blob: 78eeef288a2e7046c00adc934d438769ab9177a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/generic_encoder.h"
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/api/video/i420_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/encoded_frame.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/media_optimization.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/optional.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/timeutils.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/trace_event.h"
namespace webrtc {
VideoEncoder* encoder,
VCMEncodedFrameCallback* encoded_frame_callback,
bool internal_source)
: encoder_(encoder),
encoder_params_({BitrateAllocation(), 0, 0, 0}),
streams_or_svc_num_(0) {}
VCMGenericEncoder::~VCMGenericEncoder() {}
int32_t VCMGenericEncoder::Release() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VCMGenericEncoder::Release");
return encoder_->Release();
int32_t VCMGenericEncoder::InitEncode(const VideoCodec* settings,
int32_t number_of_cores,
size_t max_payload_size) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VCMGenericEncoder::InitEncode");
is_screenshare_ = settings->mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing;
streams_or_svc_num_ = settings->numberOfSimulcastStreams;
if (settings->codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) {
streams_or_svc_num_ = settings->VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers;
if (streams_or_svc_num_ == 0)
streams_or_svc_num_ = 1;
if (encoder_->InitEncode(settings, number_of_cores, max_payload_size) != 0) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to initialize the encoder associated with "
"payload name: "
<< settings->plName;
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t VCMGenericEncoder::Encode(const VideoFrame& frame,
const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific,
const std::vector<FrameType>& frame_types) {
TRACE_EVENT1("webrtc", "VCMGenericEncoder::Encode", "timestamp",
for (FrameType frame_type : frame_types)
RTC_DCHECK(frame_type == kVideoFrameKey || frame_type == kVideoFrameDelta);
for (size_t i = 0; i < streams_or_svc_num_; ++i)
vcm_encoded_frame_callback_->OnEncodeStarted(frame.render_time_ms(), i);
int32_t result = encoder_->Encode(frame, codec_specific, &frame_types);
if (is_screenshare_ &&
// Target bitrate exceeded, encoder state has been reset - try again.
return encoder_->Encode(frame, codec_specific, &frame_types);
return result;
void VCMGenericEncoder::SetEncoderParameters(const EncoderParameters& params) {
bool channel_parameters_have_changed;
bool rates_have_changed;
rtc::CritScope lock(&params_lock_);
channel_parameters_have_changed =
params.loss_rate != encoder_params_.loss_rate ||
params.rtt != encoder_params_.rtt;
rates_have_changed =
params.target_bitrate != encoder_params_.target_bitrate ||
params.input_frame_rate != encoder_params_.input_frame_rate;
encoder_params_ = params;
if (channel_parameters_have_changed) {
int res = encoder_->SetChannelParameters(params.loss_rate, params.rtt);
if (res != 0) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Error set encoder parameters (loss = "
<< params.loss_rate << ", rtt = " << params.rtt
<< "): " << res;
if (rates_have_changed) {
int res = encoder_->SetRateAllocation(params.target_bitrate,
if (res != 0) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Error set encoder rate (total bitrate bps = "
<< params.target_bitrate.get_sum_bps()
<< ", framerate = " << params.input_frame_rate
<< "): " << res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < streams_or_svc_num_; ++i) {
size_t layer_bitrate_bytes_per_sec =
params.target_bitrate.GetSpatialLayerSum(i) / 8;
// VP9 rate control is not yet moved out of VP9Impl. Due to that rates
// are not split among spatial layers.
if (layer_bitrate_bytes_per_sec == 0)
layer_bitrate_bytes_per_sec = params.target_bitrate.get_sum_bps() / 8;
layer_bitrate_bytes_per_sec, i);
EncoderParameters VCMGenericEncoder::GetEncoderParameters() const {
rtc::CritScope lock(&params_lock_);
return encoder_params_;
int32_t VCMGenericEncoder::SetPeriodicKeyFrames(bool enable) {
return encoder_->SetPeriodicKeyFrames(enable);
int32_t VCMGenericEncoder::RequestFrame(
const std::vector<FrameType>& frame_types) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < streams_or_svc_num_; ++i)
vcm_encoded_frame_callback_->OnEncodeStarted(0, i);
// TODO(nisse): Used only with internal source. Delete as soon as
// that feature is removed. The only implementation I've been able
// to find ignores what's in the frame. With one exception: It seems
// a few test cases, e.g.,
// VideoSendStreamTest.VideoSendStreamStopSetEncoderRateToZero, set
// internal_source to true and use FakeEncoder. And the latter will
// happily encode this 1x1 frame and pass it on down the pipeline.
return encoder_->Encode(VideoFrame(I420Buffer::Create(1, 1),
kVideoRotation_0, 0),
NULL, &frame_types);
return 0;
bool VCMGenericEncoder::InternalSource() const {
return internal_source_;
bool VCMGenericEncoder::SupportsNativeHandle() const {
return encoder_->SupportsNativeHandle();
EncodedImageCallback* post_encode_callback,
media_optimization::MediaOptimization* media_opt)
: internal_source_(false),
timing_frames_thresholds_({-1, 0}) {}
VCMEncodedFrameCallback::~VCMEncodedFrameCallback() {}
void VCMEncodedFrameCallback::OnTargetBitrateChanged(
size_t bitrate_bytes_per_second,
size_t simulcast_svc_idx) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&timing_params_lock_);
if (timing_frames_info_.size() < simulcast_svc_idx + 1)
timing_frames_info_.resize(simulcast_svc_idx + 1);
timing_frames_info_[simulcast_svc_idx].target_bitrate_bytes_per_sec =
void VCMEncodedFrameCallback::OnFrameRateChanged(size_t framerate) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&timing_params_lock_);
framerate_ = framerate;
void VCMEncodedFrameCallback::OnEncodeStarted(int64_t capture_time_ms,
size_t simulcast_svc_idx) {
rtc::CritScope crit(&timing_params_lock_);
if (timing_frames_info_.size() < simulcast_svc_idx + 1)
timing_frames_info_.resize(simulcast_svc_idx + 1);
timing_frames_info_[simulcast_svc_idx].encode_start_time_ms[capture_time_ms] =
EncodedImageCallback::Result VCMEncodedFrameCallback::OnEncodedImage(
const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific,
const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation_header) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1("webrtc", "VCMEncodedFrameCallback::Encoded",
"timestamp", encoded_image._timeStamp);
size_t simulcast_svc_idx = 0;
if (codec_specific->codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) {
if (codec_specific->codecSpecific.VP9.num_spatial_layers > 1)
simulcast_svc_idx = codec_specific->codecSpecific.VP9.spatial_idx;
} else if (codec_specific->codecType == kVideoCodecVP8) {
simulcast_svc_idx = codec_specific->codecSpecific.VP8.simulcastIdx;
} else if (codec_specific->codecType == kVideoCodecGeneric) {
simulcast_svc_idx = codec_specific->codecSpecific.generic.simulcast_idx;
} else if (codec_specific->codecType == kVideoCodecH264) {
// TODO(ilnik): When h264 simulcast is landed, extract simulcast idx here.
rtc::Optional<size_t> outlier_frame_size;
rtc::Optional<int64_t> encode_start_ms;
bool is_timing_frame = false;
rtc::CritScope crit(&timing_params_lock_);
// Encoders with internal sources do not call OnEncodeStarted and
// OnFrameRateChanged. |timing_frames_info_| may be not filled here.
if (simulcast_svc_idx < timing_frames_info_.size()) {
auto encode_start_map =
auto it = encode_start_map->find(encoded_image.capture_time_ms_);
if (it != encode_start_map->end()) {
// Assuming all encoders do not reorder frames within single stream,
// there may be some dropped frames with smaller timestamps. These
// should be purged.
encode_start_map->erase(encode_start_map->begin(), it);
} else {
// Encoder is with internal source: free our records of any frames just
// in case to free memory.
size_t target_bitrate =
if (framerate_ > 0 && target_bitrate > 0) {
// framerate and target bitrate were reported by encoder.
size_t average_frame_size = target_bitrate / framerate_;
average_frame_size *
timing_frames_thresholds_.outlier_ratio_percent / 100);
// Check if it's time to send a timing frame.
int64_t timing_frame_delay_ms =
encoded_image.capture_time_ms_ - last_timing_frame_time_ms_;
// Trigger threshold if it's a first frame, too long passed since the last
// timing frame, or we already sent timing frame on a different simulcast
// stream with the same capture time.
if (last_timing_frame_time_ms_ == -1 ||
timing_frame_delay_ms >= timing_frames_thresholds_.delay_ms ||
timing_frame_delay_ms == 0) {
is_timing_frame = true;
last_timing_frame_time_ms_ = encoded_image.capture_time_ms_;
// Outliers trigger timing frames, but do not affect scheduled timing
// frames.
if (outlier_frame_size && encoded_image._length >= *outlier_frame_size) {
is_timing_frame = true;
// If encode start is not available that means that encoder uses internal
// source. In that case capture timestamp may be from a different clock with a
// drift relative to rtc::TimeMillis(). We can't use it for Timing frames,
// because to being sent in the network capture time required to be less than
// all the other timestamps.
if (is_timing_frame && encode_start_ms) {
encoded_image.SetEncodeTime(*encode_start_ms, rtc::TimeMillis());
Result result = post_encode_callback_->OnEncodedImage(
encoded_image, codec_specific, fragmentation_header);
if (result.error != Result::OK)
return result;
if (media_opt_) {
if (internal_source_) {
// Signal to encoder to drop next frame.
result.drop_next_frame = media_opt_->DropFrame();
return result;
} // namespace webrtc