id), sender_id(sender_id), first_ssrc(ssrc) {}
bool operator==(const RtpSenderInfo& other) {
return this->stream_id == other.stream_id &&
this->sender_id == other.sender_id &&
this->first_ssrc == other.first_ssrc;
std::string stream_id;
std::string sender_id;
// An RtpSender can have many SSRCs. The first one is used as a sort of ID
// for communicating with the lower layers.
uint32_t first_ssrc;
// The RtpTransmissionManager class is responsible for managing the lifetime
// and relationships between objects of type RtpSender, RtpReceiver and
// RtpTransceiver.
class RtpTransmissionManager : public RtpSenderBase::SetStreamsObserver {
RtpTransmissionManager(const Environment& env,
bool is_unified_plan,
ConnectionContext* context,
UsagePattern* usage_pattern,
PeerConnectionObserver* observer,
LegacyStatsCollectorInterface* legacy_stats,
std::function<void()> on_negotiation_needed);
// No move or copy permitted.
RtpTransmissionManager(const RtpTransmissionManager&) = delete;
RtpTransmissionManager& operator=(const RtpTransmissionManager&) = delete;
// Stop activity. In particular, don't call observer_ any more.
void Close();
// RtpSenderBase::SetStreamsObserver override.
void OnSetStreams() override;
// Add a new track, creating transceiver if required.
RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> AddTrack(
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids,
const std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters>* init_send_encodings);
// Create a new RTP sender. Does not associate with a transceiver.
CreateSender(cricket::MediaType media_type,
const std::string& id,
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids,
const std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters>& send_encodings);
// Create a new RTP receiver. Does not associate with a transceiver.
CreateReceiver(cricket::MediaType media_type, const std::string& receiver_id);
// Create a new RtpTransceiver of the given type and add it to the list of
// registered transceivers.
rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderProxyWithInternal<RtpSenderInternal>> sender,
// Returns the first RtpTransceiver suitable for a newly added track, if such
// transceiver is available.
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters>* init_send_encodings);
// Returns the list of senders currently associated with some
// registered transceiver
GetSendersInternal() const;
// Returns the list of receivers currently associated with a transceiver
GetReceiversInternal() const;
// Plan B: Get the transceiver containing all audio senders and receivers
GetAudioTransceiver() const;
// Plan B: Get the transceiver containing all video senders and receivers
GetVideoTransceiver() const;
// Add an audio track, reusing or creating the sender.
void AddAudioTrack(AudioTrackInterface* track, MediaStreamInterface* stream);
// Plan B: Remove an audio track, removing the sender.
void RemoveAudioTrack(AudioTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
// Add a video track, reusing or creating the sender.
void AddVideoTrack(VideoTrackInterface* track, MediaStreamInterface* stream);
// Plan B: Remove a video track, removing the sender.
void RemoveVideoTrack(VideoTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
// Triggered when a remote sender has been seen for the first time in a remote
// session description. It creates a remote MediaStreamTrackInterface
// implementation and triggers CreateAudioReceiver or CreateVideoReceiver.
void OnRemoteSenderAdded(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
MediaStreamInterface* stream,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a remote sender has been removed from a remote session
// description. It removes the remote sender with id `sender_id` from a remote
// MediaStream and triggers DestroyAudioReceiver or DestroyVideoReceiver.
void OnRemoteSenderRemoved(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
MediaStreamInterface* stream,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a local sender has been seen for the first time in a local
// session description.
// This method triggers CreateAudioSender or CreateVideoSender if the rtp
// streams in the local SessionDescription can be mapped to a MediaStreamTrack
// in a MediaStream in `local_streams_`
void OnLocalSenderAdded(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a local sender has been removed from a local session
// description.
// This method triggers DestroyAudioSender or DestroyVideoSender if a stream
// has been removed from the local SessionDescription and the stream can be
// mapped to a MediaStreamTrack in a MediaStream in `local_streams_`.
void OnLocalSenderRemoved(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo>* GetRemoteSenderInfos(
cricket::MediaType media_type);
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo>* GetLocalSenderInfos(
cricket::MediaType media_type);
const RtpSenderInfo* FindSenderInfo(const std::vector<RtpSenderInfo>& infos,
const std::string& stream_id,
const std::string& sender_id) const;
// Return the RtpSender with the given track attached.
FindSenderForTrack(MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) const;
// Return the RtpSender with the given id, or null if none exists.
FindSenderById(const std::string& sender_id) const;
// Return the RtpReceiver with the given id, or null if none exists.
FindReceiverById(const std::string& receiver_id) const;
TransceiverList* transceivers() { return &transceivers_; }
const TransceiverList* transceivers() const { return &transceivers_; }
// Plan B helpers for getting the voice/video media channels for the single
// audio/video transceiver, if it exists.
cricket::VoiceMediaSendChannelInterface* voice_media_send_channel() const;
cricket::VideoMediaSendChannelInterface* video_media_send_channel() const;
cricket::VoiceMediaReceiveChannelInterface* voice_media_receive_channel()
cricket::VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface* video_media_receive_channel()
rtc::Thread* signaling_thread() const { return context_->signaling_thread(); }
rtc::Thread* worker_thread() const { return context_->worker_thread(); }
bool IsUnifiedPlan() const { return is_unified_plan_; }
void NoteUsageEvent(UsageEvent event) {
// AddTrack implementation when Unified Plan is specified.
RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> AddTrackUnifiedPlan(
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids,
const std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters>* init_send_encodings);
// AddTrack implementation when Plan B is specified.
RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> AddTrackPlanB(
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids,
const std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters>* init_send_encodings);
// Create an RtpReceiver that sources an audio track.
void CreateAudioReceiver(MediaStreamInterface* stream,
const RtpSenderInfo& remote_sender_info)
// Create an RtpReceiver that sources a video track.
void CreateVideoReceiver(MediaStreamInterface* stream,
const RtpSenderInfo& remote_sender_info)
rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInterface> RemoveAndStopReceiver(
const RtpSenderInfo& remote_sender_info) RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
PeerConnectionObserver* Observer() const;
void OnNegotiationNeeded();
cricket::MediaEngineInterface* media_engine() const;
rtc::UniqueRandomIdGenerator* ssrc_generator() const {
return context_->ssrc_generator();
const Environment env_;
TransceiverList transceivers_;
// These lists store sender info seen in local/remote descriptions.
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo> remote_audio_sender_infos_
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo> remote_video_sender_infos_
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo> local_audio_sender_infos_
std::vector<RtpSenderInfo> local_video_sender_infos_
bool closed_ = false;
bool const is_unified_plan_;
ConnectionContext* context_;
UsagePattern* usage_pattern_;
PeerConnectionObserver* observer_;
LegacyStatsCollectorInterface* const legacy_stats_;
std::function<void()> on_negotiation_needed_;
rtc::WeakPtrFactory<RtpTransmissionManager> weak_ptr_factory_
} // namespace webrtc