Change unittests to use AEC3 instead of AEC2

This CL changes the APM unittests to use AEC3 instead of

Bug: webrtc:8671
Change-Id: I80f88dbafb7c31696abd8b7efb5a187a9fb30d1c
Reviewed-by: Gustaf Ullberg <>
Commit-Queue: Per Åhgren <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#27607}
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/ b/modules/audio_processing/
index 7ff37cb..ec2c58b 100644
--- a/modules/audio_processing/
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/
@@ -110,10 +110,6 @@
   return 0;
-int TruncateToMultipleOf10(int value) {
-  return (value / 10) * 10;
 void MixStereoToMono(const float* stereo, float* mono,
                      size_t samples_per_channel) {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < samples_per_channel; ++i)
@@ -188,10 +184,7 @@
   apm_config.gain_controller1.mode =
-  // TODO(peah): Update tests to instead use AEC3.
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.use_legacy_aec = true;
   apm_config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = false;
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.legacy_moderate_suppression_level = true;
   apm_config.gain_controller1.enabled = true;
   apm_config.gain_controller1.mode =
@@ -421,16 +414,9 @@
-#if defined(WEBRTC_MAC)
-      // A different file for Mac is needed because on this platform the AEC
-      // constant |kFixedDelayMs| value is 20 and not 50 as it is on the rest.
-      ref_filename_(test::ResourcePath("audio_processing/output_data_mac",
-                                       "pb")),
@@ -870,83 +856,6 @@
-TEST_F(ApmTest, DISABLED_EchoCancellationReportsCorrectDelays) {
-  // TODO(bjornv): Fix this test to work with DA-AEC.
-  // Enable AEC only.
-  AudioProcessing::Config apm_config = apm_->GetConfig();
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.enabled = true;
-  // TODO(peah): Update tests to instead use AEC3.
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.use_legacy_aec = true;
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = false;
-  apm_->ApplyConfig(apm_config);
-  Config config;
-  config.Set<DelayAgnostic>(new DelayAgnostic(false));
-  apm_->SetExtraOptions(config);
-  // Internally in the AEC the amount of lookahead the delay estimation can
-  // handle is 15 blocks and the maximum delay is set to 60 blocks.
-  const int kLookaheadBlocks = 15;
-  const int kMaxDelayBlocks = 60;
-  // The AEC has a startup time before it actually starts to process. This
-  // procedure can flush the internal far-end buffer, which of course affects
-  // the delay estimation. Therefore, we set a system_delay high enough to
-  // avoid that. The smallest system_delay you can report without flushing the
-  // buffer is 66 ms in 8 kHz.
-  //
-  // It is known that for 16 kHz (and 32 kHz) sampling frequency there is an
-  // additional stuffing of 8 ms on the fly, but it seems to have no impact on
-  // delay estimation. This should be noted though. In case of test failure,
-  // this could be the cause.
-  const int kSystemDelayMs = 66;
-  // Test a couple of corner cases and verify that the estimated delay is
-  // within a valid region (set to +-1.5 blocks). Note that these cases are
-  // sampling frequency dependent.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kProcessSampleRates); i++) {
-    Init(kProcessSampleRates[i],
-         kProcessSampleRates[i],
-         kProcessSampleRates[i],
-         2,
-         2,
-         2,
-         false);
-    // Sampling frequency dependent variables.
-    const int num_ms_per_block =
-        std::max(4, static_cast<int>(640 / frame_->samples_per_channel_));
-    const int delay_min_ms = -kLookaheadBlocks * num_ms_per_block;
-    const int delay_max_ms = (kMaxDelayBlocks - 1) * num_ms_per_block;
-    // 1) Verify correct delay estimate at lookahead boundary.
-    int delay_ms = TruncateToMultipleOf10(kSystemDelayMs + delay_min_ms);
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    // 2) A delay less than maximum lookahead should give an delay estimate at
-    //    the boundary (= -kLookaheadBlocks * num_ms_per_block).
-    delay_ms -= 20;
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    // 3) Three values around zero delay. Note that we need to compensate for
-    //    the fake system_delay.
-    delay_ms = TruncateToMultipleOf10(kSystemDelayMs - 10);
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    delay_ms = TruncateToMultipleOf10(kSystemDelayMs);
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    delay_ms = TruncateToMultipleOf10(kSystemDelayMs + 10);
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    // 4) Verify correct delay estimate at maximum delay boundary.
-    delay_ms = TruncateToMultipleOf10(kSystemDelayMs + delay_max_ms);
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-    // 5) A delay above the maximum delay should give an estimate at the
-    //    boundary (= (kMaxDelayBlocks - 1) * num_ms_per_block).
-    delay_ms += 20;
-    ProcessDelayVerificationTest(delay_ms, kSystemDelayMs, delay_min_ms,
-                                 delay_max_ms);
-  }
 TEST_F(ApmTest, GainControl) {
   // Testing gain modes
@@ -1452,8 +1361,6 @@
   // Check the test is valid. We should have distortion from the filter
   // when AEC is enabled (which won't affect the audio).
   apm_config.echo_canceller.enabled = true;
-  // TODO(peah): Update tests to instead use AEC3.
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.use_legacy_aec = true;
   apm_config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = false;
   frame_->samples_per_channel_ = 320;
@@ -1703,114 +1610,6 @@
-TEST_F(ApmTest, FloatAndIntInterfacesGiveSimilarResults) {
-  audioproc::OutputData ref_data;
-  OpenFileAndReadMessage(ref_filename_, &ref_data);
-  Config config;
-  config.Set<ExperimentalAgc>(new ExperimentalAgc(false));
-  std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> fapm(
-      AudioProcessingBuilder().Create(config));
-  EnableAllComponents();
-  EnableAllAPComponents(fapm.get());
-  for (int i = 0; i < ref_data.test_size(); i++) {
-    printf("Running test %d of %d...\n", i + 1, ref_data.test_size());
-    audioproc::Test* test = ref_data.mutable_test(i);
-    // TODO(ajm): Restore downmixing test cases.
-    if (test->num_input_channels() != test->num_output_channels())
-      continue;
-    const size_t num_render_channels =
-        static_cast<size_t>(test->num_reverse_channels());
-    const size_t num_input_channels =
-        static_cast<size_t>(test->num_input_channels());
-    const size_t num_output_channels =
-        static_cast<size_t>(test->num_output_channels());
-    const size_t samples_per_channel = static_cast<size_t>(
-        test->sample_rate() * AudioProcessing::kChunkSizeMs / 1000);
-    Init(test->sample_rate(), test->sample_rate(), test->sample_rate(),
-         num_input_channels, num_output_channels, num_render_channels, true);
-    Init(fapm.get());
-    ChannelBuffer<int16_t> output_cb(samples_per_channel, num_input_channels);
-    ChannelBuffer<int16_t> output_int16(samples_per_channel,
-                                        num_input_channels);
-    int analog_level = 127;
-    size_t num_bad_chunks = 0;
-    while (ReadFrame(far_file_, revframe_, revfloat_cb_.get()) &&
-           ReadFrame(near_file_, frame_, float_cb_.get())) {
-      frame_->vad_activity_ = AudioFrame::kVadUnknown;
-      EXPECT_NOERR(apm_->ProcessReverseStream(revframe_));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(fapm->AnalyzeReverseStream(
-          revfloat_cb_->channels(),
-          samples_per_channel,
-          test->sample_rate(),
-          LayoutFromChannels(num_render_channels)));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(apm_->set_stream_delay_ms(0));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(fapm->set_stream_delay_ms(0));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(apm_->gain_control()->set_stream_analog_level(analog_level));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(fapm->gain_control()->set_stream_analog_level(analog_level));
-      EXPECT_NOERR(apm_->ProcessStream(frame_));
-      Deinterleave(frame_->data(), samples_per_channel, num_output_channels,
-                   output_int16.channels());
-      EXPECT_NOERR(fapm->ProcessStream(
-          float_cb_->channels(),
-          samples_per_channel,
-          test->sample_rate(),
-          LayoutFromChannels(num_input_channels),
-          test->sample_rate(),
-          LayoutFromChannels(num_output_channels),
-          float_cb_->channels()));
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < num_output_channels; ++j) {
-        FloatToS16(float_cb_->channels()[j],
-                   samples_per_channel,
-                   output_cb.channels()[j]);
-        float variance = 0;
-        float snr = ComputeSNR(output_int16.channels()[j],
-                               output_cb.channels()[j],
-                               samples_per_channel, &variance);
-        const float kVarianceThreshold = 20;
-        const float kSNRThreshold = 20;
-        // Skip frames with low energy.
-        if (std::sqrt(variance) > kVarianceThreshold && snr < kSNRThreshold) {
-          ++num_bad_chunks;
-        }
-      }
-      analog_level = fapm->gain_control()->stream_analog_level();
-      EXPECT_EQ(apm_->gain_control()->stream_analog_level(),
-                fapm->gain_control()->stream_analog_level());
-      EXPECT_NEAR(apm_->noise_suppression()->speech_probability(),
-                  fapm->noise_suppression()->speech_probability(),
-                  0.01);
-      // Reset in case of downmixing.
-      frame_->num_channels_ = static_cast<size_t>(test->num_input_channels());
-    }
-    const size_t kMaxNumBadChunks = 0;
-    // There are a few chunks in the fixed-point profile that give low SNR.
-    // Listening confirmed the difference is acceptable.
-    const size_t kMaxNumBadChunks = 60;
-    EXPECT_LE(num_bad_chunks, kMaxNumBadChunks);
-    rewind(far_file_);
-    rewind(near_file_);
-  }
 // TODO(andrew): Add a test to process a few frames with different combinations
 // of enabled components.
@@ -1938,18 +1737,11 @@
         const float echo_return_loss = stats.echo_return_loss.value_or(-1.0f);
         const float echo_return_loss_enhancement =
-        const float divergent_filter_fraction =
-            stats.divergent_filter_fraction.value_or(-1.0f);
         const float residual_echo_likelihood =
         const float residual_echo_likelihood_recent_max =
-        // Delay metrics.
-        const int32_t delay_median_ms = stats.delay_median_ms.value_or(-1.0);
-        const int32_t delay_standard_deviation_ms =
-            stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms.value_or(-1.0);
         if (!write_ref_data) {
           const audioproc::Test::EchoMetrics& reference =
@@ -1957,34 +1749,20 @@
           EXPECT_NEAR(echo_return_loss, reference.echo_return_loss(), kEpsilon);
                       reference.echo_return_loss_enhancement(), kEpsilon);
-          EXPECT_NEAR(divergent_filter_fraction,
-                      reference.divergent_filter_fraction(), kEpsilon);
                       reference.residual_echo_likelihood(), kEpsilon);
-          const audioproc::Test::DelayMetrics& reference_delay =
-              test->delay_metrics(stats_index);
-          EXPECT_EQ(reference_delay.median(), delay_median_ms);
-          EXPECT_EQ(reference_delay.std(), delay_standard_deviation_ms);
         } else {
           audioproc::Test::EchoMetrics* message_echo = test->add_echo_metrics();
-          message_echo->set_divergent_filter_fraction(
-              divergent_filter_fraction);
-          audioproc::Test::DelayMetrics* message_delay =
-              test->add_delay_metrics();
-          message_delay->set_median(delay_median_ms);
-          message_delay->set_std(delay_standard_deviation_ms);
@@ -2689,12 +2467,8 @@
-std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> CreateApm(bool use_AEC2) {
+std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> CreateApm(bool mobile_aec) {
   Config old_config;
-  if (use_AEC2) {
-    old_config.Set<ExtendedFilter>(new ExtendedFilter(true));
-    old_config.Set<DelayAgnostic>(new DelayAgnostic(true));
-  }
   std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm(
   if (!apm) {
@@ -2709,14 +2483,12 @@
   // Disable all components except for an AEC and the residual echo detector.
-  // TODO(peah): Update this to also work on AEC3.
   AudioProcessing::Config apm_config;
   apm_config.residual_echo_detector.enabled = true;
   apm_config.high_pass_filter.enabled = false;
   apm_config.gain_controller2.enabled = false;
   apm_config.echo_canceller.enabled = true;
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = !use_AEC2;
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.use_legacy_aec = use_AEC2;
+  apm_config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = mobile_aec;
   EXPECT_EQ(apm->gain_control()->Enable(false), 0);
   EXPECT_EQ(apm->level_estimator()->Enable(false), 0);
@@ -2731,14 +2503,12 @@
 #define MAYBE_ApmStatistics ApmStatistics
-TEST(MAYBE_ApmStatistics, AEC2EnabledTest) {
-  // Set up APM with AEC2 and process some audio.
-  std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm = CreateApm(true);
+TEST(MAYBE_ApmStatistics, AECEnabledTest) {
+  // Set up APM with AEC3 and process some audio.
+  std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm = CreateApm(false);
   AudioProcessing::Config apm_config;
   apm_config.echo_canceller.enabled = true;
-  // TODO(peah): Update tests to instead use AEC3.
-  apm_config.echo_canceller.use_legacy_aec = true;
   // Set up an audioframe.
@@ -2772,13 +2542,6 @@
   EXPECT_NE(*stats.echo_return_loss, -100.0);
   EXPECT_NE(*stats.echo_return_loss_enhancement, -100.0);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(stats.divergent_filter_fraction);
-  EXPECT_NE(*stats.divergent_filter_fraction, -1.0);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms);
-  EXPECT_GE(*stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms, 0);
-  // We don't check stats.delay_median_ms since it takes too long to settle to a
-  // value. At least 20 seconds of data need to be processed before it will get
-  // a value, which would make this test take too much time.
   // If there are no receive streams, we expect the stats not to be set. The
   // 'false' argument signals to APM that no receive streams are currently
@@ -2790,14 +2553,11 @@
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.divergent_filter_fraction);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_median_ms);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms);
 TEST(MAYBE_ApmStatistics, AECMEnabledTest) {
   // Set up APM with AECM and process some audio.
-  std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm = CreateApm(false);
+  std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm = CreateApm(true);
   // Set up an audioframe.
@@ -2834,9 +2594,6 @@
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.divergent_filter_fraction);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_median_ms);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms);
   // If there are no receive streams, we expect the stats not to be set.
   stats = apm->GetStatistics(false);
@@ -2844,9 +2601,6 @@
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.divergent_filter_fraction);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_median_ms);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(stats.delay_standard_deviation_ms);
 TEST(ApmStatistics, ReportOutputRmsDbfs) {
diff --git a/resources/audio_processing/output_data_float.pb.sha1 b/resources/audio_processing/output_data_float.pb.sha1
index 6cadef9..907ebfd 100644
--- a/resources/audio_processing/output_data_float.pb.sha1
+++ b/resources/audio_processing/output_data_float.pb.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file