blob: 9bd722696ac0d8aa2a7613ed0f4c4d1d61979f66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/media_opt_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/fec_tables_xor.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/nack_fec_tables.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Max value of loss rates in off-line model
static const int kPacketLossMax = 129;
namespace media_optimization {
: _effectivePacketLoss(0),
_qmRobustness(new VCMQmRobustness()),
_type(kNone) {
delete _qmRobustness;
VideoContentMetrics* contentMetrics)
VCMNackFecMethod::VCMNackFecMethod(int64_t lowRttNackThresholdMs,
int64_t highRttNackThresholdMs)
: VCMFecMethod(),
_maxFramesFec(1) {
assert(lowRttNackThresholdMs >= -1 && highRttNackThresholdMs >= -1);
assert(highRttNackThresholdMs == -1 ||
lowRttNackThresholdMs <= highRttNackThresholdMs);
assert(lowRttNackThresholdMs > -1 || highRttNackThresholdMs == -1);
_type = kNackFec;
VCMNackFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Hybrid Nack FEC has three operational modes:
// 1. Low RTT (below kLowRttNackMs) - Nack only: Set FEC rate
// (_protectionFactorD) to zero. -1 means no FEC.
// 2. High RTT (above _highRttNackMs) - FEC Only: Keep FEC factors.
// -1 means always allow NACK.
// 3. Medium RTT values - Hybrid mode: We will only nack the
// residual following the decoding of the FEC (refer to JB logic). FEC
// delta protection factor will be adjusted based on the RTT.
// Otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we
// nack the residual, based on a decision made in the JB.
// Compute the protection factors
if (_lowRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _lowRttNackMs)
_protectionFactorD = 0;
// When in Hybrid mode (RTT range), adjust FEC rates based on the
// RTT (NACK effectiveness) - adjustment factor is in the range [0,1].
else if (_highRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _highRttNackMs)
// TODO(mikhal): Disabling adjustment temporarily.
// uint16_t rttIndex = (uint16_t) parameters->rtt;
float adjustRtt = 1.0f;// (float)VCMNackFecTable[rttIndex] / 100.0f;
// Adjust FEC with NACK on (for delta frame only)
// table depends on RTT relative to rttMax (NACK Threshold)
_protectionFactorD = static_cast<uint8_t>
(adjustRtt *
// update FEC rates after applying adjustment
return true;
int VCMNackFecMethod::ComputeMaxFramesFec(
const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
if (parameters->numLayers > 2) {
// For more than 2 temporal layers we will only have FEC on the base layer,
// and the base layers will be pretty far apart. Therefore we force one
// frame FEC.
return 1;
// We set the max number of frames to base the FEC on so that on average
// we will have complete frames in one RTT. Note that this is an upper
// bound, and that the actual number of frames used for FEC is decided by the
// RTP module based on the actual number of packets and the protection factor.
float base_layer_framerate = parameters->frameRate /
static_cast<float>(1 << (parameters->numLayers - 1));
int max_frames_fec = std::max(static_cast<int>(
2.0f * base_layer_framerate * parameters->rtt /
1000.0f + 0.5f), 1);
// |kUpperLimitFramesFec| is the upper limit on how many frames we
// allow any FEC to be based on.
if (max_frames_fec > kUpperLimitFramesFec) {
max_frames_fec = kUpperLimitFramesFec;
return max_frames_fec;
int VCMNackFecMethod::MaxFramesFec() const {
return _maxFramesFec;
bool VCMNackFecMethod::BitRateTooLowForFec(
const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
// Bitrate below which we turn off FEC, regardless of reported packet loss.
// The condition should depend on resolution and content. For now, use
// threshold on bytes per frame, with some effect for the frame size.
// The condition for turning off FEC is also based on other factors,
// such as |_numLayers|, |_maxFramesFec|, and |_rtt|.
int estimate_bytes_per_frame = 1000 * BitsPerFrame(parameters) / 8;
int max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFec;
int num_pixels = parameters->codecWidth * parameters->codecHeight;
if (num_pixels <= 352 * 288) {
max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecLow;
} else if (num_pixels > 640 * 480) {
max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecHigh;
// TODO (marpan): add condition based on maximum frames used for FEC,
// and expand condition based on frame size.
// Max round trip time threshold in ms.
const int64_t kMaxRttTurnOffFec = 200;
if (estimate_bytes_per_frame < max_bytes_per_frame &&
parameters->numLayers < 3 &&
parameters->rtt < kMaxRttTurnOffFec) {
return true;
return false;
VCMNackFecMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Set the effective packet loss for encoder (based on FEC code).
// Compute the effective packet loss and residual packet loss due to FEC.
return true;
VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
_maxFramesFec = ComputeMaxFramesFec(parameters);
if (BitRateTooLowForFec(parameters)) {
_protectionFactorK = 0;
_protectionFactorD = 0;
// Protection/fec rates obtained above are defined relative to total number
// of packets (total rate: source + fec) FEC in RTP module assumes
// protection factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we
// should convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt's rate and
// the actual one
_protectionFactorK = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);
_protectionFactorD = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorD);
return true;
_type = kNack;
VCMNackMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameter)
// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.
_effectivePacketLoss = 0;
return true;
VCMNackMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Compute the effective packet loss
// nackCost = (bitRate - nackCost) * (lossPr)
return true;
_type = kFec;
VCMFecMethod::BoostCodeRateKey(uint8_t packetFrameDelta,
uint8_t packetFrameKey) const
uint8_t boostRateKey = 2;
// Default: ratio scales the FEC protection up for I frames
uint8_t ratio = 1;
if (packetFrameDelta > 0)
ratio = (int8_t) (packetFrameKey / packetFrameDelta);
ratio = VCM_MAX(boostRateKey, ratio);
return ratio;
VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(uint8_t codeRateRTP) const
return static_cast<uint8_t> (VCM_MIN(255,(0.5 + 255.0 * codeRateRTP /
(float)(255 - codeRateRTP))));
// Update FEC with protectionFactorD
VCMFecMethod::UpdateProtectionFactorD(uint8_t protectionFactorD)
_protectionFactorD = protectionFactorD;
// Update FEC with protectionFactorK
VCMFecMethod::UpdateProtectionFactorK(uint8_t protectionFactorK)
_protectionFactorK = protectionFactorK;
VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// FEC PROTECTION SETTINGS: varies with packet loss and bitrate
// No protection if (filtered) packetLoss is 0
uint8_t packetLoss = (uint8_t) (255 * parameters->lossPr);
if (packetLoss == 0)
_protectionFactorK = 0;
_protectionFactorD = 0;
return true;
// Parameters for FEC setting:
// first partition size, thresholds, table pars, spatial resoln fac.
// First partition protection: ~ 20%
uint8_t firstPartitionProt = (uint8_t) (255 * 0.20);
// Minimum protection level needed to generate one FEC packet for one
// source packet/frame (in RTP sender)
uint8_t minProtLevelFec = 85;
// Threshold on packetLoss and bitRrate/frameRate (=average #packets),
// above which we allocate protection to cover at least first partition.
uint8_t lossThr = 0;
uint8_t packetNumThr = 1;
// Parameters for range of rate index of table.
const uint8_t ratePar1 = 5;
const uint8_t ratePar2 = 49;
// Spatial resolution size, relative to a reference size.
float spatialSizeToRef = static_cast<float>
(parameters->codecWidth * parameters->codecHeight) /
(static_cast<float>(704 * 576));
// resolnFac: This parameter will generally increase/decrease the FEC rate
// (for fixed bitRate and packetLoss) based on system size.
// Use a smaller exponent (< 1) to control/soften system size effect.
const float resolnFac = 1.0 / powf(spatialSizeToRef, 0.3f);
const int bitRatePerFrame = BitsPerFrame(parameters);
// Average number of packets per frame (source and fec):
const uint8_t avgTotPackets = 1 + (uint8_t)
((float) bitRatePerFrame * 1000.0
/ (float) (8.0 * _maxPayloadSize) + 0.5);
// FEC rate parameters: for P and I frame
uint8_t codeRateDelta = 0;
uint8_t codeRateKey = 0;
// Get index for table: the FEC protection depends on an effective rate.
// The range on the rate index corresponds to rates (bps)
// from ~200k to ~8000k, for 30fps
const uint16_t effRateFecTable = static_cast<uint16_t>
(resolnFac * bitRatePerFrame);
uint8_t rateIndexTable =
(uint8_t) VCM_MAX(VCM_MIN((effRateFecTable - ratePar1) /
ratePar1, ratePar2), 0);
// Restrict packet loss range to 50:
// current tables defined only up to 50%
if (packetLoss >= kPacketLossMax)
packetLoss = kPacketLossMax - 1;
uint16_t indexTable = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;
// Check on table index
assert(indexTable < kSizeCodeRateXORTable);
// Protection factor for P frame
codeRateDelta = kCodeRateXORTable[indexTable];
if (packetLoss > lossThr && avgTotPackets > packetNumThr)
// Set a minimum based on first partition size.
if (codeRateDelta < firstPartitionProt)
codeRateDelta = firstPartitionProt;
// Check limit on amount of protection for P frame; 50% is max.
if (codeRateDelta >= kPacketLossMax)
codeRateDelta = kPacketLossMax - 1;
float adjustFec = 1.0f;
// Avoid additional adjustments when layers are active.
// TODO(mikhal/marco): Update adjusmtent based on layer info.
if (parameters->numLayers == 1)
adjustFec = _qmRobustness->AdjustFecFactor(codeRateDelta,
codeRateDelta = static_cast<uint8_t>(codeRateDelta * adjustFec);
// For Key frame:
// Effectively at a higher rate, so we scale/boost the rate
// The boost factor may depend on several factors: ratio of packet
// number of I to P frames, how much protection placed on P frames, etc.
const uint8_t packetFrameDelta = (uint8_t)
(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrame);
const uint8_t packetFrameKey = (uint8_t)
(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrameKey);
const uint8_t boostKey = BoostCodeRateKey(packetFrameDelta,
rateIndexTable = (uint8_t) VCM_MAX(VCM_MIN(
1 + (boostKey * effRateFecTable - ratePar1) /
uint16_t indexTableKey = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;
indexTableKey = VCM_MIN(indexTableKey, kSizeCodeRateXORTable);
// Check on table index
assert(indexTableKey < kSizeCodeRateXORTable);
// Protection factor for I frame
codeRateKey = kCodeRateXORTable[indexTableKey];
// Boosting for Key frame.
int boostKeyProt = _scaleProtKey * codeRateDelta;
if (boostKeyProt >= kPacketLossMax)
boostKeyProt = kPacketLossMax - 1;
// Make sure I frame protection is at least larger than P frame protection,
// and at least as high as filtered packet loss.
codeRateKey = static_cast<uint8_t> (VCM_MAX(packetLoss,
VCM_MAX(boostKeyProt, codeRateKey)));
// Check limit on amount of protection for I frame: 50% is max.
if (codeRateKey >= kPacketLossMax)
codeRateKey = kPacketLossMax - 1;
_protectionFactorK = codeRateKey;
_protectionFactorD = codeRateDelta;
// Generally there is a rate mis-match between the FEC cost estimated
// in mediaOpt and the actual FEC cost sent out in RTP module.
// This is more significant at low rates (small # of source packets), where
// the granularity of the FEC decreases. In this case, non-zero protection
// in mediaOpt may generate 0 FEC packets in RTP sender (since actual #FEC
// is based on rounding off protectionFactor on actual source packet number).
// The correction factor (_corrFecCost) attempts to corrects this, at least
// for cases of low rates (small #packets) and low protection levels.
float numPacketsFl = 1.0f + ((float) bitRatePerFrame * 1000.0
/ (float) (8.0 * _maxPayloadSize) + 0.5);
const float estNumFecGen = 0.5f + static_cast<float> (_protectionFactorD *
numPacketsFl / 255.0f);
// We reduce cost factor (which will reduce overhead for FEC and
// hybrid method) and not the protectionFactor.
_corrFecCost = 1.0f;
if (estNumFecGen < 1.1f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec)
_corrFecCost = 0.5f;
if (estNumFecGen < 0.9f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec)
_corrFecCost = 0.0f;
// TODO (marpan): Set the UEP protection on/off for Key and Delta frames
_useUepProtectionK = _qmRobustness->SetUepProtection(codeRateKey,
_useUepProtectionD = _qmRobustness->SetUepProtection(codeRateDelta,
return true;
int VCMFecMethod::BitsPerFrame(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
// When temporal layers are available FEC will only be applied on the base
// layer.
const float bitRateRatio =
kVp8LayerRateAlloction[parameters->numLayers - 1][0];
float frameRateRatio = powf(1 / 2.0, parameters->numLayers - 1);
float bitRate = parameters->bitRate * bitRateRatio;
float frameRate = parameters->frameRate * frameRateRatio;
// TODO(mikhal): Update factor following testing.
float adjustmentFactor = 1;
// Average bits per frame (units of kbits)
return static_cast<int>(adjustmentFactor * bitRate / frameRate);
VCMFecMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Effective packet loss to encoder is based on RPL (residual packet loss)
// this is a soft setting based on degree of FEC protection
// RPL = received/input packet loss - average_FEC_recovery
// note: received/input packet loss may be filtered based on FilteredLoss
// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.
_effectivePacketLoss = 0;
return true;
VCMFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Compute the protection factor
// Compute the effective packet loss
// Protection/fec rates obtained above is defined relative to total number
// of packets (total rate: source+fec) FEC in RTP module assumes protection
// factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we should
// convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt suggested rate and
// the actual rate
_protectionFactorK = ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);
_protectionFactorD = ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorD);
return true;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::VCMLossProtectionLogic(int64_t nowMs):
void VCMLossProtectionLogic::SetMethod(
enum VCMProtectionMethodEnum newMethodType) {
if (_selectedMethod && _selectedMethod->Type() == newMethodType)
switch(newMethodType) {
case kNack:
_selectedMethod.reset(new VCMNackMethod());
case kFec:
_selectedMethod.reset(new VCMFecMethod());
case kNackFec:
_selectedMethod.reset(new VCMNackFecMethod(kLowRttNackMs, -1));
case kNone:
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateRtt(int64_t rtt)
_rtt = rtt;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateMaxLossHistory(uint8_t lossPr255,
int64_t now)
if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs >= 0 &&
now - _lossPrHistory[0].timeMs < kLossPrShortFilterWinMs)
if (lossPr255 > _shortMaxLossPr255)
_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;
// Only add a new value to the history once a second
if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs == -1)
// First, no shift
_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;
// Shift
for (int32_t i = (kLossPrHistorySize - 2); i >= 0; i--)
_lossPrHistory[i + 1].lossPr255 = _lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255;
_lossPrHistory[i + 1].timeMs = _lossPrHistory[i].timeMs;
if (_shortMaxLossPr255 == 0)
_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;
_lossPrHistory[0].lossPr255 = _shortMaxLossPr255;
_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs = now;
_shortMaxLossPr255 = 0;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::MaxFilteredLossPr(int64_t nowMs) const
uint8_t maxFound = _shortMaxLossPr255;
if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs == -1)
return maxFound;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kLossPrHistorySize; i++)
if (_lossPrHistory[i].timeMs == -1)
if (nowMs - _lossPrHistory[i].timeMs >
kLossPrHistorySize * kLossPrShortFilterWinMs)
// This sample (and all samples after this) is too old
if (_lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255 > maxFound)
// This sample is the largest one this far into the history
maxFound = _lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255;
return maxFound;
uint8_t VCMLossProtectionLogic::FilteredLoss(
int64_t nowMs,
FilterPacketLossMode filter_mode,
uint8_t lossPr255) {
// Update the max window filter.
UpdateMaxLossHistory(lossPr255, nowMs);
// Update the recursive average filter.
_lossPr255.Apply(static_cast<float> (nowMs - _lastPrUpdateT),
static_cast<float> (lossPr255));
_lastPrUpdateT = nowMs;
// Filtered loss: default is received loss (no filtering).
uint8_t filtered_loss = lossPr255;
switch (filter_mode) {
case kNoFilter:
case kAvgFilter:
filtered_loss = static_cast<uint8_t>(_lossPr255.filtered() + 0.5);
case kMaxFilter:
filtered_loss = MaxFilteredLossPr(nowMs);
return filtered_loss;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateFilteredLossPr(uint8_t packetLossEnc)
_lossPr = (float) packetLossEnc / (float) 255.0;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateBitRate(float bitRate)
_bitRate = bitRate;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdatePacketsPerFrame(float nPackets, int64_t nowMs)
_packetsPerFrame.Apply(static_cast<float>(nowMs - _lastPacketPerFrameUpdateT),
_lastPacketPerFrameUpdateT = nowMs;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdatePacketsPerFrameKey(float nPackets, int64_t nowMs)
_packetsPerFrameKey.Apply(static_cast<float>(nowMs -
_lastPacketPerFrameUpdateTKey), nPackets);
_lastPacketPerFrameUpdateTKey = nowMs;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateKeyFrameSize(float keyFrameSize)
_keyFrameSize = keyFrameSize;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateFrameSize(uint16_t width,
uint16_t height)
_codecWidth = width;
_codecHeight = height;
void VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateNumLayers(int numLayers) {
_numLayers = (numLayers == 0) ? 1 : numLayers;
if (!_selectedMethod)
return false;
_currentParameters.rtt = _rtt;
_currentParameters.lossPr = _lossPr;
_currentParameters.bitRate = _bitRate;
_currentParameters.frameRate = _frameRate; // rename actual frame rate?
_currentParameters.keyFrameSize = _keyFrameSize;
_currentParameters.fecRateDelta = _fecRateDelta;
_currentParameters.fecRateKey = _fecRateKey;
_currentParameters.packetsPerFrame = _packetsPerFrame.filtered();
_currentParameters.packetsPerFrameKey = _packetsPerFrameKey.filtered();
_currentParameters.codecWidth = _codecWidth;
_currentParameters.codecHeight = _codecHeight;
_currentParameters.numLayers = _numLayers;
return _selectedMethod->UpdateParameters(&_currentParameters);
VCMLossProtectionLogic::SelectedMethod() const
return _selectedMethod.get();
VCMProtectionMethodEnum VCMLossProtectionLogic::SelectedType() const {
return _selectedMethod ? _selectedMethod->Type() : kNone;
VCMLossProtectionLogic::Reset(int64_t nowMs)
_lastPrUpdateT = nowMs;
_lastPacketPerFrameUpdateT = nowMs;
_lastPacketPerFrameUpdateTKey = nowMs;
_fecRateDelta = _fecRateKey = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kLossPrHistorySize; i++)
_lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255 = 0;
_lossPrHistory[i].timeMs = -1;
_shortMaxLossPr255 = 0;
void VCMLossProtectionLogic::Release() {
} // namespace media_optimization
} // namespace webrtc