blob: 7f77d85bcd4c908b167eaa99aa0273618a92b2ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// This file contains classes that implement RtpReceiverInterface.
// An RtpReceiver associates a MediaStreamTrackInterface with an underlying
// transport (provided by cricket::VoiceChannel/cricket::VideoChannel)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "api/mediastreaminterface.h"
#include "api/rtpreceiverinterface.h"
#include "media/base/videobroadcaster.h"
#include "pc/remoteaudiosource.h"
#include "pc/videotracksource.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Internal class used by PeerConnection.
class RtpReceiverInternal : public RtpReceiverInterface {
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Sets the underlying MediaEngine channel associated with this RtpSender.
// SetVoiceMediaChannel should be used for audio RtpSenders and
// SetVideoMediaChannel should be used for video RtpSenders. Must call the
// appropriate SetXxxMediaChannel(nullptr) before the media channel is
// destroyed.
virtual void SetVoiceMediaChannel(
cricket::VoiceMediaChannel* voice_media_channel) = 0;
virtual void SetVideoMediaChannel(
cricket::VideoMediaChannel* video_media_channel) = 0;
// Configures the RtpReceiver with the underlying media channel, with the
// given SSRC as the stream identifier. If |ssrc| is 0, the receiver will
// receive packets on unsignaled SSRCs.
virtual void SetupMediaChannel(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
// This SSRC is used as an identifier for the receiver between the API layer
// and the WebRtcVideoEngine, WebRtcVoiceEngine layer.
virtual uint32_t ssrc() const = 0;
// Call this to notify the RtpReceiver when the first packet has been received
// on the corresponding channel.
virtual void NotifyFirstPacketReceived() = 0;
// Set the associated remote media streams for this receiver. The remote track
// will be removed from any streams that are no longer present and added to
// any new streams.
virtual void set_stream_ids(std::vector<std::string> stream_ids) = 0;
// TODO( Remove SetStreams() in favor of
// set_stream_ids() as soon as downstream projects are no longer dependent on
// stream objects.
virtual void SetStreams(
const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>& streams) = 0;
// Returns an ID that changes if the attached track changes, but
// otherwise remains constant. Used to generate IDs for stats.
// The special value zero means that no track is attached.
virtual int AttachmentId() const = 0;
class AudioRtpReceiver : public ObserverInterface,
public AudioSourceInterface::AudioObserver,
public rtc::RefCountedObject<RtpReceiverInternal> {
AudioRtpReceiver(rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
std::string receiver_id,
std::vector<std::string> stream_ids);
// TODO( Remove this when streams() is removed.
rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
const std::string& receiver_id,
const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>& streams);
virtual ~AudioRtpReceiver();
// ObserverInterface implementation
void OnChanged() override;
// AudioSourceInterface::AudioObserver implementation
void OnSetVolume(double volume) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioTrackInterface> audio_track() const {
return track_.get();
// RtpReceiverInterface implementation
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track() const override {
return track_.get();
std::vector<std::string> stream_ids() const override;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> streams()
const override {
return streams_;
cricket::MediaType media_type() const override {
return cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
std::string id() const override { return id_; }
RtpParameters GetParameters() const override;
bool SetParameters(const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
void SetFrameDecryptor(
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> GetFrameDecryptor()
const override;
// RtpReceiverInternal implementation.
void Stop() override;
void SetupMediaChannel(uint32_t ssrc) override;
uint32_t ssrc() const override { return ssrc_.value_or(0); }
void NotifyFirstPacketReceived() override;
void set_stream_ids(std::vector<std::string> stream_ids) override;
void SetStreams(const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>&
streams) override;
void SetObserver(RtpReceiverObserverInterface* observer) override;
void SetVoiceMediaChannel(
cricket::VoiceMediaChannel* voice_media_channel) override;
void SetVideoMediaChannel(
cricket::VideoMediaChannel* video_media_channel) override {
std::vector<RtpSource> GetSources() const override;
int AttachmentId() const override { return attachment_id_; }
void Reconfigure();
bool SetOutputVolume(double volume);
rtc::Thread* const worker_thread_;
const std::string id_;
const rtc::scoped_refptr<RemoteAudioSource> source_;
const rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioTrackInterface> track_;
cricket::VoiceMediaChannel* media_channel_ = nullptr;
absl::optional<uint32_t> ssrc_;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> streams_;
bool cached_track_enabled_;
double cached_volume_ = 1;
bool stopped_ = false;
RtpReceiverObserverInterface* observer_ = nullptr;
bool received_first_packet_ = false;
int attachment_id_ = 0;
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor_;
class VideoRtpReceiver : public rtc::RefCountedObject<RtpReceiverInternal> {
// An SSRC of 0 will create a receiver that will match the first SSRC it
// sees.
VideoRtpReceiver(rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
std::string receiver_id,
std::vector<std::string> streams_ids);
// TODO(hbos): Remove this when streams() is removed.
rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
const std::string& receiver_id,
const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>& streams);
virtual ~VideoRtpReceiver();
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoTrackInterface> video_track() const {
return track_.get();
// RtpReceiverInterface implementation
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track() const override {
return track_.get();
std::vector<std::string> stream_ids() const override;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> streams()
const override {
return streams_;
cricket::MediaType media_type() const override {
return cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
std::string id() const override { return id_; }
RtpParameters GetParameters() const override;
bool SetParameters(const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
void SetFrameDecryptor(
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> GetFrameDecryptor()
const override;
// RtpReceiverInternal implementation.
void Stop() override;
void SetupMediaChannel(uint32_t ssrc) override;
uint32_t ssrc() const override { return ssrc_.value_or(0); }
void NotifyFirstPacketReceived() override;
void set_stream_ids(std::vector<std::string> stream_ids) override;
void SetStreams(const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>&
streams) override;
void SetObserver(RtpReceiverObserverInterface* observer) override;
void SetVoiceMediaChannel(
cricket::VoiceMediaChannel* voice_media_channel) override {
void SetVideoMediaChannel(
cricket::VideoMediaChannel* video_media_channel) override;
int AttachmentId() const override { return attachment_id_; }
class VideoRtpTrackSource : public VideoTrackSource {
VideoRtpTrackSource() : VideoTrackSource(true /* remote */) {}
rtc::VideoSourceInterface<VideoFrame>* source() override {
return &broadcaster_;
rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink() { return &broadcaster_; }
// |broadcaster_| is needed since the decoder can only handle one sink.
// It might be better if the decoder can handle multiple sinks and consider
// the VideoSinkWants.
rtc::VideoBroadcaster broadcaster_;
bool SetSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink);
rtc::Thread* const worker_thread_;
const std::string id_;
cricket::VideoMediaChannel* media_channel_ = nullptr;
absl::optional<uint32_t> ssrc_;
// |source_| is held here to be able to change the state of the source when
// the VideoRtpReceiver is stopped.
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoRtpTrackSource> source_;
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoTrackInterface> track_;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> streams_;
bool stopped_ = false;
RtpReceiverObserverInterface* observer_ = nullptr;
bool received_first_packet_ = false;
int attachment_id_ = 0;
rtc::scoped_refptr<FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor_;
} // namespace webrtc