blob: 5ab4e0e1bc562a05ab424a13c8c40cf29914e772 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/active_decode_targets_helper.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Returns mask of ids of chains previous frame is part of.
// Assumes for each chain frames are seen in order and no frame on any chain is
// missing. That assumptions allows a simple detection when previous frame is
// part of a chain.
std::bitset<32> LastSendOnChain(int frame_diff,
rtc::ArrayView<const int> chain_diffs) {
std::bitset<32> bitmask = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chain_diffs.size(); ++i) {
if (frame_diff == chain_diffs[i]) {
return bitmask;
// Returns bitmask with first `num` bits set to 1.
std::bitset<32> AllActive(size_t num) {
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num, 32);
return (~uint32_t{0}) >> (32 - num);
// Returns bitmask of chains that protect at least one active decode target.
std::bitset<32> ActiveChains(
rtc::ArrayView<const int> decode_target_protected_by_chain,
int num_chains,
std::bitset<32> active_decode_targets) {
std::bitset<32> active_chains = 0;
for (size_t dt = 0; dt < decode_target_protected_by_chain.size(); ++dt) {
if (dt < active_decode_targets.size() && !active_decode_targets[dt]) {
// chain_idx == num_chains is valid and means the decode target is
// not protected by any chain.
int chain_idx = decode_target_protected_by_chain[dt];
if (chain_idx < num_chains) {
return active_chains;
} // namespace
void ActiveDecodeTargetsHelper::OnFrame(
rtc::ArrayView<const int> decode_target_protected_by_chain,
std::bitset<32> active_decode_targets,
bool is_keyframe,
int64_t frame_id,
rtc::ArrayView<const int> chain_diffs) {
const int num_chains = chain_diffs.size();
if (num_chains == 0) {
// Avoid printing the warning
// when already printed the warning for the same active decode targets, or
// when active_decode_targets are not changed from it's default value of
// all are active, including non-existent decode targets.
if (last_active_decode_targets_ != active_decode_targets &&
!active_decode_targets.all()) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "No chains are configured, but some decode "
"targets might be inactive. Unsupported.";
last_active_decode_targets_ = active_decode_targets;
const size_t num_decode_targets = decode_target_protected_by_chain.size();
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_decode_targets, 0);
std::bitset<32> all_decode_targets = AllActive(num_decode_targets);
// Default value for active_decode_targets is 'all are active', i.e. all bits
// are set. Default value is set before number of decode targets is known.
// It is up to this helper to make the value cleaner and unset unused bits.
active_decode_targets &= all_decode_targets;
if (is_keyframe) {
// Key frame resets the state.
last_active_decode_targets_ = all_decode_targets;
last_active_chains_ = AllActive(num_chains);
} else {
// Update state assuming previous frame was sent.
unsent_on_chain_ &=
~LastSendOnChain(frame_id - last_frame_id_, chain_diffs);
// Save for the next call to OnFrame.
// Though usually `frame_id == last_frame_id_ + 1`, it might not be so when
// frame id space is shared by several simulcast rtp streams.
last_frame_id_ = frame_id;
if (active_decode_targets == last_active_decode_targets_) {
last_active_decode_targets_ = active_decode_targets;
last_active_chains_ = ActiveChains(decode_target_protected_by_chain,
num_chains, active_decode_targets);
// Frames that are part of inactive chains might not be produced by the
// encoder. Thus stop sending `active_decode_target` bitmask when it is sent
// on all active chains rather than on all chains.
unsent_on_chain_ = last_active_chains_;
if (unsent_on_chain_.none()) {
// Active decode targets are not protected by any chains. To be on the
// safe side always send the active_decode_targets_bitmask from now on.
<< "Active decode targets protected by no chains. (In)active decode "
"targets information will be send overreliably.";
} // namespace webrtc