blob: 1bff82a5898dfcabfd0163ac9f43c1df9b3b79fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "modules/congestion_controller/network_control/include/network_types.h"
#include "modules/congestion_controller/network_control/include/network_units.h"
namespace webrtc {
class TargetTransferRateObserver {
// Called to indicate target transfer rate as well as giving information about
// the current estimate of network parameters.
virtual void OnTargetTransferRate(TargetTransferRate) = 0;
virtual ~TargetTransferRateObserver() = default;
// NetworkControllerObserver is an interface implemented by observers of network
// controllers. It contains declarations of the possible configuration messages
// that can be sent from a network controller implementation.
class NetworkControllerObserver : public TargetTransferRateObserver {
// Called when congestion window configutation is changed.
virtual void OnCongestionWindow(CongestionWindow) = 0;
// Called when pacer configuration has changed.
virtual void OnPacerConfig(PacerConfig) = 0;
// Called to indicate that a new probe should be sent.
virtual void OnProbeClusterConfig(ProbeClusterConfig) = 0;
// Configuration sent to factory create function. The parameters here are
// optional to use for a network controller implementation.
struct NetworkControllerConfig {
// The initial constraints to start with, these can be changed at any later
// time by calls to OnTargetRateConstraints.
TargetRateConstraints constraints;
// Initial stream specific configuration, these are changed at any later time
// by calls to OnStreamsConfig.
StreamsConfig stream_based_config;
// The initial bandwidth estimate to base target rate on. This should be used
// as the basis for initial OnTargetTransferRate and OnPacerConfig callbacks.
// Note that starting rate is only provided on construction.
DataRate starting_bandwidth;
// NetworkControllerInterface is implemented by network controllers. A network
// controller is a class that uses information about network state and traffic
// to estimate network parameters such as round trip time and bandwidth. Network
// controllers does not guarantee thread safety, the interface must be used in a
// non-concurrent fashion.
class NetworkControllerInterface {
using uptr = std::unique_ptr<NetworkControllerInterface>;
virtual ~NetworkControllerInterface() = default;
// Called when network availabilty changes.
virtual void OnNetworkAvailability(NetworkAvailability) = 0;
// Called when the receiving or sending endpoint changes address.
virtual void OnNetworkRouteChange(NetworkRouteChange) = 0;
// Called periodically with a periodicy as specified by
// NetworkControllerFactoryInterface::GetProcessInterval.
virtual void OnProcessInterval(ProcessInterval) = 0;
// Called when remotely calculated bitrate is received.
virtual void OnRemoteBitrateReport(RemoteBitrateReport) = 0;
// Called round trip time has been calculated by protocol specific mechanisms.
virtual void OnRoundTripTimeUpdate(RoundTripTimeUpdate) = 0;
// Called when a packet is sent on the network.
virtual void OnSentPacket(SentPacket) = 0;
// Called when the stream specific configuration has been updated.
virtual void OnStreamsConfig(StreamsConfig) = 0;
// Called when target transfer rate constraints has been changed.
virtual void OnTargetRateConstraints(TargetRateConstraints) = 0;
// Called when a protocol specific calculation of packet loss has been made.
virtual void OnTransportLossReport(TransportLossReport) = 0;
// Called with per packet feedback regarding receive time.
virtual void OnTransportPacketsFeedback(TransportPacketsFeedback) = 0;
// NetworkControllerFactoryInterface is an interface for creating a network
// controller.
class NetworkControllerFactoryInterface {
using uptr = std::unique_ptr<NetworkControllerFactoryInterface>;
// Used to create a new network controller, requires an observer to be
// provided to handle callbacks.
virtual NetworkControllerInterface::uptr Create(
NetworkControllerObserver* observer,
NetworkControllerConfig config) = 0;
// Returns the interval by which the network controller expects
// OnProcessInterval calls.
virtual TimeDelta GetProcessInterval() const = 0;
virtual ~NetworkControllerFactoryInterface() = default;
} // namespace webrtc