blob: 8a33205d30b5c74af0ef8e837179935f7767311b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/screenshare_layers.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
namespace webrtc {
static const int kOneSecond90Khz = 90000;
static const int kMinTimeBetweenSyncs = kOneSecond90Khz * 5;
static const int kMaxTimeBetweenSyncs = kOneSecond90Khz * 10;
static const int kQpDeltaThresholdForSync = 8;
static const int kMinBitrateKbpsForQpBoost = 500;
const double ScreenshareLayers::kMaxTL0FpsReduction = 2.5;
const double ScreenshareLayers::kAcceptableTargetOvershoot = 2.0;
constexpr int ScreenshareLayers::kMaxNumTemporalLayers;
// Always emit a frame with certain interval, even if bitrate targets have
// been exceeded. This prevents needless keyframe requests.
const int ScreenshareLayers::kMaxFrameIntervalMs = 2750;
webrtc::TemporalLayers* ScreenshareTemporalLayersFactory::Create(
int simulcast_id,
int num_temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx) const {
webrtc::TemporalLayers* tl;
if (simulcast_id == 0) {
tl = new webrtc::ScreenshareLayers(num_temporal_layers, rand(),
} else {
TemporalLayersFactory rt_tl_factory;
tl = rt_tl_factory.Create(simulcast_id, num_temporal_layers, rand());
if (listener_)
listener_->OnTemporalLayersCreated(simulcast_id, tl);
return tl;
ScreenshareLayers::ScreenshareLayers(int num_temporal_layers,
uint8_t initial_tl0_pic_idx,
Clock* clock)
: clock_(clock),
std::min(kMaxNumTemporalLayers, num_temporal_layers)),
encode_framerate_(1000.0f, 1000.0f), // 1 second window, second scale.
bitrate_updated_(false) {
RTC_CHECK_GT(number_of_temporal_layers_, 0);
RTC_CHECK_LE(number_of_temporal_layers_, kMaxNumTemporalLayers);
ScreenshareLayers::~ScreenshareLayers() {
int ScreenshareLayers::GetTemporalLayerId(
const TemporalLayers::FrameConfig& tl_config) const {
// Codec does not use temporal layers for screenshare.
return 0;
uint8_t ScreenshareLayers::Tl0PicIdx() const {
return tl0_pic_idx_;
TemporalLayers::FrameConfig ScreenshareLayers::UpdateLayerConfig(
uint32_t timestamp) {
if (number_of_temporal_layers_ <= 1) {
// No flags needed for 1 layer screenshare.
// TODO(pbos): Consider updating only last, and not all buffers.
TemporalLayers::FrameConfig tl_config(
kReferenceAndUpdate, kReferenceAndUpdate, kReferenceAndUpdate);
tl_config.pattern_idx = static_cast<int>(TemporalLayerState::kTl1);
return tl_config;
const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
if (target_framerate_.value_or(0) > 0 &&
encode_framerate_.Rate(now_ms).value_or(0) > *target_framerate_) {
// Max framerate exceeded, drop frame.
return TemporalLayers::FrameConfig(kNone, kNone, kNone);
if (stats_.first_frame_time_ms_ == -1)
stats_.first_frame_time_ms_ = now_ms;
int64_t unwrapped_timestamp = time_wrap_handler_.Unwrap(timestamp);
int64_t ts_diff;
if (last_timestamp_ == -1) {
ts_diff = kOneSecond90Khz / capture_framerate_.value_or(*target_framerate_);
} else {
ts_diff = unwrapped_timestamp - last_timestamp_;
// Make sure both frame droppers leak out bits.
layers_[0].UpdateDebt(ts_diff / 90);
layers_[1].UpdateDebt(ts_diff / 90);
last_timestamp_ = timestamp;
TemporalLayerState layer_state = TemporalLayerState::kDrop;
if (active_layer_ == -1 ||
layers_[active_layer_].state != TemporalLayer::State::kDropped) {
if (last_emitted_tl0_timestamp_ != -1 &&
(unwrapped_timestamp - last_emitted_tl0_timestamp_) / 90 >
kMaxFrameIntervalMs) {
// Too long time has passed since the last frame was emitted, cancel
// enough debt to allow a single frame.
layers_[0].debt_bytes_ = max_debt_bytes_ - 1;
if (layers_[0].debt_bytes_ > max_debt_bytes_) {
// Must drop TL0, encode TL1 instead.
if (layers_[1].debt_bytes_ > max_debt_bytes_) {
// Must drop both TL0 and TL1.
active_layer_ = -1;
} else {
active_layer_ = 1;
} else {
active_layer_ = 0;
switch (active_layer_) {
case 0:
layer_state = TemporalLayerState::kTl0;
last_emitted_tl0_timestamp_ = unwrapped_timestamp;
case 1:
if (TimeToSync(unwrapped_timestamp)) {
last_sync_timestamp_ = unwrapped_timestamp;
layer_state = TemporalLayerState::kTl1Sync;
} else {
layer_state = TemporalLayerState::kTl1;
case -1:
layer_state = TemporalLayerState::kDrop;
TemporalLayers::FrameConfig tl_config;
// TODO(pbos): Consider referencing but not updating the 'alt' buffer for all
// layers.
switch (layer_state) {
case TemporalLayerState::kDrop:
tl_config = TemporalLayers::FrameConfig(kNone, kNone, kNone);
case TemporalLayerState::kTl0:
// TL0 only references and updates 'last'.
tl_config =
TemporalLayers::FrameConfig(kReferenceAndUpdate, kNone, kNone);
case TemporalLayerState::kTl1:
// TL1 references both 'last' and 'golden' but only updates 'golden'.
tl_config =
TemporalLayers::FrameConfig(kReference, kReferenceAndUpdate, kNone);
case TemporalLayerState::kTl1Sync:
// Predict from only TL0 to allow participants to switch to the high
// bitrate stream. Updates 'golden' so that TL1 can continue to refer to
// and update 'golden' from this point on.
tl_config = TemporalLayers::FrameConfig(kReference, kUpdate, kNone);
tl_config.pattern_idx = static_cast<int>(layer_state);
return tl_config;
std::vector<uint32_t> ScreenshareLayers::OnRatesUpdated(int bitrate_kbps,
int max_bitrate_kbps,
int framerate) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(framerate, 0);
if (!target_framerate_) {
// First OnRatesUpdated() is called during construction, with the configured
// targets as parameters.
capture_framerate_ = target_framerate_;
bitrate_updated_ = true;
} else {
bitrate_updated_ =
bitrate_kbps != static_cast<int>(layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_) ||
max_bitrate_kbps != static_cast<int>(layers_[1].target_rate_kbps_) ||
(capture_framerate_ &&
framerate != static_cast<int>(*capture_framerate_));
if (framerate < 0) {
} else {
layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_ = bitrate_kbps;
layers_[1].target_rate_kbps_ = max_bitrate_kbps;
std::vector<uint32_t> allocation;
if (max_bitrate_kbps > bitrate_kbps)
allocation.push_back(max_bitrate_kbps - bitrate_kbps);
return allocation;
void ScreenshareLayers::FrameEncoded(unsigned int size, int qp) {
if (size > 0)
encode_framerate_.Update(1, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
if (number_of_temporal_layers_ == 1)
RTC_DCHECK_NE(-1, active_layer_);
if (size == 0) {
layers_[active_layer_].state = TemporalLayer::State::kDropped;
if (layers_[active_layer_].state == TemporalLayer::State::kDropped) {
layers_[active_layer_].state = TemporalLayer::State::kQualityBoost;
if (qp != -1)
layers_[active_layer_].last_qp = qp;
if (active_layer_ == 0) {
layers_[0].debt_bytes_ += size;
layers_[1].debt_bytes_ += size;
stats_.tl0_target_bitrate_sum_ += layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_;
stats_.tl0_qp_sum_ += qp;
} else if (active_layer_ == 1) {
layers_[1].debt_bytes_ += size;
stats_.tl1_target_bitrate_sum_ += layers_[1].target_rate_kbps_;
stats_.tl1_qp_sum_ += qp;
void ScreenshareLayers::PopulateCodecSpecific(
bool frame_is_keyframe,
const TemporalLayers::FrameConfig& tl_config,
CodecSpecificInfoVP8* vp8_info,
uint32_t timestamp) {
int64_t unwrapped_timestamp = time_wrap_handler_.Unwrap(timestamp);
if (number_of_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
vp8_info->temporalIdx = kNoTemporalIdx;
vp8_info->layerSync = false;
vp8_info->tl0PicIdx = kNoTl0PicIdx;
} else {
TemporalLayerState layer_state =
switch (layer_state) {
case TemporalLayerState::kDrop:
case TemporalLayerState::kTl0:
vp8_info->temporalIdx = 0;
case TemporalLayerState::kTl1:
case TemporalLayerState::kTl1Sync:
vp8_info->temporalIdx = 1;
if (frame_is_keyframe) {
vp8_info->temporalIdx = 0;
last_sync_timestamp_ = unwrapped_timestamp;
} else if (last_base_layer_sync_ && vp8_info->temporalIdx != 0) {
// Regardless of pattern the frame after a base layer sync will always
// be a layer sync.
last_sync_timestamp_ = unwrapped_timestamp;
vp8_info->layerSync = last_sync_timestamp_ != -1 &&
last_sync_timestamp_ == unwrapped_timestamp;
if (vp8_info->temporalIdx == 0) {
last_base_layer_sync_ = frame_is_keyframe;
vp8_info->tl0PicIdx = tl0_pic_idx_;
bool ScreenshareLayers::TimeToSync(int64_t timestamp) const {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(1, active_layer_);
RTC_DCHECK_NE(-1, layers_[0].last_qp);
if (layers_[1].last_qp == -1) {
// First frame in TL1 should only depend on TL0 since there are no
// previous frames in TL1.
return true;
RTC_DCHECK_NE(-1, last_sync_timestamp_);
int64_t timestamp_diff = timestamp - last_sync_timestamp_;
if (timestamp_diff > kMaxTimeBetweenSyncs) {
// After a certain time, force a sync frame.
return true;
} else if (timestamp_diff < kMinTimeBetweenSyncs) {
// If too soon from previous sync frame, don't issue a new one.
return false;
// Issue a sync frame if difference in quality between TL0 and TL1 isn't too
// large.
if (layers_[0].last_qp - layers_[1].last_qp < kQpDeltaThresholdForSync)
return true;
return false;
uint32_t ScreenshareLayers::GetCodecTargetBitrateKbps() const {
uint32_t target_bitrate_kbps = layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_;
if (number_of_temporal_layers_ > 1) {
// Calculate a codec target bitrate. This may be higher than TL0, gaining
// quality at the expense of frame rate at TL0. Constraints:
// - TL0 frame rate no less than framerate / kMaxTL0FpsReduction.
// - Target rate * kAcceptableTargetOvershoot should not exceed TL1 rate.
target_bitrate_kbps =
std::min(layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_ * kMaxTL0FpsReduction,
layers_[1].target_rate_kbps_ / kAcceptableTargetOvershoot);
return std::max(layers_[0].target_rate_kbps_, target_bitrate_kbps);
bool ScreenshareLayers::UpdateConfiguration(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t* cfg) {
bool cfg_updated = false;
uint32_t target_bitrate_kbps = GetCodecTargetBitrateKbps();
if (bitrate_updated_ || cfg->rc_target_bitrate != target_bitrate_kbps) {
cfg->rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate_kbps;
// Don't reconfigure qp limits during quality boost frames.
if (active_layer_ == -1 ||
layers_[active_layer_].state != TemporalLayer::State::kQualityBoost) {
min_qp_ = cfg->rc_min_quantizer;
max_qp_ = cfg->rc_max_quantizer;
// After a dropped frame, a frame with max qp will be encoded and the
// quality will then ramp up from there. To boost the speed of recovery,
// encode the next frame with lower max qp, if there is sufficient
// bandwidth to do so without causing excessive delay.
// TL0 is the most important to improve since the errors in this layer
// will propagate to TL1.
// Currently, reduce max qp by 20% for TL0 and 15% for TL1.
if (layers_[1].target_rate_kbps_ >= kMinBitrateKbpsForQpBoost) {
layers_[0].enhanced_max_qp =
min_qp_ + (((max_qp_ - min_qp_) * 80) / 100);
layers_[1].enhanced_max_qp =
min_qp_ + (((max_qp_ - min_qp_) * 85) / 100);
} else {
layers_[0].enhanced_max_qp = -1;
layers_[1].enhanced_max_qp = -1;
if (capture_framerate_) {
int avg_frame_size =
(target_bitrate_kbps * 1000) / (8 * *capture_framerate_);
// Allow max debt to be the size of a single optimal frame.
// TODO(sprang): Determine if this needs to be adjusted by some factor.
// (Lower values may cause more frame drops, higher may lead to queuing
// delays.)
max_debt_bytes_ = avg_frame_size;
bitrate_updated_ = false;
cfg_updated = true;
// Don't try to update boosts state if not active yet.
if (active_layer_ == -1)
return cfg_updated;
if (max_qp_ == -1 || number_of_temporal_layers_ <= 1)
return cfg_updated;
// If layer is in the quality boost state (following a dropped frame), update
// the configuration with the adjusted (lower) qp and set the state back to
// normal.
unsigned int adjusted_max_qp;
if (layers_[active_layer_].state == TemporalLayer::State::kQualityBoost &&
layers_[active_layer_].enhanced_max_qp != -1) {
adjusted_max_qp = layers_[active_layer_].enhanced_max_qp;
layers_[active_layer_].state = TemporalLayer::State::kNormal;
} else {
adjusted_max_qp = max_qp_; // Set the normal max qp.
if (adjusted_max_qp == cfg->rc_max_quantizer)
return cfg_updated;
cfg->rc_max_quantizer = adjusted_max_qp;
cfg_updated = true;
return cfg_updated;
void ScreenshareLayers::TemporalLayer::UpdateDebt(int64_t delta_ms) {
uint32_t debt_reduction_bytes = target_rate_kbps_ * delta_ms / 8;
if (debt_reduction_bytes >= debt_bytes_) {
debt_bytes_ = 0;
} else {
debt_bytes_ -= debt_reduction_bytes;
void ScreenshareLayers::UpdateHistograms() {
if (stats_.first_frame_time_ms_ == -1)
int64_t duration_sec =
(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - stats_.first_frame_time_ms_ + 500) / 1000;
if (duration_sec >= metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds) {
(stats_.num_tl0_frames_ + (duration_sec / 2)) / duration_sec);
(stats_.num_tl1_frames_ + (duration_sec / 2)) / duration_sec);
int total_frames = stats_.num_tl0_frames_ + stats_.num_tl1_frames_;
(stats_.num_dropped_frames_ == 0 ? 0 : total_frames /
(stats_.num_overshoots_ == 0 ? 0
: total_frames / stats_.num_overshoots_));
if (stats_.num_tl0_frames_ > 0) {
stats_.tl0_qp_sum_ / stats_.num_tl0_frames_);
stats_.tl0_target_bitrate_sum_ / stats_.num_tl0_frames_);
if (stats_.num_tl1_frames_ > 0) {
stats_.tl1_qp_sum_ / stats_.num_tl1_frames_);
stats_.tl1_target_bitrate_sum_ / stats_.num_tl1_frames_);
} // namespace webrtc