blob: 48afc1adbbd439e8e60ac33ef20d04dda4ce76bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// This sub-API supports the following functionalities:
// - Specify render destinations for incoming video streams, capture devices
// and files.
// - Configuring render streams.
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
namespace webrtc {
class VideoEngine;
class VideoRender;
// This class declares an abstract interface to be used for external renderers.
// The user implemented derived class is registered using AddRenderer().
class WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT ExternalRenderer {
// This method will be called when the stream to be rendered changes in
// resolution or number of streams mixed in the image.
virtual int FrameSizeChange(unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
unsigned int number_of_streams) = 0;
// This method is called when a new frame should be rendered.
virtual int DeliverFrame(unsigned char* buffer,
int buffer_size,
// RTP timestamp in 90kHz.
uint32_t time_stamp,
// Wallclock render time in miliseconds
int64_t render_time,
// Handle of the underlying video frame,
void* handle) = 0;
// Returns true if the renderer supports textures. DeliverFrame can be called
// with NULL |buffer| and non-NULL |handle|.
virtual bool IsTextureSupported() = 0;
virtual ~ExternalRenderer() {}
// Factory for the ViERender subā€API and increases an internal reference
// counter if successful. Returns NULL if the API is not supported or if
// construction fails.
static ViERender* GetInterface(VideoEngine* video_engine);
// Releases the ViERender sub-API and decreases an internal reference
// counter. Returns the new reference count. This value should be zero
// for all sub-API:s before the VideoEngine object can be safely deleted.
virtual int Release() = 0;
// Registers render module.
virtual int RegisterVideoRenderModule(VideoRender& render_module) = 0;
// Deregisters render module.
virtual int DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(VideoRender& render_module) = 0;
// Sets the render destination for a given render ID.
virtual int AddRenderer(const int render_id,
void* window,
const unsigned int z_order,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom) = 0;
// Removes the renderer for a stream.
virtual int RemoveRenderer(const int render_id) = 0;
// Starts rendering a render stream.
virtual int StartRender(const int render_id) = 0;
// Stops rendering a render stream.
virtual int StopRender(const int render_id) = 0;
// Set expected render time needed by graphics card or external renderer, i.e.
// the number of ms a frame will be sent to rendering before the actual render
// time.
virtual int SetExpectedRenderDelay(int render_id, int render_delay) = 0;
// Configures an already added render stream.
virtual int ConfigureRender(int render_id,
const unsigned int z_order,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom) = 0;
// This function mirrors the rendered stream left and right or up and down.
virtual int MirrorRenderStream(const int render_id,
const bool enable,
const bool mirror_xaxis,
const bool mirror_yaxis) = 0;
// External render.
virtual int AddRenderer(const int render_id,
RawVideoType video_input_format,
ExternalRenderer* renderer) = 0;
ViERender() {}
virtual ~ViERender() {}
} // namespace webrtc