blob: cf244df76541d054c6acefc6b32d447f9057410c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// A stripped-down version of Chromium's chrome/test/perf/
// ResultsToString(), PrintResult(size_t value) and AppendResult(size_t value)
// have been modified. The remainder are identical to the Chromium version.
#include "test/testsupport/perf_test.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace {
std::string ResultsToString(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const std::string& values,
const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& suffix,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
// <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= <value> <units>
// <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= {<mean>, <std deviation>} <units>
// <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= [<value>,value,value,...,] <units>
// TODO(ajm): Use of a stream here may violate the style guide (depending on
// one's definition of "logging"). Consider adding StringPrintf-like
// functionality as in the original Chromium implementation.
std::ostringstream stream;
if (important) {
stream << "*";
stream << "RESULT " << measurement << modifier << ": " << trace << "= "
<< prefix << values << suffix << " " << units << std::endl;
return stream.str();
void PrintResultsImpl(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const std::string& values,
const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& suffix,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
printf("%s", ResultsToString(measurement, modifier, trace, values,
prefix, suffix, units, important).c_str());
} // namespace
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
void PrintResult(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const double value,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
std::ostringstream value_stream;
value_stream << value;
PrintResultsImpl(measurement, modifier, trace, value_stream.str(), "", "",
units, important);
void PrintResultMeanAndError(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const double mean,
const double error,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
std::ostringstream value_stream;
value_stream << '{' << mean << ',' << error << '}';
PrintResultsImpl(measurement, modifier, trace, value_stream.str(), "", "",
units, important);
void PrintResultMeanAndError(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const std::string& mean_and_error,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
PrintResultsImpl(measurement, modifier, trace, mean_and_error, "{", "}",
units, important);
void PrintResultList(const std::string& measurement,
const std::string& modifier,
const std::string& trace,
const std::string& values,
const std::string& units,
bool important) {
PrintResultsImpl(measurement, modifier, trace, values,
"[", "]", units, important);
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc