blob: 42f2c1e338d67649470cd1a8e659dc66c07531ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/include/neteq.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/neteq_impl.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/safe_conversions.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/accelerate.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/expand.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_audio_decoder.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_buffer_level_filter.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_decoder_database.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_delay_manager.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_delay_peak_detector.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_dtmf_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_dtmf_tone_generator.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_packet_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/mock/mock_payload_splitter.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/preemptive_expand.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/sync_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/timestamp_scaler.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h"
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::ReturnNull;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
using ::testing::SetArrayArgument;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::WithArg;
using ::testing::Pointee;
using ::testing::IsNull;
namespace webrtc {
// This function is called when inserting a packet list into the mock packet
// buffer. The purpose is to delete all inserted packets properly, to avoid
// memory leaks in the test.
int DeletePacketsAndReturnOk(PacketList* packet_list) {
return PacketBuffer::kOK;
class NetEqImplTest : public ::testing::Test {
NetEqImplTest() { config_.sample_rate_hz = 8000; }
void CreateInstance() {
NetEqImpl::Dependencies deps(config_);
// Get a local pointer to NetEq's TickTimer object.
tick_timer_ = deps.tick_timer.get();
if (use_mock_buffer_level_filter_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockBufferLevelFilter> mock(new MockBufferLevelFilter);
mock_buffer_level_filter_ = mock.get();
deps.buffer_level_filter = std::move(mock);
buffer_level_filter_ = deps.buffer_level_filter.get();
if (use_mock_decoder_database_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockDecoderDatabase> mock(new MockDecoderDatabase);
mock_decoder_database_ = mock.get();
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, GetActiveCngDecoder())
deps.decoder_database = std::move(mock);
decoder_database_ = deps.decoder_database.get();
if (use_mock_delay_peak_detector_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockDelayPeakDetector> mock(
new MockDelayPeakDetector(tick_timer_));
mock_delay_peak_detector_ = mock.get();
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_peak_detector_, Reset()).Times(1);
deps.delay_peak_detector = std::move(mock);
delay_peak_detector_ = deps.delay_peak_detector.get();
if (use_mock_delay_manager_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockDelayManager> mock(new MockDelayManager(
config_.max_packets_in_buffer, delay_peak_detector_, tick_timer_));
mock_delay_manager_ = mock.get();
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, set_streaming_mode(false)).Times(1);
deps.delay_manager = std::move(mock);
delay_manager_ = deps.delay_manager.get();
if (use_mock_dtmf_buffer_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockDtmfBuffer> mock(
new MockDtmfBuffer(config_.sample_rate_hz));
mock_dtmf_buffer_ = mock.get();
deps.dtmf_buffer = std::move(mock);
dtmf_buffer_ = deps.dtmf_buffer.get();
if (use_mock_dtmf_tone_generator_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockDtmfToneGenerator> mock(new MockDtmfToneGenerator);
mock_dtmf_tone_generator_ = mock.get();
deps.dtmf_tone_generator = std::move(mock);
dtmf_tone_generator_ = deps.dtmf_tone_generator.get();
if (use_mock_packet_buffer_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockPacketBuffer> mock(
new MockPacketBuffer(config_.max_packets_in_buffer, tick_timer_));
mock_packet_buffer_ = mock.get();
deps.packet_buffer = std::move(mock);
packet_buffer_ = deps.packet_buffer.get();
if (use_mock_payload_splitter_) {
std::unique_ptr<MockPayloadSplitter> mock(new MockPayloadSplitter);
mock_payload_splitter_ = mock.get();
deps.payload_splitter = std::move(mock);
payload_splitter_ = deps.payload_splitter.get();
deps.timestamp_scaler = std::unique_ptr<TimestampScaler>(
new TimestampScaler(*deps.decoder_database.get()));
neteq_.reset(new NetEqImpl(config_, std::move(deps)));
ASSERT_TRUE(neteq_ != NULL);
void UseNoMocks() {
ASSERT_TRUE(neteq_ == NULL) << "Must call UseNoMocks before CreateInstance";
use_mock_buffer_level_filter_ = false;
use_mock_decoder_database_ = false;
use_mock_delay_peak_detector_ = false;
use_mock_delay_manager_ = false;
use_mock_dtmf_buffer_ = false;
use_mock_dtmf_tone_generator_ = false;
use_mock_packet_buffer_ = false;
use_mock_payload_splitter_ = false;
virtual ~NetEqImplTest() {
if (use_mock_buffer_level_filter_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_buffer_level_filter_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_decoder_database_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_delay_manager_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_delay_peak_detector_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_peak_detector_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_dtmf_buffer_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_dtmf_buffer_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_dtmf_tone_generator_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_dtmf_tone_generator_, Die()).Times(1);
if (use_mock_packet_buffer_) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, Die()).Times(1);
std::unique_ptr<NetEqImpl> neteq_;
NetEq::Config config_;
TickTimer* tick_timer_ = nullptr;
MockBufferLevelFilter* mock_buffer_level_filter_ = nullptr;
BufferLevelFilter* buffer_level_filter_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_buffer_level_filter_ = true;
MockDecoderDatabase* mock_decoder_database_ = nullptr;
DecoderDatabase* decoder_database_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_decoder_database_ = true;
MockDelayPeakDetector* mock_delay_peak_detector_ = nullptr;
DelayPeakDetector* delay_peak_detector_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_delay_peak_detector_ = true;
MockDelayManager* mock_delay_manager_ = nullptr;
DelayManager* delay_manager_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_delay_manager_ = true;
MockDtmfBuffer* mock_dtmf_buffer_ = nullptr;
DtmfBuffer* dtmf_buffer_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_dtmf_buffer_ = true;
MockDtmfToneGenerator* mock_dtmf_tone_generator_ = nullptr;
DtmfToneGenerator* dtmf_tone_generator_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_dtmf_tone_generator_ = true;
MockPacketBuffer* mock_packet_buffer_ = nullptr;
PacketBuffer* packet_buffer_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_packet_buffer_ = true;
MockPayloadSplitter* mock_payload_splitter_ = nullptr;
PayloadSplitter* payload_splitter_ = nullptr;
bool use_mock_payload_splitter_ = true;
// This tests the interface class NetEq.
// TODO(hlundin): Move to separate file?
TEST(NetEq, CreateAndDestroy) {
NetEq::Config config;
NetEq* neteq = NetEq::Create(config);
delete neteq;
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, RegisterPayloadType) {
uint8_t rtp_payload_type = 0;
NetEqDecoder codec_type = NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCMu;
const std::string kCodecName = "Robert\'); DROP TABLE Students;";
RegisterPayload(rtp_payload_type, codec_type, kCodecName));
neteq_->RegisterPayloadType(codec_type, kCodecName, rtp_payload_type);
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, RemovePayloadType) {
uint8_t rtp_payload_type = 0;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, Remove(rtp_payload_type))
// Check that kFail is returned when database returns kDecoderNotFound.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kFail, neteq_->RemovePayloadType(rtp_payload_type));
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, InsertPacket) {
const size_t kPayloadLength = 100;
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 0;
const uint16_t kFirstSequenceNumber = 0x1234;
const uint32_t kFirstTimestamp = 0x12345678;
const uint32_t kSsrc = 0x87654321;
const uint32_t kFirstReceiveTime = 17;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLength] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = kFirstSequenceNumber;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = kFirstTimestamp;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = kSsrc;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
// BWE update function called with first packet.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_,
// BWE update function called with second packet.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_,
kFirstSequenceNumber + 1,
kFirstTimestamp + 160,
kFirstReceiveTime + 155));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die()).Times(1); // Called when deleted.
// Expectations for decoder database.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, IsRed(kPayloadType))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(false)); // This is not RED.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, CheckPayloadTypes(_))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(DecoderDatabase::kOK)); // Payload type is valid.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, IsDtmf(kPayloadType))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(false)); // This is not DTMF.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, GetDecoder(kPayloadType))
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, IsComfortNoise(kPayloadType))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(false)); // This is not CNG.
DecoderDatabase::DecoderInfo info(NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCMu, "", 8000,
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_decoder_database_, GetDecoderInfo(kPayloadType))
// Expectations for packet buffer.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, NumPacketsInBuffer())
.WillOnce(Return(0)) // First packet.
.WillOnce(Return(1)) // Second packet.
.WillOnce(Return(2)); // Second packet, checking after it was inserted.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, Empty())
.WillOnce(Return(false)); // Called once after first packet is inserted.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, Flush())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, InsertPacketList(_, _, _, _))
// SetArgPointee<2>(kPayloadType) means that the third argument (zero-based
// index) is a pointer, and the variable pointed to is set to kPayloadType.
// Also invoke the function DeletePacketsAndReturnOk to properly delete all
// packets in the list (to avoid memory leaks in the test).
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_packet_buffer_, NextRtpHeader())
// Expectations for DTMF buffer.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_dtmf_buffer_, Flush())
// Expectations for delay manager.
// All expectations within this block must be called in this specific order.
InSequence sequence; // Dummy variable.
// Expectations when the first packet is inserted.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, last_pack_cng_or_dtmf())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, set_last_pack_cng_or_dtmf(0))
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, ResetPacketIatCount()).Times(1);
// Expectations when the second packet is inserted. Slightly different.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, last_pack_cng_or_dtmf())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_delay_manager_, SetPacketAudioLength(30))
// Expectations for payload splitter.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_payload_splitter_, SplitFec(_, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_payload_splitter_, SplitAudio(_, _))
// Insert first packet.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kFirstReceiveTime);
// Insert second packet.
rtp_header.header.timestamp += 160;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 1;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kFirstReceiveTime + 155);
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, InsertPacketsUntilBufferIsFull) {
const int kPayloadLengthSamples = 80;
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 2 * kPayloadLengthSamples; // PCM 16-bit.
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterPayloadType(
NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B, "", kPayloadType));
// Insert packets. The buffer should not flush.
for (size_t i = 1; i <= config_.max_packets_in_buffer; ++i) {
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
rtp_header.header.timestamp += kPayloadLengthSamples;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 1;
EXPECT_EQ(i, packet_buffer_->NumPacketsInBuffer());
// Insert one more packet and make sure the buffer got flushed. That is, it
// should only hold one single packet.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, packet_buffer_->NumPacketsInBuffer());
const RTPHeader* test_header = packet_buffer_->NextRtpHeader();
EXPECT_EQ(rtp_header.header.timestamp, test_header->timestamp);
EXPECT_EQ(rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber, test_header->sequenceNumber);
// This test verifies that timestamps propagate from the incoming packets
// through to the sync buffer and to the playout timestamp.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, VerifyTimestampPropagation) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000); // 10 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = kPayloadLengthSamples;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// This is a dummy decoder that produces as many output samples as the input
// has bytes. The output is an increasing series, starting at 1 for the first
// sample, and then increasing by 1 for each sample.
class CountingSamplesDecoder : public AudioDecoder {
CountingSamplesDecoder() : next_value_(1) {}
// Produce as many samples as input bytes (|encoded_len|).
int DecodeInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
size_t encoded_len,
int /* sample_rate_hz */,
int16_t* decoded,
SpeechType* speech_type) override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < encoded_len; ++i) {
decoded[i] = next_value_++;
*speech_type = kSpeech;
return encoded_len;
void Reset() override { next_value_ = 1; }
size_t Channels() const override { return 1; }
uint16_t next_value() const { return next_value_; }
int16_t next_value_;
} decoder_;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&decoder_, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert one packet.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Pull audio once.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
// Start with a simple check that the fake decoder is behaving as expected.
static_cast<size_t>(decoder_.next_value() - 1));
// The value of the last of the output samples is the same as the number of
// samples played from the decoded packet. Thus, this number + the RTP
// timestamp should match the playout timestamp.
// Wrap the expected value in an rtc::Optional to compare them as such.
rtc::Optional<uint32_t>(rtp_header.header.timestamp +
output.data_[output.samples_per_channel_ - 1]),
// Check the timestamp for the last value in the sync buffer. This should
// be one full frame length ahead of the RTP timestamp.
const SyncBuffer* sync_buffer = neteq_->sync_buffer_for_test();
ASSERT_TRUE(sync_buffer != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(rtp_header.header.timestamp + kPayloadLengthSamples,
// Check that the number of samples still to play from the sync buffer add
// up with what was already played out.
kPayloadLengthSamples - output.data_[output.samples_per_channel_ - 1],
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, ReorderedPacket) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000); // 10 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = kPayloadLengthSamples;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Reset()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(_, kPayloadLengthBytes))
int16_t dummy_output[kPayloadLengthSamples] = {0};
// The below expectation will make the mock decoder write
// |kPayloadLengthSamples| zeros to the output array, and mark it as speech.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(Pointee(0), kPayloadLengthBytes,
kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&mock_decoder, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert one packet.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Pull audio once.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
// Insert two more packets. The first one is out of order, and is already too
// old, the second one is the expected next packet.
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber -= 1;
rtp_header.header.timestamp -= kPayloadLengthSamples;
payload[0] = 1;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 2;
rtp_header.header.timestamp += 2 * kPayloadLengthSamples;
payload[0] = 2;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Expect only the second packet to be decoded (the one with "2" as the first
// payload byte).
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(Pointee(2), kPayloadLengthBytes,
kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
// Pull audio once.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
// Now check the packet buffer, and make sure it is empty, since the
// out-of-order packet should have been discarded.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die());
// This test verifies that NetEq can handle the situation where the first
// incoming packet is rejected.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, FirstPacketUnknown) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000); // 10 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = kPayloadLengthSamples;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Insert one packet. Note that we have not registered any payload type, so
// this packet will be rejected.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kUnknownRtpPayloadType, neteq_->LastError());
// Pull audio once.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_LE(output.samples_per_channel_, kMaxOutputSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kPLC, output.speech_type_);
// Register the payload type.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterPayloadType(
NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B, "", kPayloadType));
// Insert 10 packets.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
rtp_header.header.timestamp += kPayloadLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, packet_buffer_->NumPacketsInBuffer());
// Pull audio repeatedly and make sure we get normal output, that is not PLC.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_LE(output.samples_per_channel_, kMaxOutputSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_)
<< "NetEq did not decode the packets as expected.";
// This test verifies that NetEq can handle comfort noise and enters/quits codec
// internal CNG mode properly.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, CodecInternalCng) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateKhz = 48;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(20 * kSampleRateKhz); // 20 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 10;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
int16_t dummy_output[kPayloadLengthSamples] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Reset()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(_, kPayloadLengthBytes))
// Packed duration when asking the decoder for more CNG data (without a new
// packet).
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(nullptr, 0))
// Pointee(x) verifies that first byte of the payload equals x, this makes it
// possible to verify that the correct payload is fed to Decode().
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(Pointee(0), kPayloadLengthBytes,
kSampleRateKhz * 1000, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(Pointee(1), kPayloadLengthBytes,
kSampleRateKhz * 1000, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
DecodeInternal(IsNull(), 0, kSampleRateKhz * 1000, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(Pointee(2), kPayloadLengthBytes,
kSampleRateKhz * 1000, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples),
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&mock_decoder, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderOpus,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateKhz * 1000));
// Insert one packet (decoder will return speech).
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Insert second packet (decoder will return CNG).
payload[0] = 1;
rtp_header.header.timestamp += kPayloadLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateKhz);
AudioFrame output;
AudioFrame::SpeechType expected_type[8] = {
AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech,
AudioFrame::kCNG, AudioFrame::kCNG,
AudioFrame::kCNG, AudioFrame::kCNG,
AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech
int expected_timestamp_increment[8] = {
-1, // will not be used.
10 * kSampleRateKhz,
-1, -1, // timestamp will be empty during CNG mode; indicated by -1 here.
-1, -1,
50 * kSampleRateKhz, 10 * kSampleRateKhz
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
rtc::Optional<uint32_t> last_timestamp = neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp();
// Lambda for verifying the timestamps.
auto verify_timestamp = [&last_timestamp, &expected_timestamp_increment](
rtc::Optional<uint32_t> ts, size_t i) {
if (expected_timestamp_increment[i] == -1) {
// Expect to get an empty timestamp value during CNG and PLC.
EXPECT_FALSE(ts) << "i = " << i;
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(ts) << "i = " << i;
EXPECT_EQ(*ts, *last_timestamp + expected_timestamp_increment[i])
<< "i = " << i;
last_timestamp = ts;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_type[i - 1], output.speech_type_);
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
verify_timestamp(neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp(), i);
// Insert third packet, which leaves a gap from last packet.
payload[0] = 2;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 2;
rtp_header.header.timestamp += 2 * kPayloadLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
for (size_t i = 6; i < 8; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_type[i - 1], output.speech_type_);
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
verify_timestamp(neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp(), i);
// Now check the packet buffer, and make sure it is empty.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die());
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, UnsupportedDecoder) {
static const size_t kNetEqMaxFrameSize = 2880; // 60 ms @ 48 kHz.
static const size_t kChannels = 2;
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000); // 10 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 1;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes]= {0};
int16_t dummy_output[kPayloadLengthSamples * kChannels] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
class MockAudioDecoder : public AudioDecoder {
void Reset() override {}
MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(PacketDuration, int(const uint8_t*, size_t));
MOCK_METHOD5(DecodeInternal, int(const uint8_t*, size_t, int, int16_t*,
size_t Channels() const override { return kChannels; }
} decoder_;
const uint8_t kFirstPayloadValue = 1;
const uint8_t kSecondPayloadValue = 2;
EXPECT_CALL(decoder_, PacketDuration(Pointee(kFirstPayloadValue),
.WillRepeatedly(Return(kNetEqMaxFrameSize + 1));
DecodeInternal(Pointee(kFirstPayloadValue), _, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(decoder_, DecodeInternal(Pointee(kSecondPayloadValue),
kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output +
kPayloadLengthSamples * kChannels),
kPayloadLengthSamples * kChannels))));
EXPECT_CALL(decoder_, PacketDuration(Pointee(kSecondPayloadValue),
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&decoder_, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert one packet.
payload[0] = kFirstPayloadValue; // This will make Decode() fail.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Insert another packet.
payload[0] = kSecondPayloadValue; // This will make Decode() successful.
// The second timestamp needs to be at least 30 ms after the first to make
// the second packet get decoded.
rtp_header.header.timestamp += 3 * kPayloadLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
AudioFrame output;
// First call to GetAudio will try to decode the "faulty" packet.
// Expect kFail return value...
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kFail, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
// ... and kOtherDecoderError error code.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOtherDecoderError, neteq_->LastError());
// Output size and number of channels should be correct.
const size_t kExpectedOutputSize = 10 * (kSampleRateHz / 1000) * kChannels;
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_ * kChannels);
EXPECT_EQ(kChannels, output.num_channels_);
// Second call to GetAudio will decode the packet that is ok. No errors are
// expected.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_ * kChannels);
EXPECT_EQ(kChannels, output.num_channels_);
// This test inserts packets until the buffer is flushed. After that, it asks
// NetEq for the network statistics. The purpose of the test is to make sure
// that even though the buffer size increment is negative (which it becomes when
// the packet causing a flush is inserted), the packet length stored in the
// decision logic remains valid.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, FloodBufferAndGetNetworkStats) {
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples = 80;
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 2 * kPayloadLengthSamples; // PCM 16-bit.
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterPayloadType(
NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B, "", kPayloadType));
// Insert packets until the buffer flushes.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= config_.max_packets_in_buffer; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(i, packet_buffer_->NumPacketsInBuffer());
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
rtp_header.header.timestamp +=
EXPECT_EQ(1u, packet_buffer_->NumPacketsInBuffer());
// Ask for network statistics. This should not crash.
NetEqNetworkStatistics stats;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->NetworkStatistics(&stats));
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, DecodedPayloadTooShort) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const size_t kPayloadLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000); // 10 ms.
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 2 * kPayloadLengthSamples;
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Reset()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(_, _))
int16_t dummy_output[kPayloadLengthSamples] = {0};
// The below expectation will make the mock decoder write
// |kPayloadLengthSamples| - 5 zeros to the output array, and mark it as
// speech. That is, the decoded length is 5 samples shorter than the expected.
DecodeInternal(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kPayloadLengthSamples - 5),
Return(kPayloadLengthSamples - 5)));
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&mock_decoder, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert one packet.
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
EXPECT_EQ(5u, neteq_->sync_buffer_for_test()->FutureLength());
// Pull audio once.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
ASSERT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die());
// This test checks the behavior of NetEq when audio decoder fails.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, DecodingError) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const int kDecoderErrorCode = -97; // Any negative number.
// We let decoder return 5 ms each time, and therefore, 2 packets make 10 ms.
const size_t kFrameLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(5 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 1; // This can be arbitrary.
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Reset()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(_, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, ErrorCode())
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, HasDecodePlc())
int16_t dummy_output[kFrameLengthSamples] = {0};
InSequence sequence; // Dummy variable.
// Mock decoder works normally the first time.
DecodeInternal(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kFrameLengthSamples),
// Then mock decoder fails. A common reason for failure can be buffer being
// too short
DecodeInternal(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
// Mock decoder finally returns to normal.
DecodeInternal(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kFrameLengthSamples),
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&mock_decoder, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert packets.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 1;
rtp_header.header.timestamp += kFrameLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Pull audio.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
// Pull audio again. Decoder fails.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kFail, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kDecoderErrorCode, neteq_->LastError());
EXPECT_EQ(kDecoderErrorCode, neteq_->LastDecoderError());
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
// We are not expecting anything for output.speech_type_, since an error was
// returned.
// Pull audio again, should continue an expansion.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kPLC, output.speech_type_);
// Pull audio again, should behave normal.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, output.speech_type_);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die());
// This test checks the behavior of NetEq when audio decoder fails during CNG.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, DecodingErrorDuringInternalCng) {
const uint8_t kPayloadType = 17; // Just an arbitrary number.
const uint32_t kReceiveTime = 17; // Value doesn't matter for this test.
const int kSampleRateHz = 8000;
const int kDecoderErrorCode = -97; // Any negative number.
// We let decoder return 5 ms each time, and therefore, 2 packets make 10 ms.
const size_t kFrameLengthSamples =
static_cast<size_t>(5 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
const size_t kPayloadLengthBytes = 1; // This can be arbitrary.
uint8_t payload[kPayloadLengthBytes] = {0};
WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header;
rtp_header.header.payloadType = kPayloadType;
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber = 0x1234;
rtp_header.header.timestamp = 0x12345678;
rtp_header.header.ssrc = 0x87654321;
// Create a mock decoder object.
MockAudioDecoder mock_decoder;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Reset()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Channels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, IncomingPacket(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, PacketDuration(_, _))
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, ErrorCode())
int16_t dummy_output[kFrameLengthSamples] = {0};
InSequence sequence; // Dummy variable.
// Mock decoder works normally the first 2 times.
DecodeInternal(_, kPayloadLengthBytes, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kFrameLengthSamples),
// Then mock decoder fails. A common reason for failure can be buffer being
// too short
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(nullptr, 0, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
// Mock decoder finally returns to normal.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, DecodeInternal(nullptr, 0, kSampleRateHz, _, _))
dummy_output + kFrameLengthSamples),
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->RegisterExternalDecoder(
&mock_decoder, NetEqDecoder::kDecoderPCM16B,
"dummy name", kPayloadType, kSampleRateHz));
// Insert 2 packets. This will make netEq into codec internal CNG mode.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
rtp_header.header.sequenceNumber += 1;
rtp_header.header.timestamp += kFrameLengthSamples;
neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_header, payload, kReceiveTime));
// Pull audio.
const size_t kMaxOutputSize = static_cast<size_t>(10 * kSampleRateHz / 1000);
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kCNG, output.speech_type_);
// Pull audio again. Decoder fails.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kFail, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kDecoderErrorCode, neteq_->LastError());
EXPECT_EQ(kDecoderErrorCode, neteq_->LastDecoderError());
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
// We are not expecting anything for output.speech_type_, since an error was
// returned.
// Pull audio again, should resume codec CNG.
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxOutputSize, output.samples_per_channel_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kCNG, output.speech_type_);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_decoder, Die());
// Tests that the return value from last_output_sample_rate_hz() is equal to the
// configured inital sample rate.
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, InitialLastOutputSampleRate) {
config_.sample_rate_hz = 48000;
EXPECT_EQ(48000, neteq_->last_output_sample_rate_hz());
TEST_F(NetEqImplTest, TickTimerIncrement) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, tick_timer_->ticks());
AudioFrame output;
EXPECT_EQ(NetEq::kOK, neteq_->GetAudio(&output));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, tick_timer_->ticks());
}// namespace webrtc