blob: 923fda21b559f276a90a3504f7045de38f08289d [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was GENERATED by command:
// bind.h.pump
* Copyright 2012 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// To generate bind.h from bind.h.pump, execute:
// /home/build/google3/third_party/gtest/scripts/ bind.h.pump
// Bind() is an overloaded function that converts method calls into function
// objects (aka functors). The method object is captured as a scoped_refptr<> if
// possible, and as a raw pointer otherwise. Any arguments to the method are
// captured by value. The return value of Bind is a stateful, nullary function
// object. Care should be taken about the lifetime of objects captured by
// Bind(); the returned functor knows nothing about the lifetime of a non
// ref-counted method object or any arguments passed by pointer, and calling the
// functor with a destroyed object will surely do bad things.
// Example usage:
// struct Foo {
// int Test1() { return 42; }
// int Test2() const { return 52; }
// int Test3(int x) { return x*x; }
// float Test4(int x, float y) { return x + y; }
// };
// int main() {
// Foo foo;
// cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test1, &foo)() << endl;
// cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test2, &foo)() << endl;
// cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test3, &foo, 3)() << endl;
// cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test4, &foo, 7, 8.5f)() << endl;
// }
// Example usage of ref counted objects:
// struct Bar {
// int AddRef();
// int Release();
// void Test() {}
// void BindThis() {
// // The functor passed to AsyncInvoke() will keep this object alive.
// invoker.AsyncInvoke(rtc::Bind(&Bar::Test, this));
// }
// };
// int main() {
// rtc::scoped_refptr<Bar> bar = new rtc::RefCountedObject<Bar>();
// auto functor = rtc::Bind(&Bar::Test, bar);
// bar = nullptr;
// // The functor stores an internal scoped_refptr<Bar>, so this is safe.
// functor();
// }
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h"
#define NONAME
namespace rtc {
namespace detail {
// This is needed because the template parameters in Bind can't be resolved
// if they're used both as parameters of the function pointer type and as
// parameters to Bind itself: the function pointer parameters are exact
// matches to the function prototype, but the parameters to bind have
// references stripped. This trick allows the compiler to dictate the Bind
// parameter types rather than deduce them.
template <class T> struct identity { typedef T type; };
// IsRefCounted<T>::value will be true for types that can be used in
// rtc::scoped_refptr<T>, i.e. types that implements nullary functions AddRef()
// and Release(), regardless of their return types. AddRef() and Release() can
// be defined in T or any superclass of T.
template <typename T>
class IsRefCounted {
// This is a complex implementation detail done with SFINAE.
// Define types such that sizeof(Yes) != sizeof(No).
struct Yes { char dummy[1]; };
struct No { char dummy[2]; };
// Define two overloaded template functions with return types of different
// size. This way, we can use sizeof() on the return type to determine which
// function the compiler would have chosen. One function will be preferred
// over the other if it is possible to create it without compiler errors,
// otherwise the compiler will simply remove it, and default to the less
// preferred function.
template <typename R>
static Yes test(R* r, decltype(r->AddRef(), r->Release(), 42));
template <typename C> static No test(...);
// Trick the compiler to tell if it's possible to call AddRef() and Release().
static const bool value = sizeof(test<T>((T*)nullptr, 42)) == sizeof(Yes);
// TernaryTypeOperator is a helper class to select a type based on a static bool
// value.
template <bool condition, typename IfTrueT, typename IfFalseT>
struct TernaryTypeOperator {};
template <typename IfTrueT, typename IfFalseT>
struct TernaryTypeOperator<true, IfTrueT, IfFalseT> {
typedef IfTrueT type;
template <typename IfTrueT, typename IfFalseT>
struct TernaryTypeOperator<false, IfTrueT, IfFalseT> {
typedef IfFalseT type;
// PointerType<T>::type will be scoped_refptr<T> for ref counted types, and T*
// otherwise.
template <class T>
struct PointerType {
typedef typename TernaryTypeOperator<IsRefCounted<T>::value,
T*>::type type;
// RemoveScopedPtrRef will capture scoped_refptr by-value instead of
// by-reference.
template <class T> struct RemoveScopedPtrRef { typedef T type; };
template <class T>
struct RemoveScopedPtrRef<const scoped_refptr<T>&> {
typedef scoped_refptr<T> type;
template <class T>
struct RemoveScopedPtrRef<scoped_refptr<T>&> {
typedef scoped_refptr<T> type;
} // namespace detail
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R>
class MethodFunctor0 {
MethodFunctor0(MethodT method, ObjectT* object)
: method_(method), object_(object) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
template <class FunctorT, class R>
class Functor0 {
explicit Functor0(const FunctorT& functor)
: functor_(functor) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(); }
FunctorT functor_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)()
template <class ObjectT, class R>
MethodFunctor0<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object) {
return MethodFunctor0<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>(
method, object);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)() const
template <class ObjectT, class R>
MethodFunctor0<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object) {
return MethodFunctor0<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>(
method, object);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)()
template <class ObjectT, class R>
MethodFunctor0<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object) {
return MethodFunctor0<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R>(
method, object.get());
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)()
template <class R>
Functor0<FP_T(NONAME), R>
Bind(FP_T(function)) {
return Functor0<FP_T(NONAME), R>(
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1>
class MethodFunctor1 {
MethodFunctor1(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p1_(p1) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1>
class Functor1 {
Functor1(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1)
: functor_(functor),
p1_(p1) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1>
MethodFunctor1<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1) {
return MethodFunctor1<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>(
method, object, p1);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1>
MethodFunctor1<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1) {
return MethodFunctor1<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>(
method, object, p1);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1>
MethodFunctor1<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1) {
return MethodFunctor1<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>(
method, object.get(), p1);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1)
template <class R,
class P1>
Functor1<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1) {
return Functor1<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1>(
function, p1);
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1,
class P2>
class MethodFunctor2 {
MethodFunctor2(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1,
P2 p2)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p2_(p2) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_, p2_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1,
class P2>
class Functor2 {
Functor2(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1, P2 p2)
: functor_(functor),
p2_(p2) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_, p2_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2>
MethodFunctor2<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2) {
return MethodFunctor2<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>(
method, object, p1, p2);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2>
MethodFunctor2<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2) {
return MethodFunctor2<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>(
method, object, p1, p2);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2>
MethodFunctor2<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2) {
return MethodFunctor2<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>(
method, object.get(), p1, p2);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1, P2)
template <class R,
class P1,
class P2>
Functor2<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2) {
return Functor2<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2>(
function, p1, p2);
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
class MethodFunctor3 {
MethodFunctor3(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1,
P2 p2,
P3 p3)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p3_(p3) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
class Functor3 {
Functor3(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3)
: functor_(functor),
p3_(p3) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_, p2_, p3_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
MethodFunctor3<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3) {
return MethodFunctor3<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
MethodFunctor3<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3) {
return MethodFunctor3<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
MethodFunctor3<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3) {
return MethodFunctor3<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>(
method, object.get(), p1, p2, p3);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1, P2, P3)
template <class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3>
Functor3<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3) {
return Functor3<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3>(
function, p1, p2, p3);
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
class MethodFunctor4 {
MethodFunctor4(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1,
P2 p2,
P3 p3,
P4 p4)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p4_(p4) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
class Functor4 {
Functor4(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4)
: functor_(functor),
p4_(p4) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
MethodFunctor4<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4) {
return MethodFunctor4<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
MethodFunctor4<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4) {
return MethodFunctor4<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
MethodFunctor4<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4) {
return MethodFunctor4<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>(
method, object.get(), p1, p2, p3, p4);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4)
template <class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4>
Functor4<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4) {
return Functor4<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4>(
function, p1, p2, p3, p4);
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
class MethodFunctor5 {
MethodFunctor5(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1,
P2 p2,
P3 p3,
P4 p4,
P5 p5)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p5_(p5) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_, p5_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P5>::type p5_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
class Functor5 {
Functor5(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, P5 p5)
: functor_(functor),
p5_(p5) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_, p5_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P5>::type p5_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
MethodFunctor5<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5) {
return MethodFunctor5<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
MethodFunctor5<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5) {
return MethodFunctor5<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
MethodFunctor5<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5) {
return MethodFunctor5<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(
method, object.get(), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
template <class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5>
Functor5<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5) {
return Functor5<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(
function, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
#undef FP_T
template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
class MethodFunctor6 {
MethodFunctor6(MethodT method, ObjectT* object,
P1 p1,
P2 p2,
P3 p3,
P4 p4,
P5 p5,
P6 p6)
: method_(method), object_(object),
p6_(p6) {}
R operator()() const {
return (object_->*method_)(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_, p5_, p6_); }
MethodT method_;
typename detail::PointerType<ObjectT>::type object_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P5>::type p5_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P6>::type p6_;
template <class FunctorT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
class Functor6 {
Functor6(const FunctorT& functor, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, P5 p5, P6 p6)
: functor_(functor),
p6_(p6) {}
R operator()() const {
return functor_(p1_, p2_, p3_, p4_, p5_, p6_); }
FunctorT functor_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P1>::type p1_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P2>::type p2_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P3>::type p3_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P4>::type p4_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P5>::type p5_;
typename detail::RemoveScopedPtrRef<P6>::type p6_;
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
MethodFunctor6<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>
Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5,
typename detail::identity<P6>::type p6) {
return MethodFunctor6<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) const
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
MethodFunctor6<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>
Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5,
typename detail::identity<P6>::type p6) {
return MethodFunctor6<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(
method, object, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
template <class ObjectT, class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
MethodFunctor6<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>
Bind(FP_T(method), const scoped_refptr<ObjectT>& object,
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5,
typename detail::identity<P6>::type p6) {
return MethodFunctor6<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(
method, object.get(), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
#undef FP_T
#define FP_T(x) R (*x)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
template <class R,
class P1,
class P2,
class P3,
class P4,
class P5,
class P6>
Functor6<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>
typename detail::identity<P1>::type p1,
typename detail::identity<P2>::type p2,
typename detail::identity<P3>::type p3,
typename detail::identity<P4>::type p4,
typename detail::identity<P5>::type p5,
typename detail::identity<P6>::type p6) {
return Functor6<FP_T(NONAME), R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(
function, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
#undef FP_T
} // namespace rtc
#undef NONAME