blob: 6e3f32fdbf9ac93f61465877acec72708bb03e08 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstdint>
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "api/transport/rtp/dependency_descriptor.h"
#include "api/video/video_codec_type.h"
#include "api/video/video_content_type.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame_type.h"
#include "api/video/video_rotation.h"
#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
namespace webrtc {
// A subset of metadata from the RTP video header, exposed in insertable streams
// API.
class RTC_EXPORT VideoFrameMetadata {
VideoFrameMetadata(const VideoFrameMetadata&) = default;
VideoFrameMetadata& operator=(const VideoFrameMetadata&) = default;
VideoFrameType GetFrameType() const;
void SetFrameType(VideoFrameType frame_type);
uint16_t GetWidth() const;
void SetWidth(uint16_t width);
uint16_t GetHeight() const;
void SetHeight(uint16_t height);
VideoRotation GetRotation() const;
void SetRotation(VideoRotation rotation);
VideoContentType GetContentType() const;
void SetContentType(VideoContentType content_type);
absl::optional<int64_t> GetFrameId() const;
void SetFrameId(absl::optional<int64_t> frame_id);
int GetSpatialIndex() const;
void SetSpatialIndex(int spatial_index);
int GetTemporalIndex() const;
void SetTemporalIndex(int temporal_index);
rtc::ArrayView<const int64_t> GetFrameDependencies() const;
void SetFrameDependencies(rtc::ArrayView<const int64_t> frame_dependencies);
rtc::ArrayView<const DecodeTargetIndication> GetDecodeTargetIndications()
void SetDecodeTargetIndications(
rtc::ArrayView<const DecodeTargetIndication> decode_target_indications);
bool GetIsLastFrameInPicture() const;
void SetIsLastFrameInPicture(bool is_last_frame_in_picture);
uint8_t GetSimulcastIdx() const;
void SetSimulcastIdx(uint8_t simulcast_idx);
VideoCodecType GetCodec() const;
void SetCodec(VideoCodecType codec);
VideoFrameType frame_type_ = VideoFrameType::kEmptyFrame;
int16_t width_ = 0;
int16_t height_ = 0;
VideoRotation rotation_ = VideoRotation::kVideoRotation_0;
VideoContentType content_type_ = VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED;
// Corresponding to GenericDescriptorInfo.
absl::optional<int64_t> frame_id_;
int spatial_index_ = 0;
int temporal_index_ = 0;
absl::InlinedVector<int64_t, 5> frame_dependencies_;
absl::InlinedVector<DecodeTargetIndication, 10> decode_target_indications_;
bool is_last_frame_in_picture_ = true;
uint8_t simulcast_idx_ = 0;
VideoCodecType codec_ = VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecGeneric;
} // namespace webrtc