blob: 00c0a5b718a3d76ca522625e2c5039831d761d14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/example_video_quality_analyzer.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer() = default;
ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::~ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer() = default;
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::Start(int max_threads_count) {}
uint16_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameCaptured(
const std::string& stream_label,
const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
uint16_t frame_id = next_frame_id_++;
auto it = frames_in_flight_.find(frame_id);
if (it == frames_in_flight_.end()) {
frames_to_stream_label_.insert({frame_id, stream_label});
} else {
RTC_LOG(WARNING) << "Meet new frame with the same id: " << frame_id
<< ". Assumes old one as dropped";
// We needn't insert frame to frames_in_flight_, because it is already
// there.
auto stream_it = frames_to_stream_label_.find(frame_id);
RTC_CHECK(stream_it != frames_to_stream_label_.end());
stream_it->second = stream_label;
return frame_id;
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFramePreEncode(
const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {}
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameEncoded(
uint16_t frame_id,
const webrtc::EncodedImage& encoded_image) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameDropped(
webrtc::EncodedImageCallback::DropReason reason) {
RTC_LOG(INFO) << "Frame dropped by encoder";
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameReceived(
uint16_t frame_id,
const webrtc::EncodedImage& encoded_image) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameDecoded(
const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame,
absl::optional<int32_t> decode_time_ms,
absl::optional<uint8_t> qp) {}
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnFrameRendered(
const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnEncoderError(
const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame,
int32_t error_code) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to encode frame " <<
<< ". Code: " << error_code;
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::OnDecoderError(uint16_t frame_id,
int32_t error_code) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to decode frame " << frame_id
<< ". Code: " << error_code;
void ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::Stop() {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
RTC_LOG(INFO) << "There are " << frames_in_flight_.size()
<< " frames in flight, assuming all of them are dropped";
frames_dropped_ += frames_in_flight_.size();
std::string ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::GetStreamLabel(uint16_t frame_id) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
auto it = frames_to_stream_label_.find(frame_id);
RTC_DCHECK(it != frames_to_stream_label_.end())
<< "Unknown frame_id=" << frame_id;
return it->second;
uint64_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::frames_captured() const {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
return frames_captured_;
uint64_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::frames_sent() const {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
return frames_sent_;
uint64_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::frames_received() const {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
return frames_received_;
uint64_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::frames_dropped() const {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
return frames_dropped_;
uint64_t ExampleVideoQualityAnalyzer::frames_rendered() const {
rtc::CritScope crit(&lock_);
return frames_rendered_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc