blob: 832bf31ec808a04c66a7924f372ce9364a15e89b [file] [log] [blame]
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function [d, t] = readDetection(file, fs, chunkSize)
%[d, t] = readDetection(file, fs, chunkSize)
%Reads a detection signal from a DAT file.
%d: The detection signal.
%t: The respective time vector.
%file: The DAT file where the detection signal is stored in float format.
%fs: The signal sample rate in Hertz.
%chunkSize: The chunk size used for the detection in seconds.
fid = fopen(file);
d = fread(fid, inf, 'float');
t = 0:(1 / fs):(length(d) * chunkSize - 1 / fs);
d = d(floor(t / chunkSize) + 1);