blob: af61dea2faa4488ba150a5addf378651c90777eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/desktop_capture/cropping_window_capturer.h"
#include "modules/desktop_capture/win/screen_capture_utils.h"
#include "modules/desktop_capture/win/window_capture_utils.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
#include "rtc_base/win32.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
const size_t kTitleLength = 256;
// Used to pass input/output data during the EnumWindow call for verifying if
// the selected window is on top.
struct TopWindowVerifierContext {
TopWindowVerifierContext(HWND selected_window,
HWND excluded_window,
DesktopRect selected_window_rect,
WindowCaptureHelperWin* window_capture_helper)
: selected_window(selected_window),
is_top_window(false) {
RTC_DCHECK_NE(selected_window, excluded_window);
GetWindowTextW(selected_window, selected_window_title, kTitleLength);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(selected_window, &selected_window_process_id);
const HWND selected_window;
const HWND excluded_window;
const DesktopRect selected_window_rect;
WindowCaptureHelperWin* window_capture_helper;
WCHAR selected_window_title[kTitleLength];
DWORD selected_window_process_id;
bool is_top_window;
// The function is called during EnumWindow for every window enumerated and is
// responsible for verifying if the selected window is on top.
// Return TRUE to continue enumerating if the current window belongs to the
// selected window or is to be ignored.
// Return FALSE to stop enumerating if the selected window is found or decided
// if it's on top most.
BOOL CALLBACK TopWindowVerifier(HWND hwnd, LPARAM param) {
TopWindowVerifierContext* context =
if (hwnd == context->selected_window) {
context->is_top_window = true;
return FALSE;
// Ignore the excluded window.
if (hwnd == context->excluded_window) {
return TRUE;
// Ignore invisible window on current desktop.
if (!context->window_capture_helper->IsWindowVisibleOnCurrentDesktop(hwnd)) {
return TRUE;
// Ignore Chrome notification windows, especially the notification for the
// ongoing window sharing.
// Notes:
// - This only works with notifications from Chrome, not other Apps.
// - All notifications from Chrome will be ignored.
// - This may cause part or whole of notification window being cropped into
// the capturing of the target window if there is overlapping.
if (context->window_capture_helper->IsWindowChromeNotification(hwnd)) {
return TRUE;
// Ignore descendant windows since we want to capture them.
// This check does not work for tooltips and context menus. Drop down menus
// and popup windows are fine.
// GA_ROOT returns the root window instead of the owner. I.e. for a dialog
// window, GA_ROOT returns the dialog window itself. GA_ROOTOWNER returns the
// application main window which opens the dialog window. Since we are sharing
// the application main window, GA_ROOT should be used here.
if (GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOT) == context->selected_window) {
return TRUE;
// If |hwnd| has no title or has same title as the selected window (i.e.
// Window Media Player consisting of several sibling windows) and belongs to
// the same process, assume it's a tooltip or context menu or sibling window
// from the selected window and ignore it.
// TODO(zijiehe): This check cannot cover the case where tooltip or context
// menu of the child-window is covering the main window. See
// for details.
WCHAR window_title[kTitleLength];
GetWindowTextW(hwnd, window_title, kTitleLength);
if (wcsnlen_s(window_title, kTitleLength) == 0 ||
wcscmp(window_title, context->selected_window_title) == 0) {
DWORD enumerated_window_process_id;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &enumerated_window_process_id);
if (context->selected_window_process_id == enumerated_window_process_id) {
return TRUE;
// Checks whether current window |hwnd| intersects with
// |context|->selected_window.
if (context->window_capture_helper->IsWindowIntersectWithSelectedWindow(
hwnd, context->selected_window, context->selected_window_rect)) {
// If intersection is not empty, the selected window is not on top.
context->is_top_window = false;
return FALSE;
// Otherwise, keep enumerating.
return TRUE;
class CroppingWindowCapturerWin : public CroppingWindowCapturer {
CroppingWindowCapturerWin(const DesktopCaptureOptions& options)
: CroppingWindowCapturer(options) {}
bool ShouldUseScreenCapturer() override;
DesktopRect GetWindowRectInVirtualScreen() override;
// The region from GetWindowRgn in the desktop coordinate if the region is
// rectangular, or the rect from GetWindowRect if the region is not set.
DesktopRect window_region_rect_;
WindowCaptureHelperWin window_capture_helper_;
bool CroppingWindowCapturerWin::ShouldUseScreenCapturer() {
if (!rtc::IsWindows8OrLater() && window_capture_helper_.IsAeroEnabled()) {
return false;
const HWND selected = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(selected_window());
// Check if the window is visible on current desktop.
if (!window_capture_helper_.IsWindowVisibleOnCurrentDesktop(selected)) {
return false;
// Check if the window is a translucent layered window.
const LONG window_ex_style = GetWindowLong(selected, GWL_EXSTYLE);
if (window_ex_style & WS_EX_LAYERED) {
COLORREF color_ref_key = 0;
BYTE alpha = 0;
DWORD flags = 0;
// GetLayeredWindowAttributes fails if the window was setup with
// UpdateLayeredWindow. We have no way to know the opacity of the window in
// that case. This happens for Stiky Note (crbug/412726).
if (!GetLayeredWindowAttributes(selected, &color_ref_key, &alpha, &flags))
return false;
// UpdateLayeredWindow is the only way to set per-pixel alpha and will cause
// the previous GetLayeredWindowAttributes to fail. So we only need to check
// the window wide color key or alpha.
if ((flags & LWA_COLORKEY) || ((flags & LWA_ALPHA) && (alpha < 255))) {
return false;
if (!GetWindowRect(selected, &window_region_rect_)) {
return false;
DesktopRect content_rect;
if (!GetWindowContentRect(selected, &content_rect)) {
return false;
DesktopRect region_rect;
// Get the window region and check if it is rectangular.
const int region_type =
GetWindowRegionTypeWithBoundary(selected, &region_rect);
// Do not use the screen capturer if the region is empty or not rectangular.
if (region_type == COMPLEXREGION || region_type == NULLREGION) {
return false;
if (region_type == SIMPLEREGION) {
// The |region_rect| returned from GetRgnBox() is always in window
// coordinate.
// MSDN: The window region determines the area *within* the window where the
// system permits drawing.
// |region_rect| should always be inside of |window_region_rect_|. So after
// the intersection, |window_region_rect_| == |region_rect|. If so, what's
// the point of the intersecting operations? Why cannot we directly retrieve
// |window_region_rect_| from GetWindowRegionTypeWithBoundary() function?
// TODO(zijiehe): Figure out the purpose of these intersections.
// Check if the client area is out of the screen area. When the window is
// maximized, only its client area is visible in the screen, the border will
// be hidden. So we are using |content_rect| here.
if (!GetFullscreenRect().ContainsRect(content_rect)) {
return false;
// Check if the window is occluded by any other window, excluding the child
// windows, context menus, and |excluded_window_|.
// |content_rect| is preferred, see the comments in TopWindowVerifier()
// function.
TopWindowVerifierContext context(selected,
content_rect, &window_capture_helper_);
const LPARAM enum_param = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&context);
EnumWindows(&TopWindowVerifier, enum_param);
if (!context.is_top_window) {
return false;
// If |selected| is not covered by other windows, check whether it is
// covered by its own child windows. Note: EnumChildWindows() enumerates child
// windows in all generations, but does not include any controls like buttons
// or textboxes.
EnumChildWindows(selected, &TopWindowVerifier, enum_param);
return context.is_top_window;
DesktopRect CroppingWindowCapturerWin::GetWindowRectInVirtualScreen() {
DesktopRect window_rect;
HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(selected_window());
if (!GetCroppedWindowRect(hwnd, &window_rect, /* original_rect */ nullptr)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get window info: " << GetLastError();
return window_rect;
// Convert |window_rect| to be relative to the top-left of the virtual screen.
DesktopRect screen_rect(GetFullscreenRect());
return window_rect;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<DesktopCapturer> CroppingWindowCapturer::CreateCapturer(
const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) {
return std::unique_ptr<DesktopCapturer>(
new CroppingWindowCapturerWin(options));
} // namespace webrtc