blob: de92b96c722a4d947642c511fff1db34e3211337 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "webrtc/base/platform_thread.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
class TestSenderReceiver;
namespace webrtc {
class CriticalSectionWrapper;
class EventWrapper;
class TestLoadGenerator
TestLoadGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000);
virtual ~TestLoadGenerator ();
int32_t SetBitrate (int32_t newBitrateKbps);
virtual int32_t Start (const char *threadName = NULL);
virtual int32_t Stop ();
virtual bool GeneratorLoop () = 0;
virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp ) = 0;
int generatePayload ();
int sendPayload (const uint32_t timeStamp,
const uint8_t* payloadData,
const size_t payloadSize,
const webrtc::FrameType frameType = webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta);
webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper* _critSect;
webrtc::EventWrapper *_eventPtr;
// TODO(pbos): Replace without pointer usage.
rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::PlatformThread> _genThread;
int32_t _bitrateKbps;
TestSenderReceiver *_sender;
bool _running;
int32_t _rtpSampleRate;
class CBRGenerator : public TestLoadGenerator
CBRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender,
size_t payloadSizeBytes,
int32_t bitrateKbps,
int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000);
virtual ~CBRGenerator ();
virtual int32_t Start () {return (TestLoadGenerator::Start("CBRGenerator"));};
virtual bool GeneratorLoop ();
virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp );
size_t _payloadSizeBytes;
uint8_t *_payload;
class CBRFixFRGenerator : public TestLoadGenerator // constant bitrate and fixed frame rate
CBRFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000,
int32_t frameRateFps = 30, double spread = 0.0);
virtual ~CBRFixFRGenerator ();
virtual int32_t Start () {return (TestLoadGenerator::Start("CBRFixFRGenerator"));};
virtual bool GeneratorLoop ();
virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp );
size_t _payloadSizeBytes;
uint8_t *_payload;
size_t _payloadAllocLen;
int32_t _frameRateFps;
double _spreadFactor;
class PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and fixed frame rate with periodically large frames
PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000,
int32_t frameRateFps = 30, double spread = 0.0, double keyFactor = 4.0, uint32_t keyPeriod = 300);
virtual ~PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator () {}
virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
double _keyFactor;
uint32_t _keyPeriod;
uint32_t _frameCount;
// Probably better to inherit CBRFixFRGenerator from CBRVarFRGenerator, but since
// the fix FR version already existed this was easier.
class CBRVarFRGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and variable frame rate
CBRVarFRGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, const uint8_t* frameRates,
uint16_t numFrameRates, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000, double avgFrPeriodMs = 5.0,
double frSpreadFactor = 0.05, double spreadFactor = 0.0);
virtual void ChangeFrameRate();
virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
double _avgFrPeriodMs;
double _frSpreadFactor;
uint8_t* _frameRates;
uint16_t _numFrameRates;
int64_t _frChangeTimeMs;
class CBRFrameDropGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and variable frame rate
CBRFrameDropGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps,
int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000, double spreadFactor = 0.0);
virtual size_t nextPayloadSize();
double _accBits;