blob: a23f50c3faa6768703f6b02befce0a9ba8e45af6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/call/call.h"
#include "webrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log_parser.h"
namespace webrtc {
class RtcEventLogTestHelper {
static void VerifyVideoReceiveStreamConfig(
const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
const rtclog::StreamConfig& config);
static void VerifyVideoSendStreamConfig(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
const rtclog::StreamConfig& config);
static void VerifyAudioReceiveStreamConfig(
const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
const rtclog::StreamConfig& config);
static void VerifyAudioSendStreamConfig(
const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
const AudioSendStream::Config& config);
static void VerifyRtpEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
PacketDirection direction,
MediaType media_type,
const uint8_t* header,
size_t header_size,
size_t total_size);
static void VerifyRtcpEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
PacketDirection direction,
MediaType media_type,
const uint8_t* packet,
size_t total_size);
static void VerifyPlayoutEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
uint32_t ssrc);
static void VerifyBweLossEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
int32_t bitrate,
uint8_t fraction_loss,
int32_t total_packets);
static void VerifyBweDelayEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
int32_t bitrate,
BandwidthUsage detector_state);
static void VerifyAudioNetworkAdaptation(
const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
const AudioEncoderRuntimeConfig& config);
static void VerifyLogStartEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index);
static void VerifyLogEndEvent(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index);
static void VerifyBweProbeCluster(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t bitrate_bps,
uint32_t min_probes,
uint32_t min_bytes);
static void VerifyProbeResultSuccess(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t bitrate_bps);
static void VerifyProbeResultFailure(const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log,
size_t index,
uint32_t id,
ProbeFailureReason failure_reason);
} // namespace webrtc