blob: d4d703ad3dbdee38f5ce64d98714f5123a3fae09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "api/video_codecs/sdp_video_format.h"
#include "common_types.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/h264/include/h264_globals.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
struct TestConfig {
class EncodedFrameChecker {
virtual ~EncodedFrameChecker() = default;
virtual void CheckEncodedFrame(webrtc::VideoCodecType codec,
const EncodedImage& encoded_frame) const = 0;
void SetCodecSettings(VideoCodecType codec_type,
size_t num_simulcast_streams,
size_t num_spatial_layers,
size_t num_temporal_layers,
bool denoising_on,
bool frame_dropper_on,
bool spatial_resize_on,
bool resilience_on,
size_t width,
size_t height);
size_t NumberOfCores() const;
size_t NumberOfTemporalLayers() const;
size_t NumberOfSpatialLayers() const;
size_t NumberOfSimulcastStreams() const;
std::vector<FrameType> FrameTypeForFrame(size_t frame_idx) const;
std::string ToString() const;
SdpVideoFormat ToSdpVideoFormat() const;
std::string CodecName() const;
std::string FilenameWithParams() const;
bool IsAsyncCodec() const;
// Plain name of YUV file to process without file extension.
std::string filename;
// File to process. This must be a video file in the YUV format.
std::string filepath;
// Number of frames to process.
size_t num_frames = 0;
// Bitstream constraints.
size_t max_payload_size_bytes = 1440;
// Should we decode the encoded frames?
bool decode = true;
// Force the encoder and decoder to use a single core for processing.
bool use_single_core = false;
// Should cpu usage be measured?
// If set to true, the encoding will run in real-time.
bool measure_cpu = false;
// If > 0: forces the encoder to create a keyframe every Nth frame.
size_t keyframe_interval = 0;
// Codec settings to use.
webrtc::VideoCodec codec_settings;
// H.264 specific settings.
struct H264CodecSettings {
H264::Profile profile = H264::kProfileConstrainedBaseline;
H264PacketizationMode packetization_mode =
} h264_codec_settings;
// Should hardware accelerated codecs be used?
bool hw_encoder = false;
bool hw_decoder = false;
// Should the encoder be wrapped in a SimulcastEncoderAdapter?
bool simulcast_adapted_encoder = false;
// Should the hardware codecs be wrapped in software fallbacks?
bool sw_fallback_encoder = false;
bool sw_fallback_decoder = false;
// Custom checker that will be called for each frame.
const EncodedFrameChecker* encoded_frame_checker = nullptr;
// Print out frame level stats.
bool print_frame_level_stats = false;
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc