blob: 7796786866b0425c40e370ef9e055f54abf69793 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/codec_manager.h"
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/rent_a_codec.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace acm2 {
namespace {
// Check if the given codec is a valid to be registered as send codec.
int IsValidSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
int dummy_id = 0;
if ((send_codec.channels != 1) && (send_codec.channels != 2)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"Wrong number of channels (%d, only mono and stereo are "
return -1;
auto maybe_codec_id = RentACodec::CodecIdByInst(send_codec);
if (!maybe_codec_id) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"Invalid codec setting for the send codec.");
return -1;
// Telephone-event cannot be a send codec.
if (!STR_CASE_CMP(send_codec.plname, "telephone-event")) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"telephone-event cannot be a send codec");
return -1;
if (!RentACodec::IsSupportedNumChannels(*maybe_codec_id, send_codec.channels)
.value_or(false)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"%d number of channels not supportedn for %s.",
send_codec.channels, send_codec.plname);
return -1;
return RentACodec::CodecIndexFromId(*maybe_codec_id).value_or(-1);
bool IsIsac(const CodecInst& codec) {
#if (defined(WEBRTC_CODEC_ISAC) || defined(WEBRTC_CODEC_ISACFX))
!STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "isac") ||
bool IsOpus(const CodecInst& codec) {
!STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "opus") ||
bool IsPcmU(const CodecInst& codec) {
return !STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "pcmu");
bool IsPcmA(const CodecInst& codec) {
return !STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "pcma");
bool IsPcm16B(const CodecInst& codec) {
return !STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "l16");
bool IsIlbc(const CodecInst& codec) {
!STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "ilbc") ||
bool IsG722(const CodecInst& codec) {
#ifdef WEBRTC_CODEC_G722
!STR_CASE_CMP(codec.plname, "g722") ||
bool CodecSupported(const CodecInst& codec) {
return IsOpus(codec) || IsPcmU(codec) || IsPcmA(codec) || IsPcm16B(codec) ||
IsIlbc(codec) || IsG722(codec) || IsIsac(codec);
const CodecInst kEmptyCodecInst = {-1, "noCodecRegistered", 0, 0, 0, 0};
} // namespace
: send_codec_inst_(kEmptyCodecInst), encoder_is_opus_(false) {
CodecManager::~CodecManager() = default;
int CodecManager::RegisterEncoder(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
int codec_id = IsValidSendCodec(send_codec);
// Check for reported errors from function IsValidSendCodec().
if (codec_id < 0) {
return -1;
int dummy_id = 0;
switch (RentACodec::RegisterRedPayloadType(
&codec_stack_params_.red_payload_types, send_codec)) {
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kOk:
return 0;
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kBadFreq:
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"RegisterSendCodec() failed, invalid frequency for RED"
" registration");
return -1;
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kSkip:
switch (RentACodec::RegisterCngPayloadType(
&codec_stack_params_.cng_payload_types, send_codec)) {
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kOk:
return 0;
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kBadFreq:
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"RegisterSendCodec() failed, invalid frequency for CNG"
" registration");
return -1;
case RentACodec::RegistrationResult::kSkip:
// Check if the codec is already registered as send codec.
bool new_codec = true;
if (CurrentEncoder()) {
auto new_codec_id = RentACodec::CodecIdByInst(send_codec_inst_);
auto old_codec_id = RentACodec::CodecIdFromIndex(codec_id);
new_codec = !old_codec_id || *new_codec_id != *old_codec_id;
encoder_is_opus_ = IsOpus(send_codec);
if (new_codec) {
// This is a new codec. Register it and return.
if (IsOpus(send_codec)) {
// VAD/DTX not supported.
codec_stack_params_.use_cng = false;
AudioEncoder* enc = rent_a_codec_.RentEncoder(send_codec);
if (!enc)
return -1;
rent_a_codec_.RentEncoderStack(enc, &codec_stack_params_);
send_codec_inst_ = send_codec;
return 0;
// This is an existing codec; re-create it if any parameters have changed.
if (send_codec_inst_.plfreq != send_codec.plfreq ||
send_codec_inst_.pacsize != send_codec.pacsize ||
send_codec_inst_.channels != send_codec.channels) {
AudioEncoder* enc = rent_a_codec_.RentEncoder(send_codec);
if (!enc)
return -1;
rent_a_codec_.RentEncoderStack(enc, &codec_stack_params_);
send_codec_inst_.plfreq = send_codec.plfreq;
send_codec_inst_.pacsize = send_codec.pacsize;
send_codec_inst_.channels = send_codec.channels;
send_codec_inst_.pltype = send_codec.pltype;
// Check if a change in Rate is required.
if (send_codec.rate != send_codec_inst_.rate) {
send_codec_inst_.rate = send_codec.rate;
return 0;
void CodecManager::RegisterEncoder(AudioEncoder* external_speech_encoder) {
// Make up a CodecInst.
send_codec_inst_.channels = external_speech_encoder->NumChannels();
send_codec_inst_.plfreq = external_speech_encoder->SampleRateHz();
send_codec_inst_.pacsize = rtc::CheckedDivExact(
static_cast<int>(external_speech_encoder->Max10MsFramesInAPacket() *
send_codec_inst_.pltype = -1; // Not valid.
send_codec_inst_.rate = -1; // Not valid.
static const char kName[] = "external";
memcpy(send_codec_inst_.plname, kName, sizeof(kName));
rent_a_codec_.RentEncoderStack(external_speech_encoder, &codec_stack_params_);
rtc::Optional<CodecInst> CodecManager::GetCodecInst() const {
int dummy_id = 0;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
if (!CurrentEncoder()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceStream, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, dummy_id,
"SendCodec Failed, no codec is registered");
return rtc::Optional<CodecInst>();
return rtc::Optional<CodecInst>(send_codec_inst_);
bool CodecManager::SetCopyRed(bool enable) {
if (enable && codec_stack_params_.use_codec_fec) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, 0,
"Codec internal FEC and RED cannot be co-enabled.");
return false;
if (enable &&
codec_stack_params_.red_payload_types.count(send_codec_inst_.plfreq) <
1) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, 0,
"Cannot enable RED at %i Hz.", send_codec_inst_.plfreq);
return false;
if (codec_stack_params_.use_red != enable) {
codec_stack_params_.use_red = enable;
if (CurrentEncoder())
return true;
int CodecManager::SetVAD(bool enable, ACMVADMode mode) {
// Sanity check of the mode.
RTC_DCHECK(mode == VADNormal || mode == VADLowBitrate || mode == VADAggr ||
mode == VADVeryAggr);
// Check that the send codec is mono. We don't support VAD/DTX for stereo
// sending.
auto* enc = rent_a_codec_.GetEncoder();
const bool stereo_send = enc ? (enc->NumChannels() != 1) : false;
if (enable && stereo_send) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, 0,
"VAD/DTX not supported for stereo sending");
codec_stack_params_.use_cng = false;
return -1;
// If a send codec is registered, set VAD/DTX for the codec.
if (IsOpus(send_codec_inst_)) {
// VAD/DTX not supported.
codec_stack_params_.use_cng = false;
return 0;
if (codec_stack_params_.use_cng != enable ||
codec_stack_params_.vad_mode != mode) {
codec_stack_params_.use_cng = enable;
codec_stack_params_.vad_mode = mode;
if (enc)
rent_a_codec_.RentEncoderStack(enc, &codec_stack_params_);
return 0;
void CodecManager::VAD(bool* dtx_enabled,
bool* vad_enabled,
ACMVADMode* mode) const {
*dtx_enabled = *vad_enabled = codec_stack_params_.use_cng;
*mode = codec_stack_params_.vad_mode;
int CodecManager::SetCodecFEC(bool enable_codec_fec) {
if (enable_codec_fec && codec_stack_params_.use_red) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, 0,
"Codec internal FEC and RED cannot be co-enabled.");
return -1;
codec_stack_params_.use_codec_fec =
CurrentEncoder()->SetFec(enable_codec_fec) && enable_codec_fec;
return codec_stack_params_.use_codec_fec == enable_codec_fec ? 0 : -1;
AudioDecoder* CodecManager::GetAudioDecoder(const CodecInst& codec) {
return IsIsac(codec) ? rent_a_codec_.RentIsacDecoder() : nullptr;
} // namespace acm2
} // namespace webrtc