blob: 829a79c7bf60bf4a8c6e4bff919025d790e81d54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/multi_reader_queue.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Represents a current state of video stream inside
// DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer.
// Maintains the sequence of frames for each video stream and keeps track about
// which frames were seen by each of the possible stream receiver.
// Keeps information about which frames are alive and which are dead. Frame is
// alive if it contains VideoFrame payload for corresponding FrameInFlight
// object inside DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer, otherwise frame is considered
// dead.
// Supports peer indexes from 0 to max(size_t) - 1.
class StreamState {
StreamState(size_t sender,
std::set<size_t> receivers,
Timestamp stream_started_time);
size_t sender() const { return sender_; }
Timestamp stream_started_time() const { return stream_started_time_; }
void PushBack(uint16_t frame_id) { frame_ids_.PushBack(frame_id); }
// Crash if state is empty.
uint16_t PopFront(size_t peer);
bool IsEmpty(size_t peer) const { return frame_ids_.IsEmpty(peer); }
// Crash if state is empty.
uint16_t Front(size_t peer) const { return frame_ids_.Front(peer).value(); }
// Adds a new peer to the state. All currently alive frames will be expected
// to be received by the newly added peer.
void AddPeer(size_t peer);
// Removes peer from the state. Frames that were expected to be received by
// this peer will be removed from it. On the other hand last rendered frame
// time for the removed peer will be preserved, because
// DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer still may request it for stats processing.
void RemovePeer(size_t peer);
size_t GetAliveFramesCount() const {
return frame_ids_.size(kAliveFramesQueueIndex);
uint16_t MarkNextAliveFrameAsDead();
void SetLastRenderedFrameTime(size_t peer, Timestamp time);
absl::optional<Timestamp> last_rendered_frame_time(size_t peer) const;
// Index of the `frame_ids_` queue which is used to track alive frames for
// this stream.
static constexpr size_t kAliveFramesQueueIndex =
size_t GetLongestReceiverQueue() const;
// Index of the owner. Owner's queue in `frame_ids_` will keep alive frames.
const size_t sender_;
const Timestamp stream_started_time_;
std::set<size_t> receivers_;
// To correctly determine dropped frames we have to know sequence of frames
// in each stream so we will keep a list of frame ids inside the stream.
// This list is represented by multi head queue of frame ids with separate
// head for each receiver. When the frame is rendered, we will pop ids from
// the corresponding head until id will match with rendered one. All ids
// before matched one can be considered as dropped:
// | frame_id1 |->| frame_id2 |->| frame_id3 |->| frame_id4 |
// If we received frame with id frame_id3, then we will pop frame_id1 and
// frame_id2 and consider those frames as dropped and then compare received
// frame with the one from `FrameInFlight` with id frame_id3.
MultiReaderQueue<uint16_t> frame_ids_;
std::map<size_t, Timestamp> last_rendered_frame_time_;
} // namespace webrtc