blob: 09bf81197ead4c01dff283d166e073ffd03d3465 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <bitset>
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_packet_received.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
namespace webrtc {
// We decide which header extensions to register by reading two bytes
// from the beginning of |data| and interpreting it as a bitmask over
// the RTPExtensionType enum. This assert ensures two bytes are enough.
static_assert(kRtpExtensionNumberOfExtensions <= 16,
"Insufficient bits read to configure all header extensions. Add "
"an extra byte and update the switches.");
void FuzzOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
if (size <= 2)
// Don't use the configuration byte as part of the packet.
std::bitset<16> extensionMask(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(data));
data += 2;
size -= 2;
RtpPacketReceived::ExtensionManager extensions;
// Skip i = 0 since it maps to ExtensionNone and extension id = 0 is invalid.
for (int i = 0; i < kRtpExtensionNumberOfExtensions; i++) {
RTPExtensionType extension_type = static_cast<RTPExtensionType>(i);
if (extensionMask[i] && extension_type != kRtpExtensionNone) {
// Extensions are registered with an ID, which you signal to the
// peer so they know what to expect. This code only cares about
// parsing so the value of the ID isn't relevant; we use i.
extensions.RegisterByType(i, extension_type);
RTPHeader rtp_header;
RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(data, size);
rtp_parser.Parse(&rtp_header, &extensions);
} // namespace webrtc