blob: 2305d8f1a643849a32fd3341e811761ab54b4eb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "rtc_base/event.h"
#include "rtc_base/platform_thread.h"
#include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/default_video_quality_analyzer_cpu_measurer.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/default_video_quality_analyzer_internal_shared_objects.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/default_video_quality_analyzer_shared_objects.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct FramesComparatorStats {
// Size of analyzer internal comparisons queue, measured when new element
// id added to the queue.
SamplesStatsCounter comparisons_queue_size;
// Number of performed comparisons of 2 video frames from captured and
// rendered streams.
int64_t comparisons_done = 0;
// Number of cpu overloaded comparisons. Comparison is cpu overloaded if it is
// queued when there are too many not processed comparisons in the queue.
// Overloaded comparison doesn't include metrics like SSIM and PSNR that
// require heavy computations.
int64_t cpu_overloaded_comparisons_done = 0;
// Number of memory overloaded comparisons. Comparison is memory overloaded if
// it is queued when its captured frame was already removed due to high memory
// usage for that video stream.
int64_t memory_overloaded_comparisons_done = 0;
// Performs comparisons of added frames and tracks frames related statistics.
// This class is thread safe.
class DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerFramesComparator {
// Creates frames comparator.
// Frames comparator doesn't use `options.enable_receive_own_stream` for any
// purposes, because it's unrelated to its functionality.
webrtc::Clock* clock,
DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerCpuMeasurer& cpu_measurer,
webrtc_pc_e2e::DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerOptions options = {})
: options_(options), clock_(clock), cpu_measurer_(cpu_measurer) {}
~DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerFramesComparator() { Stop({}); }
// Starts frames comparator. This method must be invoked before calling
// any other method on this object.
void Start(int max_threads_count);
// Stops frames comparator. This method will block until all added frame
// comparisons will be processed. After `Stop()` is invoked no more new
// comparisons can be added to this frames comparator.
// `last_rendered_frame_time` contains timestamps of last rendered frame for
// each (stream, sender, receiver) tuple to properly update time between
// freezes: it has include time from the last freeze until and of call.
void Stop(
const std::map<InternalStatsKey, Timestamp>& last_rendered_frame_times);
// Ensures that stream `stream_index` has stats objects created for all
// potential receivers. This method must be called before adding any
// frames comparison for that stream.
void EnsureStatsForStream(size_t stream_index,
size_t sender_peer_index,
size_t peers_count,
Timestamp captured_time,
Timestamp start_time);
// Ensures that newly added participant will have stream stats objects created
// for all streams which they can receive. This method must be called before
// any frames comparison will be added for the newly added participant.
// `stream_started_time` - start time of each stream for which stats object
// has to be created.
// `start_time` - call start time.
void RegisterParticipantInCall(
rtc::ArrayView<std::pair<InternalStatsKey, Timestamp>>
Timestamp start_time);
// `captured` - video frame captured by sender to use for PSNR/SSIM
// computation. If `type` is `FrameComparisonType::kRegular` and
// `captured` is `absl::nullopt` comparison is assumed to be overloaded
// due to memory constraints.
// `rendered` - video frame rendered by receiver to use for PSNR/SSIM
// computation. Required only if `type` is
// `FrameComparisonType::kRegular`, but can still be omitted if
// `captured` is `absl::nullopt`.
void AddComparison(InternalStatsKey stats_key,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> captured,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> rendered,
FrameComparisonType type,
FrameStats frame_stats);
// `skipped_between_rendered` - amount of frames dropped on this stream before
// last received frame and current frame.
void AddComparison(InternalStatsKey stats_key,
int skipped_between_rendered,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> captured,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> rendered,
FrameComparisonType type,
FrameStats frame_stats);
std::map<InternalStatsKey, webrtc_pc_e2e::StreamStats> stream_stats() const {
MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
return stream_stats_;
FramesComparatorStats frames_comparator_stats() const {
MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
return frames_comparator_stats_;
enum State { kNew, kActive, kStopped };
void AddComparisonInternal(InternalStatsKey stats_key,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> captured,
absl::optional<VideoFrame> rendered,
FrameComparisonType type,
FrameStats frame_stats)
void ProcessComparisons();
void ProcessComparison(const FrameComparison& comparison);
Timestamp Now();
const webrtc_pc_e2e::DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerOptions options_;
webrtc::Clock* const clock_;
DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzerCpuMeasurer& cpu_measurer_;
mutable Mutex mutex_;
State state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = State::kNew;
std::map<InternalStatsKey, webrtc_pc_e2e::StreamStats> stream_stats_
std::map<InternalStatsKey, Timestamp> stream_last_freeze_end_time_
std::deque<FrameComparison> comparisons_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
FramesComparatorStats frames_comparator_stats_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
std::vector<rtc::PlatformThread> thread_pool_;
rtc::Event comparison_available_event_;
} // namespace webrtc