blob: 3498faf50ed923dd2c6c3a7af2015dbe2b31789f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer;
/** Implementation of VideoFrame.I420Buffer backed by Java direct byte buffers. */
public class JavaI420Buffer implements VideoFrame.I420Buffer {
private final int width;
private final int height;
private final ByteBuffer dataY;
private final ByteBuffer dataU;
private final ByteBuffer dataV;
private final int strideY;
private final int strideU;
private final int strideV;
private final Runnable releaseCallback;
private final Object refCountLock = new Object();
private int refCount;
private JavaI420Buffer(int width, int height, ByteBuffer dataY, int strideY, ByteBuffer dataU,
int strideU, ByteBuffer dataV, int strideV, Runnable releaseCallback) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.dataY = dataY;
this.dataU = dataU;
this.dataV = dataV;
this.strideY = strideY;
this.strideU = strideU;
this.strideV = strideV;
this.releaseCallback = releaseCallback;
this.refCount = 1;
/** Wraps existing ByteBuffers into JavaI420Buffer object without copying the contents. */
public static JavaI420Buffer wrap(int width, int height, ByteBuffer dataY, int strideY,
ByteBuffer dataU, int strideU, ByteBuffer dataV, int strideV, Runnable releaseCallback) {
if (dataY == null || dataU == null || dataV == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data buffers cannot be null.");
if (!dataY.isDirect() || !dataU.isDirect() || !dataV.isDirect()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data buffers must be direct byte buffers.");
// Slice the buffers to prevent external modifications to the position / limit of the buffer.
// Note that this doesn't protect the contents of the buffers from modifications.
dataY = dataY.slice();
dataU = dataU.slice();
dataV = dataV.slice();
final int chromaHeight = (height + 1) / 2;
final int minCapacityY = strideY * height;
final int minCapacityU = strideU * chromaHeight;
final int minCapacityV = strideV * chromaHeight;
if (dataY.capacity() < minCapacityY) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Y-buffer must be at least " + minCapacityY + " bytes.");
if (dataU.capacity() < minCapacityU) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("U-buffer must be at least " + minCapacityU + " bytes.");
if (dataV.capacity() < minCapacityV) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("V-buffer must be at least " + minCapacityV + " bytes.");
return new JavaI420Buffer(
width, height, dataY, strideY, dataU, strideU, dataV, strideV, releaseCallback);
/** Allocates an empty I420Buffer suitable for an image of the given dimensions. */
public static JavaI420Buffer allocate(int width, int height) {
int chromaHeight = (height + 1) / 2;
int strideUV = (width + 1) / 2;
int yPos = 0;
int uPos = yPos + width * height;
int vPos = uPos + strideUV * chromaHeight;
ByteBuffer buffer =
JniCommon.nativeAllocateByteBuffer(width * height + 2 * strideUV * chromaHeight);
ByteBuffer dataY = buffer.slice();
ByteBuffer dataU = buffer.slice();
buffer.limit(vPos + strideUV * chromaHeight);
ByteBuffer dataV = buffer.slice();
return new JavaI420Buffer(width, height, dataY, width, dataU, strideUV, dataV, strideUV,
() -> { JniCommon.nativeFreeByteBuffer(buffer); });
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public ByteBuffer getDataY() {
// Return a slice to prevent relative reads from changing the position.
return dataY.slice();
public ByteBuffer getDataU() {
// Return a slice to prevent relative reads from changing the position.
return dataU.slice();
public ByteBuffer getDataV() {
// Return a slice to prevent relative reads from changing the position.
return dataV.slice();
public int getStrideY() {
return strideY;
public int getStrideU() {
return strideU;
public int getStrideV() {
return strideV;
public I420Buffer toI420() {
return this;
public void retain() {
synchronized (refCountLock) {
public void release() {
synchronized (refCountLock) {
if (--refCount == 0 && releaseCallback != null) {;
public VideoFrame.Buffer cropAndScale(
int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight) {
return VideoFrame.cropAndScaleI420(
this, cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight, scaleWidth, scaleHeight);