blob: 36bd7c4211e6a9fc0398dfebe3773b91e69a4a1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_mixer/audio_mixer_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_mixer/audio_mixer.h"
using testing::_;
using testing::Exactly;
using testing::Invoke;
using testing::Return;
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
constexpr int kDefaultSampleRateHz = 48000;
constexpr int kId = 1;
// Utility function that resets the frame member variables with
// sensible defaults.
void ResetFrame(AudioFrame* frame) {
frame->id_ = kId;
frame->sample_rate_hz_ = kDefaultSampleRateHz;
frame->num_channels_ = 1;
// Frame duration 10ms.
frame->samples_per_channel_ = kDefaultSampleRateHz / 100;
frame->vad_activity_ = AudioFrame::kVadActive;
frame->speech_type_ = AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech;
AudioFrame frame_for_mixing;
} // namespace
class MockMixerAudioSource : public MixerAudioSource {
: fake_audio_frame_info_(MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kNormal) {
ON_CALL(*this, GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, _))
Invoke(this, &MockMixerAudioSource::FakeAudioFrameWithMuted));
AudioFrameWithMuted(const int32_t id, int sample_rate_hz));
AudioFrame* fake_frame() { return &fake_frame_; }
AudioFrameInfo fake_info() { return fake_audio_frame_info_; }
void set_fake_info(const AudioFrameInfo audio_frame_info) {
fake_audio_frame_info_ = audio_frame_info;
AudioFrame fake_frame_, fake_output_frame_;
AudioFrameInfo fake_audio_frame_info_;
AudioFrameWithMuted FakeAudioFrameWithMuted(const int32_t id,
int sample_rate_hz) {
return {
&fake_output_frame_, // audio_frame_pointer
fake_info(), // audio_frame_info
// Creates participants from |frames| and |frame_info| and adds them
// to the mixer. Compares mixed status with |expected_status|
void MixAndCompare(
const std::vector<AudioFrame>& frames,
const std::vector<MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo>& frame_info,
const std::vector<bool>& expected_status) {
int num_audio_sources = frames.size();
RTC_DCHECK(frames.size() == frame_info.size());
RTC_DCHECK(frame_info.size() == expected_status.size());
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
std::vector<MockMixerAudioSource> participants(num_audio_sources);
for (int i = 0; i < num_audio_sources; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_audio_sources; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participants[i], true));
GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
for (int i = 0; i < num_audio_sources; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(participants[i].IsMixed(), expected_status[i])
<< "Mixed status of AudioSource #" << i << " wrong.";
TEST(AudioMixer, AnonymousAndNamed) {
// Should not matter even if partipants are more than
// kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources.
constexpr int kNamed = AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
constexpr int kAnonymous = AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource named[kNamed];
MockMixerAudioSource anonymous[kAnonymous];
for (int i = 0; i < kNamed; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&named[i], true));
for (int i = 0; i < kAnonymous; ++i) {
// AudioSource must be registered before turning it into anonymous.
EXPECT_EQ(-1, mixer->SetAnonymousMixabilityStatus(&anonymous[i], true));
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&anonymous[i], true));
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetAnonymousMixabilityStatus(&anonymous[i], true));
// Anonymous participants do not show status by MixabilityStatus.
for (int i = 0; i < kNamed; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&named[i], false));
for (int i = 0; i < kAnonymous - 1; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetAnonymousMixabilityStatus(&anonymous[i], false));
// SetAnonymousMixabilityStatus(anonymous, false) moves anonymous to the
// named group.
// SetMixabilityStatus(anonymous, false) will remove anonymous from both
// anonymous and named groups.
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&anonymous[kAnonymous - 1], false));
EXPECT_FALSE(mixer->AnonymousMixabilityStatus(anonymous[kAnonymous - 1]));
EXPECT_FALSE(mixer->MixabilityStatus(anonymous[kAnonymous - 1]));
TEST(AudioMixer, LargestEnergyVadActiveMixed) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 3;
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participants[kAudioSources];
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources; ++i) {
// We set the 80-th sample value since the first 80 samples may be
// modified by a ramped-in window.
participants[i].fake_frame()->data_[80] = i;
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participants[i], true));
EXPECT_CALL(participants[i], GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, _))
// Last participant gives audio frame with passive VAD, although it has the
// largest energy.
participants[kAudioSources - 1].fake_frame()->vad_activity_ =
AudioFrame audio_frame;
1, // number of channels
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources; ++i) {
bool is_mixed = participants[i].IsMixed();
if (i == kAudioSources - 1 ||
i < kAudioSources - 1 - AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources) {
EXPECT_FALSE(is_mixed) << "Mixing status of AudioSource #" << i
<< " wrong.";
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(is_mixed) << "Mixing status of AudioSource #" << i
<< " wrong.";
TEST(AudioMixer, ParticipantSampleRate) {
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participant;
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participant, true));
for (auto frequency : {8000, 16000, 32000, 48000}) {
EXPECT_CALL(participant, GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, frequency))
mixer->Mix(frequency, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
EXPECT_EQ(frequency, frame_for_mixing.sample_rate_hz_);
TEST(AudioMixer, ParticipantNumberOfChannels) {
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participant;
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participant, true));
for (size_t number_of_channels : {1, 2}) {
EXPECT_CALL(participant, GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, number_of_channels, &frame_for_mixing);
EXPECT_EQ(number_of_channels, frame_for_mixing.num_channels_);
// Test that the volume is reported as zero when the mixer input
// comprises only zero values.
TEST(AudioMixer, LevelIsZeroWhenMixingZeroes) {
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participant;
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participant, true));
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
EXPECT_CALL(participant, GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->GetOutputAudioLevel());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->GetOutputAudioLevelFullRange());
// Test that the reported volume is maximal when the mixer
// input comprises frames with maximal values.
TEST(AudioMixer, LevelIsMaximalWhenMixingMaximalValues) {
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participant;
// Fill participant frame data with maximal sound.
participant.fake_frame()->data_ + kDefaultSampleRateHz / 100,
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participant, true));
// We do >10 iterations, because the audio level indicator only
// updates once every 10 calls.
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
EXPECT_CALL(participant, GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
// 9 is the highest possible audio level
EXPECT_EQ(9, mixer->GetOutputAudioLevel());
// 0x7fff = 32767 is the highest full range audio level.
// Maximal amount of participants are mixed one iteration, then
// another participant with higher energy is added.
TEST(AudioMixer, RampedOutSourcesShouldNotBeMarkedMixed) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
const std::unique_ptr<AudioMixer> mixer(AudioMixer::Create(kId));
MockMixerAudioSource participants[kAudioSources];
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources; i++) {
// Set the participant audio energy to increase with the index
// |i|.
participants[i].fake_frame()->data_[0] = 100 * i;
// Add all participants but the loudest for mixing.
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources - 1; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participants[i], true));
GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
// First mixer iteration
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
// All participants but the loudest should have been mixed.
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources - 1; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(participants[i].IsMixed()) << "Mixed status of AudioSource #"
<< i << " wrong.";
// Add new participant with higher energy.
mixer->SetMixabilityStatus(&participants[kAudioSources - 1], true));
for (int i = 0; i < kAudioSources; i++) {
GetAudioFrameWithMuted(_, kDefaultSampleRateHz))
mixer->Mix(kDefaultSampleRateHz, 1, &frame_for_mixing);
// The most quiet participant should not have been mixed.
<< "Mixed status of AudioSource #0 wrong.";
// The loudest participants should have been mixed.
for (int i = 1; i < kAudioSources; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(participants[i].IsMixed(), true)
<< "Mixed status of AudioSource #" << i << " wrong.";
TEST(AudioMixer, MutedShouldMixAfterUnmuted) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
std::vector<AudioFrame> frames(kAudioSources);
for (auto& frame : frames) {
std::vector<MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo> frame_info(
kAudioSources, MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kNormal);
frame_info[0] = MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kMuted;
std::vector<bool> expected_status(kAudioSources, true);
expected_status[0] = false;
MixAndCompare(frames, frame_info, expected_status);
TEST(AudioMixer, PassiveShouldMixAfterNormal) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
std::vector<AudioFrame> frames(kAudioSources);
for (auto& frame : frames) {
std::vector<MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo> frame_info(
kAudioSources, MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kNormal);
frames[0].vad_activity_ = AudioFrame::kVadPassive;
std::vector<bool> expected_status(kAudioSources, true);
expected_status[0] = false;
MixAndCompare(frames, frame_info, expected_status);
TEST(AudioMixer, ActiveShouldMixBeforeLoud) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
std::vector<AudioFrame> frames(kAudioSources);
for (auto& frame : frames) {
std::vector<MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo> frame_info(
kAudioSources, MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kNormal);
frames[0].vad_activity_ = AudioFrame::kVadPassive;
std::fill(frames[0].data_, frames[0].data_ + kDefaultSampleRateHz / 100,
std::vector<bool> expected_status(kAudioSources, true);
expected_status[0] = false;
MixAndCompare(frames, frame_info, expected_status);
TEST(AudioMixer, UnmutedShouldMixBeforeLoud) {
constexpr int kAudioSources =
AudioMixer::kMaximumAmountOfMixedAudioSources + 1;
std::vector<AudioFrame> frames(kAudioSources);
for (auto& frame : frames) {
std::vector<MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo> frame_info(
kAudioSources, MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kNormal);
frame_info[0] = MixerAudioSource::AudioFrameInfo::kMuted;
std::fill(frames[0].data_, frames[0].data_ + kDefaultSampleRateHz / 100,
std::vector<bool> expected_status(kAudioSources, true);
expected_status[0] = false;
MixAndCompare(frames, frame_info, expected_status);
} // namespace webrtc