blob: 508158f678679fe42c7a5133ed56214ee5a69935 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "p2p/base/dtlstransportinternal.h"
#include "p2p/base/fakeicetransport.h"
#include "rtc_base/fakesslidentity.h"
namespace cricket {
// Fake DTLS transport which is implemented by wrapping a fake ICE transport.
// Doesn't interact directly with fake ICE transport for anything other than
// sending packets.
class FakeDtlsTransport : public DtlsTransportInternal {
explicit FakeDtlsTransport(FakeIceTransport* ice_transport)
: ice_transport_(ice_transport),
dtls_fingerprint_("", nullptr, 0) {
this, &FakeDtlsTransport::OnIceTransportReadPacket);
this, &FakeDtlsTransport::OnNetworkRouteChanged);
// If this constructor is called, a new fake ICE transport will be created,
// and this FakeDtlsTransport will take the ownership.
explicit FakeDtlsTransport(const std::string& name, int component)
: owned_ice_transport_(new FakeIceTransport(name, component)),
dtls_fingerprint_("", nullptr, 0) {
ice_transport_ = owned_ice_transport_.get();
this, &FakeDtlsTransport::OnIceTransportReadPacket);
this, &FakeDtlsTransport::OnNetworkRouteChanged);
~FakeDtlsTransport() override {
if (dest_ && dest_->dest_ == this) {
dest_->dest_ = nullptr;
// Get inner fake ICE transport.
FakeIceTransport* fake_ice_transport() { return ice_transport_; }
// If async, will send packets by "Post"-ing to message queue instead of
// synchronously "Send"-ing.
void SetAsync(bool async) { ice_transport_->SetAsync(async); }
void SetAsyncDelay(int delay_ms) { ice_transport_->SetAsyncDelay(delay_ms); }
// SetWritable, SetReceiving and SetDestination are the main methods that can
// be used for testing, to simulate connectivity or lack thereof.
void SetWritable(bool writable) {
void SetReceiving(bool receiving) {
// Simulates the two DTLS transports connecting to each other.
// If |asymmetric| is true this method only affects this FakeDtlsTransport.
// If false, it affects |dest| as well.
void SetDestination(FakeDtlsTransport* dest, bool asymmetric = false) {
if (dest == dest_) {
RTC_DCHECK(!dest || !dest_)
<< "Changing fake destination from one to another is not supported.";
if (dest && !dest_) {
// This simulates the DTLS handshake.
dest_ = dest;
if (local_cert_ && dest_->local_cert_) {
do_dtls_ = true;
if (!asymmetric) {
dest->SetDestination(this, true);
static_cast<FakeIceTransport*>(dest->ice_transport()), asymmetric);
} else {
// Simulates loss of connectivity, by asymmetrically forgetting dest_.
dest_ = nullptr;
ice_transport_->SetDestination(nullptr, asymmetric);
// Fake DtlsTransportInternal implementation.
DtlsTransportState dtls_state() const override { return dtls_state_; }
const std::string& transport_name() const override { return transport_name_; }
int component() const override { return component_; }
const rtc::SSLFingerprint& dtls_fingerprint() const {
return dtls_fingerprint_;
bool SetRemoteFingerprint(const std::string& alg,
const uint8_t* digest,
size_t digest_len) override {
dtls_fingerprint_ = rtc::SSLFingerprint(alg, digest, digest_len);
return true;
bool SetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole role) override {
ssl_role_ = role;
return true;
bool GetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole* role) const override {
*role = ssl_role_;
return true;
const rtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options() const override {
return crypto_options_;
void SetCryptoOptions(const rtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options) {
crypto_options_ = crypto_options;
bool SetLocalCertificate(
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate) override {
local_cert_ = certificate;
return true;
void SetRemoteSSLCertificate(rtc::FakeSSLCertificate* cert) {
remote_cert_ = cert;
bool IsDtlsActive() const override { return do_dtls_; }
bool GetSrtpCryptoSuite(int* crypto_suite) override {
if (!do_dtls_) {
return false;
*crypto_suite = crypto_suite_;
return true;
void SetSrtpCryptoSuite(int crypto_suite) {
crypto_suite_ = crypto_suite;
bool GetSslCipherSuite(int* cipher_suite) override { return false; }
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> GetLocalCertificate() const override {
return local_cert_;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate> GetRemoteSSLCertificate()
const override {
return remote_cert_ ? std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate>(
: nullptr;
bool ExportKeyingMaterial(const std::string& label,
const uint8_t* context,
size_t context_len,
bool use_context,
uint8_t* result,
size_t result_len) override {
if (!do_dtls_) {
return false;
memset(result, 0xff, result_len);
return true;
void set_ssl_max_protocol_version(rtc::SSLProtocolVersion version) {
ssl_max_version_ = version;
rtc::SSLProtocolVersion ssl_max_protocol_version() const {
return ssl_max_version_;
IceTransportInternal* ice_transport() override { return ice_transport_; }
// PacketTransportInternal implementation, which passes through to fake ICE
// transport for sending actual packets.
bool writable() const override { return writable_; }
bool receiving() const override { return receiving_; }
int SendPacket(const char* data,
size_t len,
const rtc::PacketOptions& options,
int flags) override {
// We expect only SRTP packets to be sent through this interface.
if (flags != PF_SRTP_BYPASS && flags != 0) {
return -1;
return ice_transport_->SendPacket(data, len, options, flags);
int SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) override {
return ice_transport_->SetOption(opt, value);
bool GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) override {
return ice_transport_->GetOption(opt, value);
int GetError() override { return ice_transport_->GetError(); }
rtc::Optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route() const override {
return ice_transport_->network_route();
void OnIceTransportReadPacket(PacketTransportInternal* ice_,
const char* data,
size_t len,
const rtc::PacketTime& time,
int flags) {
SignalReadPacket(this, data, len, time, flags);
void set_receiving(bool receiving) {
if (receiving_ == receiving) {
receiving_ = receiving;
void set_writable(bool writable) {
if (writable_ == writable) {
writable_ = writable;
if (writable_) {
void OnNetworkRouteChanged(rtc::Optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route) {
FakeIceTransport* ice_transport_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeIceTransport> owned_ice_transport_;
std::string transport_name_;
int component_;
FakeDtlsTransport* dest_ = nullptr;
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> local_cert_;
rtc::FakeSSLCertificate* remote_cert_ = nullptr;
bool do_dtls_ = false;
rtc::SSLProtocolVersion ssl_max_version_ = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
rtc::SSLFingerprint dtls_fingerprint_;
rtc::SSLRole ssl_role_ = rtc::SSL_CLIENT;
int crypto_suite_ = rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80;
rtc::CryptoOptions crypto_options_;
DtlsTransportState dtls_state_ = DTLS_TRANSPORT_NEW;
bool receiving_ = false;
bool writable_ = false;
} // namespace cricket