blob: 6e275f47adcc6f6aa82b5717139c246f3af7e378 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/default_video_quality_analyzer_shared_objects.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct InternalStatsKey {
InternalStatsKey(size_t stream, size_t sender, size_t receiver)
: stream(stream), sender(sender), receiver(receiver) {}
std::string ToString() const;
size_t stream;
size_t sender;
size_t receiver;
// Required to use InternalStatsKey as std::map key.
bool operator<(const InternalStatsKey& a, const InternalStatsKey& b);
bool operator==(const InternalStatsKey& a, const InternalStatsKey& b);
// Final stats computed for frame after it went through the whole video
// pipeline from capturing to rendering or dropping.
struct FrameStats {
explicit FrameStats(Timestamp captured_time) : captured_time(captured_time) {}
// Frame events timestamp.
Timestamp captured_time;
Timestamp pre_encode_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
Timestamp encoded_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
// Time when last packet of a frame was received.
Timestamp received_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
Timestamp decode_start_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
Timestamp decode_end_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
Timestamp rendered_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
Timestamp prev_frame_rendered_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
int64_t encoded_image_size = 0;
uint32_t target_encode_bitrate = 0;
absl::optional<int> rendered_frame_width = absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<int> rendered_frame_height = absl::nullopt;
// Can be not set if frame was dropped by encoder.
absl::optional<webrtc_pc_e2e::StreamCodecInfo> used_encoder = absl::nullopt;
// Can be not set if frame was dropped in the network.
absl::optional<webrtc_pc_e2e::StreamCodecInfo> used_decoder = absl::nullopt;
// Describes why comparison was done in overloaded mode (without calculating
// PSNR and SSIM).
enum class OverloadReason {
// Not enough CPU to process all incoming comparisons.
// Not enough memory to store captured frames for all comparisons.
// Represents comparison between two VideoFrames. Contains video frames itself
// and stats. Can be one of two types:
// 1. Normal - in this case `captured` is presented and either `rendered` is
// presented and `dropped` is false, either `rendered` is omitted and
// `dropped` is true.
// 2. Overloaded - in this case both `captured` and `rendered` are omitted
// because there were too many comparisons in the queue. `dropped` can be
// true or false showing was frame dropped or not.
struct FrameComparison {
FrameComparison(InternalStatsKey stats_key,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> captured,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> rendered,
bool dropped,
FrameStats frame_stats,
OverloadReason overload_reason);
InternalStatsKey stats_key;
// Frames can be omitted if there too many computations waiting in the
// queue.
absl::optional<VideoFrame> captured;
absl::optional<VideoFrame> rendered;
// If true frame was dropped somewhere from capturing to rendering and
// wasn't rendered on remote peer side. If `dropped` is true, `rendered`
// will be `absl::nullopt`.
bool dropped;
FrameStats frame_stats;
OverloadReason overload_reason;
} // namespace webrtc