blob: 4de8fb3a46550a0f1af89735bcd422e20acb1e29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction_internal.h"
namespace webrtc {
// FEC header size in bytes.
const uint8_t kFecHeaderSize = 10;
// ULP header size in bytes (L bit is set).
const uint8_t kUlpHeaderSizeLBitSet = (2 + kMaskSizeLBitSet);
// ULP header size in bytes (L bit is cleared).
const uint8_t kUlpHeaderSizeLBitClear = (2 + kMaskSizeLBitClear);
// Transport header size in bytes. Assume UDP/IPv4 as a reasonable minimum.
const uint8_t kTransportOverhead = 28;
enum { kMaxFecPackets = ForwardErrorCorrection::kMaxMediaPackets };
int32_t ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet::AddRef() {
return ++ref_count_;
int32_t ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet::Release() {
int32_t ref_count;
ref_count = --ref_count_;
if (ref_count == 0)
delete this;
return ref_count;
// Used to link media packets to their protecting FEC packets.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class ProtectedPacket : public ForwardErrorCorrection::SortablePacket {
rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet> pkt;
typedef std::list<ProtectedPacket*> ProtectedPacketList;
// Used for internal storage of FEC packets in a list.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class FecPacket : public ForwardErrorCorrection::SortablePacket {
ProtectedPacketList protected_pkt_list;
uint32_t ssrc; // SSRC of the current frame.
rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet> pkt;
bool ForwardErrorCorrection::SortablePacket::LessThan(
const SortablePacket* first,
const SortablePacket* second) {
return IsNewerSequenceNumber(second->seq_num, first->seq_num);
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket::ReceivedPacket() {}
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket::~ReceivedPacket() {}
ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacket::RecoveredPacket() {}
ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacket::~RecoveredPacket() {}
: generated_fec_packets_(kMaxMediaPackets), fec_packet_received_(false) {}
ForwardErrorCorrection::~ForwardErrorCorrection() {}
// Input packet
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | RTP Header (12 octets) |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | RTP Payload |
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Output packet
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | FEC Header (10 octets) |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | FEC Level 0 Header |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | FEC Level 0 Payload |
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
int32_t ForwardErrorCorrection::GenerateFEC(const PacketList& media_packet_list,
uint8_t protection_factor,
int num_important_packets,
bool use_unequal_protection,
FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
PacketList* fec_packet_list) {
const uint16_t num_media_packets = media_packet_list.size();
// Sanity check arguments.
assert(num_media_packets > 0);
assert(num_important_packets >= 0 &&
num_important_packets <= num_media_packets);
if (num_media_packets > kMaxMediaPackets) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't protect " << num_media_packets
<< " media packets per frame. Max is " << kMaxMediaPackets;
return -1;
bool l_bit = (num_media_packets > 8 * kMaskSizeLBitClear);
int num_mask_bytes = l_bit ? kMaskSizeLBitSet : kMaskSizeLBitClear;
// Do some error checking on the media packets.
for (Packet* media_packet : media_packet_list) {
if (media_packet->length < kRtpHeaderSize) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Media packet " << media_packet->length << " bytes "
<< "is smaller than RTP header.";
return -1;
// Ensure our FEC packets will fit in a typical MTU.
if (media_packet->length + PacketOverhead() + kTransportOverhead >
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Media packet " << media_packet->length << " bytes "
<< "with overhead is larger than " << IP_PACKET_SIZE;
int num_fec_packets =
GetNumberOfFecPackets(num_media_packets, protection_factor);
if (num_fec_packets == 0) {
return 0;
// Prepare FEC packets by setting them to 0.
for (int i = 0; i < num_fec_packets; ++i) {
memset(generated_fec_packets_[i].data, 0, IP_PACKET_SIZE);
generated_fec_packets_[i].length = 0; // Use this as a marker for untouched
// packets.
const internal::PacketMaskTable mask_table(fec_mask_type, num_media_packets);
// -- Generate packet masks --
// Always allocate space for a large mask.
rtc::scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> packet_mask(
new uint8_t[num_fec_packets * kMaskSizeLBitSet]);
memset(packet_mask.get(), 0, num_fec_packets * num_mask_bytes);
internal::GeneratePacketMasks(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets,
num_important_packets, use_unequal_protection,
mask_table, packet_mask.get());
int num_mask_bits = InsertZerosInBitMasks(
media_packet_list, packet_mask.get(), num_mask_bytes, num_fec_packets);
if (num_mask_bits < 0) {
return -1;
l_bit = (num_mask_bits > 8 * kMaskSizeLBitClear);
if (l_bit) {
num_mask_bytes = kMaskSizeLBitSet;
GenerateFecBitStrings(media_packet_list, packet_mask.get(), num_fec_packets,
GenerateFecUlpHeaders(media_packet_list, packet_mask.get(), l_bit,
return 0;
int ForwardErrorCorrection::GetNumberOfFecPackets(int num_media_packets,
int protection_factor) {
// Result in Q0 with an unsigned round.
int num_fec_packets = (num_media_packets * protection_factor + (1 << 7)) >> 8;
// Generate at least one FEC packet if we need protection.
if (protection_factor > 0 && num_fec_packets == 0) {
num_fec_packets = 1;
assert(num_fec_packets <= num_media_packets);
return num_fec_packets;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::GenerateFecBitStrings(
const PacketList& media_packet_list,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
int num_fec_packets,
bool l_bit) {
if (media_packet_list.empty()) {
uint8_t media_payload_length[2];
const int num_mask_bytes = l_bit ? kMaskSizeLBitSet : kMaskSizeLBitClear;
const uint16_t ulp_header_size =
l_bit ? kUlpHeaderSizeLBitSet : kUlpHeaderSizeLBitClear;
const uint16_t fec_rtp_offset =
kFecHeaderSize + ulp_header_size - kRtpHeaderSize;
for (int i = 0; i < num_fec_packets; ++i) {
PacketList::const_iterator media_list_it = media_packet_list.begin();
uint32_t pkt_mask_idx = i * num_mask_bytes;
uint32_t media_pkt_idx = 0;
uint16_t fec_packet_length = 0;
uint16_t prev_seq_num = ParseSequenceNumber((*media_list_it)->data);
while (media_list_it != media_packet_list.end()) {
// Each FEC packet has a multiple byte mask. Determine if this media
// packet should be included in FEC packet i.
if (packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] & (1 << (7 - media_pkt_idx))) {
Packet* media_packet = *media_list_it;
// Assign network-ordered media payload length.
media_payload_length, media_packet->length - kRtpHeaderSize);
fec_packet_length = media_packet->length + fec_rtp_offset;
// On the first protected packet, we don't need to XOR.
if (generated_fec_packets_[i].length == 0) {
// Copy the first 2 bytes of the RTP header.
memcpy(generated_fec_packets_[i].data, media_packet->data, 2);
// Copy the 5th to 8th bytes of the RTP header.
memcpy(&generated_fec_packets_[i].data[4], &media_packet->data[4], 4);
// Copy network-ordered payload size.
memcpy(&generated_fec_packets_[i].data[8], media_payload_length, 2);
// Copy RTP payload, leaving room for the ULP header.
&generated_fec_packets_[i].data[kFecHeaderSize + ulp_header_size],
media_packet->length - kRtpHeaderSize);
} else {
// XOR with the first 2 bytes of the RTP header.
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[0] ^= media_packet->data[0];
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[1] ^= media_packet->data[1];
// XOR with the 5th to 8th bytes of the RTP header.
for (uint32_t j = 4; j < 8; ++j) {
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[j] ^= media_packet->data[j];
// XOR with the network-ordered payload size.
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[8] ^= media_payload_length[0];
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[9] ^= media_payload_length[1];
// XOR with RTP payload, leaving room for the ULP header.
for (int32_t j = kFecHeaderSize + ulp_header_size;
j < fec_packet_length; j++) {
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[j] ^=
media_packet->data[j - fec_rtp_offset];
if (fec_packet_length > generated_fec_packets_[i].length) {
generated_fec_packets_[i].length = fec_packet_length;
if (media_list_it != media_packet_list.end()) {
uint16_t seq_num = ParseSequenceNumber((*media_list_it)->data);
media_pkt_idx += static_cast<uint16_t>(seq_num - prev_seq_num);
prev_seq_num = seq_num;
pkt_mask_idx += media_pkt_idx / 8;
media_pkt_idx %= 8;
RTC_DCHECK_GT(generated_fec_packets_[i].length, 0u)
<< "Packet mask is wrong or poorly designed.";
int ForwardErrorCorrection::InsertZerosInBitMasks(
const PacketList& media_packets,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
int num_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets) {
uint8_t* new_mask = NULL;
if (media_packets.size() <= 1) {
return media_packets.size();
int last_seq_num = ParseSequenceNumber(media_packets.back()->data);
int first_seq_num = ParseSequenceNumber(media_packets.front()->data);
int total_missing_seq_nums =
static_cast<uint16_t>(last_seq_num - first_seq_num) -
media_packets.size() + 1;
if (total_missing_seq_nums == 0) {
// All sequence numbers are covered by the packet mask. No zero insertion
// required.
return media_packets.size();
// We can only protect 8 * kMaskSizeLBitSet packets.
if (total_missing_seq_nums + media_packets.size() > 8 * kMaskSizeLBitSet)
return -1;
// Allocate the new mask.
int new_mask_bytes = kMaskSizeLBitClear;
if (media_packets.size() + total_missing_seq_nums > 8 * kMaskSizeLBitClear) {
new_mask_bytes = kMaskSizeLBitSet;
new_mask = new uint8_t[num_fec_packets * kMaskSizeLBitSet];
memset(new_mask, 0, num_fec_packets * kMaskSizeLBitSet);
PacketList::const_iterator it = media_packets.begin();
uint16_t prev_seq_num = first_seq_num;
// Insert the first column.
CopyColumn(new_mask, new_mask_bytes, packet_mask, num_mask_bytes,
num_fec_packets, 0, 0);
int new_bit_index = 1;
int old_bit_index = 1;
// Insert zeros in the bit mask for every hole in the sequence.
for (; it != media_packets.end(); ++it) {
if (new_bit_index == 8 * kMaskSizeLBitSet) {
// We can only cover up to 48 packets.
uint16_t seq_num = ParseSequenceNumber((*it)->data);
const int zeros_to_insert =
static_cast<uint16_t>(seq_num - prev_seq_num - 1);
if (zeros_to_insert > 0) {
InsertZeroColumns(zeros_to_insert, new_mask, new_mask_bytes,
num_fec_packets, new_bit_index);
new_bit_index += zeros_to_insert;
CopyColumn(new_mask, new_mask_bytes, packet_mask, num_mask_bytes,
num_fec_packets, new_bit_index, old_bit_index);
prev_seq_num = seq_num;
if (new_bit_index % 8 != 0) {
// We didn't fill the last byte. Shift bits to correct position.
for (uint16_t row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; ++row) {
int new_byte_index = row * new_mask_bytes + new_bit_index / 8;
new_mask[new_byte_index] <<= (7 - (new_bit_index % 8));
// Replace the old mask with the new.
memcpy(packet_mask, new_mask, kMaskSizeLBitSet * num_fec_packets);
delete[] new_mask;
return new_bit_index;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::InsertZeroColumns(int num_zeros,
uint8_t* new_mask,
int new_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets,
int new_bit_index) {
for (uint16_t row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; ++row) {
const int new_byte_index = row * new_mask_bytes + new_bit_index / 8;
const int max_shifts = (7 - (new_bit_index % 8));
new_mask[new_byte_index] <<= std::min(num_zeros, max_shifts);
void ForwardErrorCorrection::CopyColumn(uint8_t* new_mask,
int new_mask_bytes,
uint8_t* old_mask,
int old_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets,
int new_bit_index,
int old_bit_index) {
// Copy column from the old mask to the beginning of the new mask and shift it
// out from the old mask.
for (uint16_t row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; ++row) {
int new_byte_index = row * new_mask_bytes + new_bit_index / 8;
int old_byte_index = row * old_mask_bytes + old_bit_index / 8;
new_mask[new_byte_index] |= ((old_mask[old_byte_index] & 0x80) >> 7);
if (new_bit_index % 8 != 7) {
new_mask[new_byte_index] <<= 1;
old_mask[old_byte_index] <<= 1;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::GenerateFecUlpHeaders(
const PacketList& media_packet_list,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
bool l_bit,
int num_fec_packets) {
// -- Generate FEC and ULP headers --
// FEC Header, 10 bytes
// 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |E|L|P|X| CC |M| PT recovery | SN base |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | TS recovery |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | length recovery |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// ULP Header, 4 bytes (for L = 0)
// 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | Protection Length | mask |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | mask cont. (present only when L = 1) |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
PacketList::const_iterator media_list_it = media_packet_list.begin();
Packet* media_packet = *media_list_it;
assert(media_packet != NULL);
int num_mask_bytes = l_bit ? kMaskSizeLBitSet : kMaskSizeLBitClear;
const uint16_t ulp_header_size =
l_bit ? kUlpHeaderSizeLBitSet : kUlpHeaderSizeLBitClear;
for (int i = 0; i < num_fec_packets; ++i) {
// -- FEC header --
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[0] &= 0x7f; // Set E to zero.
if (l_bit == 0) {
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[0] &= 0xbf; // Clear the L bit.
} else {
generated_fec_packets_[i].data[0] |= 0x40; // Set the L bit.
// Two byte sequence number from first RTP packet to SN base.
// We use the same sequence number base for every FEC packet,
// but that's not required in general.
memcpy(&generated_fec_packets_[i].data[2], &media_packet->data[2], 2);
// -- ULP header --
// Copy the payload size to the protection length field.
// (We protect the entire packet.)
generated_fec_packets_[i].length - kFecHeaderSize - ulp_header_size);
// Copy the packet mask.
&packet_mask[i * num_mask_bytes], num_mask_bytes);
void ForwardErrorCorrection::ResetState(
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
fec_packet_received_ = false;
// Free the memory for any existing recovered packets, if the user hasn't.
while (!recovered_packet_list->empty()) {
delete recovered_packet_list->front();
// Free the FEC packet list.
while (!fec_packet_list_.empty()) {
FecPacketList::iterator fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.begin();
FecPacket* fec_packet = *fec_packet_list_it;
ProtectedPacketList::iterator protected_packet_list_it;
protected_packet_list_it = fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.begin();
while (protected_packet_list_it != fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.end()) {
delete *protected_packet_list_it;
protected_packet_list_it =
delete fec_packet;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::InsertMediaPacket(
ReceivedPacket* rx_packet,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
RecoveredPacketList::iterator recovered_packet_list_it =
// Search for duplicate packets.
while (recovered_packet_list_it != recovered_packet_list->end()) {
if (rx_packet->seq_num == (*recovered_packet_list_it)->seq_num) {
// Duplicate packet, no need to add to list.
// Delete duplicate media packet data.
rx_packet->pkt = NULL;
RecoveredPacket* recoverd_packet_to_insert = new RecoveredPacket;
recoverd_packet_to_insert->was_recovered = false;
// Inserted Media packet is already sent to VCM.
recoverd_packet_to_insert->returned = true;
recoverd_packet_to_insert->seq_num = rx_packet->seq_num;
recoverd_packet_to_insert->pkt = rx_packet->pkt;
recoverd_packet_to_insert->pkt->length = rx_packet->pkt->length;
// TODO(holmer): Consider replacing this with a binary search for the right
// position, and then just insert the new packet. Would get rid of the sort.
void ForwardErrorCorrection::UpdateCoveringFECPackets(RecoveredPacket* packet) {
for (FecPacketList::iterator it = fec_packet_list_.begin();
it != fec_packet_list_.end(); ++it) {
// Is this FEC packet protecting the media packet |packet|?
ProtectedPacketList::iterator protected_it = std::lower_bound(
(*it)->protected_pkt_list.begin(), (*it)->protected_pkt_list.end(),
packet, SortablePacket::LessThan);
if (protected_it != (*it)->protected_pkt_list.end() &&
(*protected_it)->seq_num == packet->seq_num) {
// Found an FEC packet which is protecting |packet|.
(*protected_it)->pkt = packet->pkt;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::InsertFECPacket(
ReceivedPacket* rx_packet,
const RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
fec_packet_received_ = true;
// Check for duplicate.
FecPacketList::iterator fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.begin();
while (fec_packet_list_it != fec_packet_list_.end()) {
if (rx_packet->seq_num == (*fec_packet_list_it)->seq_num) {
// Delete duplicate FEC packet data.
rx_packet->pkt = NULL;
FecPacket* fec_packet = new FecPacket;
fec_packet->pkt = rx_packet->pkt;
fec_packet->seq_num = rx_packet->seq_num;
fec_packet->ssrc = rx_packet->ssrc;
const uint16_t seq_num_base =
const uint16_t maskSizeBytes = (fec_packet->pkt->data[0] & 0x40)
? kMaskSizeLBitSet
: kMaskSizeLBitClear; // L bit set?
for (uint16_t byte_idx = 0; byte_idx < maskSizeBytes; ++byte_idx) {
uint8_t packet_mask = fec_packet->pkt->data[12 + byte_idx];
for (uint16_t bit_idx = 0; bit_idx < 8; ++bit_idx) {
if (packet_mask & (1 << (7 - bit_idx))) {
ProtectedPacket* protected_packet = new ProtectedPacket;
// This wraps naturally with the sequence number.
protected_packet->seq_num =
static_cast<uint16_t>(seq_num_base + (byte_idx << 3) + bit_idx);
protected_packet->pkt = NULL;
if (fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.empty()) {
// All-zero packet mask; we can discard this FEC packet.
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "FEC packet has an all-zero packet mask.";
delete fec_packet;
} else {
AssignRecoveredPackets(fec_packet, recovered_packet_list);
// TODO(holmer): Consider replacing this with a binary search for the right
// position, and then just insert the new packet. Would get rid of the sort.
if (fec_packet_list_.size() > kMaxFecPackets) {
assert(fec_packet_list_.size() <= kMaxFecPackets);
void ForwardErrorCorrection::AssignRecoveredPackets(
FecPacket* fec_packet,
const RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets) {
// Search for missing packets which have arrived or have been recovered by
// another FEC packet.
ProtectedPacketList* not_recovered = &fec_packet->protected_pkt_list;
RecoveredPacketList already_recovered;
recovered_packets->begin(), recovered_packets->end(),
not_recovered->begin(), not_recovered->end(),
std::inserter(already_recovered, already_recovered.end()),
// Set the FEC pointers to all recovered packets so that we don't have to
// search for them when we are doing recovery.
ProtectedPacketList::iterator not_recovered_it = not_recovered->begin();
for (RecoveredPacketList::iterator it = already_recovered.begin();
it != already_recovered.end(); ++it) {
// Search for the next recovered packet in |not_recovered|.
while ((*not_recovered_it)->seq_num != (*it)->seq_num)
(*not_recovered_it)->pkt = (*it)->pkt;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::InsertPackets(
ReceivedPacketList* received_packet_list,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
while (!received_packet_list->empty()) {
ReceivedPacket* rx_packet = received_packet_list->front();
// Check for discarding oldest FEC packet, to avoid wrong FEC decoding from
// sequence number wrap-around. Detection of old FEC packet is based on
// sequence number difference of received packet and oldest packet in FEC
// packet list.
// TODO(marpan/holmer): We should be able to improve detection/discarding of
// old FEC packets based on timestamp information or better sequence number
// thresholding (e.g., to distinguish between wrap-around and reordering).
if (!fec_packet_list_.empty()) {
uint16_t seq_num_diff =
abs(static_cast<int>(rx_packet->seq_num) -
if (seq_num_diff > 0x3fff) {
if (rx_packet->is_fec) {
InsertFECPacket(rx_packet, recovered_packet_list);
} else {
// Insert packet at the end of |recoveredPacketList|.
InsertMediaPacket(rx_packet, recovered_packet_list);
// Delete the received packet "wrapper", but not the packet data.
delete rx_packet;
bool ForwardErrorCorrection::InitRecovery(const FecPacket* fec_packet,
RecoveredPacket* recovered) {
// This is the first packet which we try to recover with.
const uint16_t ulp_header_size = fec_packet->pkt->data[0] & 0x40
? kUlpHeaderSizeLBitSet
: kUlpHeaderSizeLBitClear; // L bit set?
if (fec_packet->pkt->length <
static_cast<size_t>(kFecHeaderSize + ulp_header_size)) {
<< "Truncated FEC packet doesn't contain room for ULP header.";
return false;
recovered->pkt = new Packet;
memset(recovered->pkt->data, 0, IP_PACKET_SIZE);
recovered->returned = false;
recovered->was_recovered = true;
uint16_t protection_length =
if (protection_length >
sizeof(recovered->pkt->data) - kRtpHeaderSize,
sizeof(fec_packet->pkt->data) - kFecHeaderSize - ulp_header_size)) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Incorrect FEC protection length, dropping.";
return false;
// Copy FEC payload, skipping the ULP header.
&fec_packet->pkt->data[kFecHeaderSize + ulp_header_size],
// Copy the length recovery field.
memcpy(recovered->length_recovery, &fec_packet->pkt->data[8], 2);
// Copy the first 2 bytes of the FEC header.
memcpy(recovered->pkt->data, fec_packet->pkt->data, 2);
// Copy the 5th to 8th bytes of the FEC header.
memcpy(&recovered->pkt->data[4], &fec_packet->pkt->data[4], 4);
// Set the SSRC field.
return true;
bool ForwardErrorCorrection::FinishRecovery(RecoveredPacket* recovered) {
// Set the RTP version to 2.
recovered->pkt->data[0] |= 0x80; // Set the 1st bit.
recovered->pkt->data[0] &= 0xbf; // Clear the 2nd bit.
// Set the SN field.
// Recover the packet length.
recovered->pkt->length =
ByteReader<uint16_t>::ReadBigEndian(recovered->length_recovery) +
if (recovered->pkt->length > sizeof(recovered->pkt->data) - kRtpHeaderSize)
return false;
return true;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::XorPackets(const Packet* src_packet,
RecoveredPacket* dst_packet) {
// XOR with the first 2 bytes of the RTP header.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
dst_packet->pkt->data[i] ^= src_packet->data[i];
// XOR with the 5th to 8th bytes of the RTP header.
for (uint32_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i) {
dst_packet->pkt->data[i] ^= src_packet->data[i];
// XOR with the network-ordered payload size.
uint8_t media_payload_length[2];
src_packet->length - kRtpHeaderSize);
dst_packet->length_recovery[0] ^= media_payload_length[0];
dst_packet->length_recovery[1] ^= media_payload_length[1];
// XOR with RTP payload.
// TODO(marpan/ajm): Are we doing more XORs than required here?
for (size_t i = kRtpHeaderSize; i < src_packet->length; ++i) {
dst_packet->pkt->data[i] ^= src_packet->data[i];
bool ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoverPacket(
const FecPacket* fec_packet,
RecoveredPacket* rec_packet_to_insert) {
if (!InitRecovery(fec_packet, rec_packet_to_insert))
return false;
ProtectedPacketList::const_iterator protected_it =
while (protected_it != fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.end()) {
if ((*protected_it)->pkt == NULL) {
// This is the packet we're recovering.
rec_packet_to_insert->seq_num = (*protected_it)->seq_num;
} else {
XorPackets((*protected_it)->pkt, rec_packet_to_insert);
if (!FinishRecovery(rec_packet_to_insert))
return false;
return true;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::AttemptRecover(
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
FecPacketList::iterator fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.begin();
while (fec_packet_list_it != fec_packet_list_.end()) {
// Search for each FEC packet's protected media packets.
int packets_missing = NumCoveredPacketsMissing(*fec_packet_list_it);
// We can only recover one packet with an FEC packet.
if (packets_missing == 1) {
// Recovery possible.
RecoveredPacket* packet_to_insert = new RecoveredPacket;
packet_to_insert->pkt = NULL;
if (!RecoverPacket(*fec_packet_list_it, packet_to_insert)) {
// Can't recover using this packet, drop it.
fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.erase(fec_packet_list_it);
delete packet_to_insert;
// Add recovered packet to the list of recovered packets and update any
// FEC packets covering this packet with a pointer to the data.
// TODO(holmer): Consider replacing this with a binary search for the
// right position, and then just insert the new packet. Would get rid of
// the sort.
fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.erase(fec_packet_list_it);
// A packet has been recovered. We need to check the FEC list again, as
// this may allow additional packets to be recovered.
// Restart for first FEC packet.
fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.begin();
} else if (packets_missing == 0) {
// Either all protected packets arrived or have been recovered. We can
// discard this FEC packet.
fec_packet_list_it = fec_packet_list_.erase(fec_packet_list_it);
} else {
int ForwardErrorCorrection::NumCoveredPacketsMissing(
const FecPacket* fec_packet) {
int packets_missing = 0;
ProtectedPacketList::const_iterator it =
for (; it != fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->pkt == NULL) {
if (packets_missing > 1) {
break; // We can't recover more than one packet.
return packets_missing;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::DiscardFECPacket(FecPacket* fec_packet) {
while (!fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.empty()) {
delete fec_packet->protected_pkt_list.front();
delete fec_packet;
void ForwardErrorCorrection::DiscardOldPackets(
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
while (recovered_packet_list->size() > kMaxMediaPackets) {
ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacket* packet =
delete packet;
assert(recovered_packet_list->size() <= kMaxMediaPackets);
uint16_t ForwardErrorCorrection::ParseSequenceNumber(uint8_t* packet) {
return (packet[2] << 8) + packet[3];
int32_t ForwardErrorCorrection::DecodeFEC(
ReceivedPacketList* received_packet_list,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packet_list) {
// TODO(marpan/ajm): can we check for multiple ULP headers, and return an
// error?
if (recovered_packet_list->size() == kMaxMediaPackets) {
const unsigned int seq_num_diff =
abs(static_cast<int>(received_packet_list->front()->seq_num) -
if (seq_num_diff > kMaxMediaPackets) {
// A big gap in sequence numbers. The old recovered packets
// are now useless, so it's safe to do a reset.
InsertPackets(received_packet_list, recovered_packet_list);
return 0;
size_t ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketOverhead() {
return kFecHeaderSize + kUlpHeaderSizeLBitSet;
} // namespace webrtc