blob: 79772514c69a3adc3b53172a688732d1c6ef5e5e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transport.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transportchannelimpl.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transportchannelproxy.h"
#include "webrtc/base/common.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
namespace cricket {
enum {
TransportChannelProxy::TransportChannelProxy(const std::string& content_name,
int component)
: TransportChannel(content_name, component),
impl_(NULL) {
worker_thread_ = rtc::Thread::Current();
TransportChannelProxy::~TransportChannelProxy() {
// Clearing any pending signal.
if (impl_) {
void TransportChannelProxy::SetImplementation(TransportChannelImpl* impl) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (impl == impl_) {
// Ignore if the |impl| has already been set.
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Ignored TransportChannelProxy::SetImplementation call "
<< "with a same impl as the existing one.";
// Destroy any existing impl_.
if (impl_) {
// Adopt the supplied impl, and connect to its signals.
impl_ = impl;
if (impl_) {
this, &TransportChannelProxy::OnReadableState);
this, &TransportChannelProxy::OnWritableState);
this, &TransportChannelProxy::OnReadPacket);
this, &TransportChannelProxy::OnReadyToSend);
this, &TransportChannelProxy::OnRouteChange);
for (const auto& pair : options_) {
impl_->SetOption(pair.first, pair.second);
// Push down the SRTP ciphers, if any were set.
if (!pending_srtp_ciphers_.empty()) {
// Post ourselves a message to see if we need to fire state callbacks.
worker_thread_->Post(this, MSG_UPDATESTATE);
int TransportChannelProxy::SendPacket(const char* data, size_t len,
const rtc::PacketOptions& options,
int flags) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
// Fail if we don't have an impl yet.
if (!impl_) {
return -1;
return impl_->SendPacket(data, len, options, flags);
int TransportChannelProxy::SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
options_.push_back(OptionPair(opt, value));
if (!impl_) {
return 0;
return impl_->SetOption(opt, value);
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (impl_) {
return impl_->GetOption(opt, value);
for (const auto& pair : options_) {
if (pair.first == opt) {
*value = pair.second;
return true;
return false;
int TransportChannelProxy::GetError() {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return 0;
return impl_->GetError();
TransportChannelState TransportChannelProxy::GetState() const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return TransportChannelState::STATE_CONNECTING;
return impl_->GetState();
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetStats(ConnectionInfos* infos) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetStats(infos);
bool TransportChannelProxy::IsDtlsActive() const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->IsDtlsActive();
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole* role) const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetSslRole(role);
bool TransportChannelProxy::SetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole role) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->SetSslRole(role);
bool TransportChannelProxy::SetSrtpCiphers(const std::vector<std::string>&
ciphers) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
pending_srtp_ciphers_ = ciphers; // Cache so we can send later, but always
// set so it stays consistent.
if (impl_) {
return impl_->SetSrtpCiphers(ciphers);
return true;
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetSrtpCipher(std::string* cipher) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetSrtpCipher(cipher);
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetSslCipher(std::string* cipher) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetSslCipher(cipher);
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetLocalIdentity(
rtc::SSLIdentity** identity) const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetLocalIdentity(identity);
bool TransportChannelProxy::GetRemoteCertificate(
rtc::SSLCertificate** cert) const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->GetRemoteCertificate(cert);
bool TransportChannelProxy::ExportKeyingMaterial(const std::string& label,
const uint8* context,
size_t context_len,
bool use_context,
uint8* result,
size_t result_len) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return false;
return impl_->ExportKeyingMaterial(label, context, context_len, use_context,
result, result_len);
IceRole TransportChannelProxy::GetIceRole() const {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (!impl_) {
return impl_->GetIceRole();
void TransportChannelProxy::OnReadableState(TransportChannel* channel) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
ASSERT(channel == impl_);
// Note: SignalReadableState fired by set_readable.
void TransportChannelProxy::OnWritableState(TransportChannel* channel) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
ASSERT(channel == impl_);
// Note: SignalWritableState fired by set_readable.
void TransportChannelProxy::OnReadPacket(
TransportChannel* channel, const char* data, size_t size,
const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time, int flags) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
ASSERT(channel == impl_);
SignalReadPacket(this, data, size, packet_time, flags);
void TransportChannelProxy::OnReadyToSend(TransportChannel* channel) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
ASSERT(channel == impl_);
void TransportChannelProxy::OnRouteChange(TransportChannel* channel,
const Candidate& candidate) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
ASSERT(channel == impl_);
SignalRouteChange(this, candidate);
void TransportChannelProxy::OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) {
ASSERT(rtc::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_);
if (msg->message_id == MSG_UPDATESTATE) {
// If impl_ is already readable or writable, push up those signals.
set_readable(impl_ ? impl_->readable() : false);
set_writable(impl_ ? impl_->writable() : false);
} // namespace cricket