blob: a93df73a22829c73dc98aa5d121f04fbc3b45451 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "audio/voip/voip_core.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_format.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// For Windows, use specific enum type to initialize default audio device as
// defined in AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType.
#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
constexpr AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType kAudioDeviceId =
constexpr uint16_t kAudioDeviceId = 0;
#endif // defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
// Maximum value range limit on ChannelId. This can be increased without any
// side effect and only set at this moderate value for better readability for
// logging.
static constexpr int kMaxChannelId = 100000;
} // namespace
bool VoipCore::Init(rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioEncoderFactory> encoder_factory,
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> decoder_factory,
std::unique_ptr<TaskQueueFactory> task_queue_factory,
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDeviceModule> audio_device_module,
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioProcessing> audio_processing,
std::unique_ptr<ProcessThread> process_thread) {
encoder_factory_ = std::move(encoder_factory);
decoder_factory_ = std::move(decoder_factory);
task_queue_factory_ = std::move(task_queue_factory);
audio_device_module_ = std::move(audio_device_module);
audio_processing_ = std::move(audio_processing);
process_thread_ = std::move(process_thread);
if (!process_thread_) {
process_thread_ = ProcessThread::Create("ModuleProcessThread");
audio_mixer_ = AudioMixerImpl::Create();
// AudioTransportImpl depends on audio mixer and audio processing instances.
audio_transport_ = std::make_unique<AudioTransportImpl>(
audio_mixer_.get(), audio_processing_.get(), nullptr);
// Initialize ADM.
if (audio_device_module_->Init() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to initialize the ADM.";
return false;
// Note that failures on initializing default recording/speaker devices are
// not considered to be fatal here. In certain case, caller may not care about
// recording device functioning (e.g webinar where only speaker is available).
// It's also possible that there are other audio devices available that may
// work.
// TODO( consider moving this part out of initialization.
// Initialize default speaker device.
if (audio_device_module_->SetPlayoutDevice(kAudioDeviceId) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to set playout device.";
if (audio_device_module_->InitSpeaker() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to access speaker.";
// Initialize default recording device.
if (audio_device_module_->SetRecordingDevice(kAudioDeviceId) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to set recording device.";
if (audio_device_module_->InitMicrophone() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to access microphone.";
// Set number of channels on speaker device.
bool available = false;
if (audio_device_module_->StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(&available) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to query stereo playout.";
if (audio_device_module_->SetStereoPlayout(available) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to set mono/stereo playout mode.";
// Set number of channels on recording device.
available = false;
if (audio_device_module_->StereoRecordingIsAvailable(&available) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to query stereo recording.";
if (audio_device_module_->SetStereoRecording(available) != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to set stereo recording mode.";
if (audio_device_module_->RegisterAudioCallback(audio_transport_.get()) !=
0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unable to register audio callback.";
return true;
absl::optional<ChannelId> VoipCore::CreateChannel(
Transport* transport,
absl::optional<uint32_t> local_ssrc) {
absl::optional<ChannelId> channel;
// Set local ssrc to random if not set by caller.
if (!local_ssrc) {
Random random(rtc::TimeMicros());
local_ssrc = random.Rand<uint32_t>();
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel> audio_channel =
new rtc::RefCountedObject<AudioChannel>(
transport, local_ssrc.value(), task_queue_factory_.get(),
process_thread_.get(), audio_mixer_.get(), decoder_factory_);
// Check if we need to start the process thread.
bool start_process_thread = false;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
// Start process thread if the channel is the first one.
start_process_thread = channels_.empty();
channel = static_cast<ChannelId>(next_channel_id_);
channels_[*channel] = audio_channel;
if (next_channel_id_ >= kMaxChannelId) {
next_channel_id_ = 0;
// Set ChannelId in audio channel for logging/debugging purpose.
if (start_process_thread) {
return channel;
void VoipCore::ReleaseChannel(ChannelId channel) {
// Destroy channel outside of the lock.
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel> audio_channel;
// Check if process thread is no longer needed.
bool stop_process_thread = false;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
auto iter = channels_.find(channel);
if (iter != channels_.end()) {
audio_channel = std::move(iter->second);
// Check if this is the last channel we have.
stop_process_thread = channels_.empty();
if (!audio_channel) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Channel " << channel << " not found";
if (stop_process_thread) {
// Release audio channel first to have it DeRegisterModule first.
audio_channel = nullptr;
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel> VoipCore::GetChannel(ChannelId channel) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel> audio_channel;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
auto iter = channels_.find(channel);
if (iter != channels_.end()) {
audio_channel = iter->second;
if (!audio_channel) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Channel " << channel << " not found";
return audio_channel;
bool VoipCore::UpdateAudioTransportWithSenders() {
std::vector<AudioSender*> audio_senders;
// Gather a list of audio channel that are currently sending along with
// highest sampling rate and channel numbers to configure into audio
// transport.
int max_sampling_rate = 8000;
size_t max_num_channels = 1;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
// Reserve to prevent run time vector re-allocation.
for (auto kv : channels_) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel>& channel = kv.second;
if (channel->IsSendingMedia()) {
auto encoder_format = channel->GetEncoderFormat();
if (!encoder_format) {
<< "channel " << channel->GetId() << " encoder is not set";
max_sampling_rate =
std::max(max_sampling_rate, encoder_format->clockrate_hz);
max_num_channels =
std::max(max_num_channels, encoder_format->num_channels);
audio_transport_->UpdateAudioSenders(audio_senders, max_sampling_rate,
// Depending on availability of senders, turn on or off ADM recording.
if (!audio_senders.empty()) {
if (!audio_device_module_->Recording()) {
if (audio_device_module_->InitRecording() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InitRecording failed";
return false;
if (audio_device_module_->StartRecording() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "StartRecording failed";
return false;
} else {
if (audio_device_module_->Recording() &&
audio_device_module_->StopRecording() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "StopRecording failed";
return false;
return true;
bool VoipCore::StartSend(ChannelId channel) {
auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel);
if (!audio_channel || !audio_channel->StartSend()) {
return false;
return UpdateAudioTransportWithSenders();
bool VoipCore::StopSend(ChannelId channel) {
auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel);
if (!audio_channel) {
return false;
return UpdateAudioTransportWithSenders();
bool VoipCore::StartPlayout(ChannelId channel) {
auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel);
if (!audio_channel || !audio_channel->StartPlay()) {
return false;
if (!audio_device_module_->Playing()) {
if (audio_device_module_->InitPlayout() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InitPlayout failed";
return false;
if (audio_device_module_->StartPlayout() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "StartPlayout failed";
return false;
return true;
bool VoipCore::StopPlayout(ChannelId channel) {
auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel);
if (!audio_channel) {
return false;
bool stop_device = true;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
for (auto kv : channels_) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioChannel>& channel = kv.second;
if (channel->IsPlaying()) {
stop_device = false;
if (stop_device && audio_device_module_->Playing()) {
if (audio_device_module_->StopPlayout() != 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "StopPlayout failed";
return false;
return true;
void VoipCore::ReceivedRTPPacket(ChannelId channel,
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> rtp_packet) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
void VoipCore::ReceivedRTCPPacket(ChannelId channel,
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> rtcp_packet) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
void VoipCore::SetSendCodec(ChannelId channel,
int payload_type,
const SdpAudioFormat& encoder_format) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
auto encoder = encoder_factory_->MakeAudioEncoder(
payload_type, encoder_format, absl::nullopt);
audio_channel->SetEncoder(payload_type, encoder_format, std::move(encoder));
void VoipCore::SetReceiveCodecs(
ChannelId channel,
const std::map<int, SdpAudioFormat>& decoder_specs) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
void VoipCore::RegisterTelephoneEventType(ChannelId channel,
int rtp_payload_type,
int sample_rate_hz) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
audio_channel->RegisterTelephoneEventType(rtp_payload_type, sample_rate_hz);
bool VoipCore::SendDtmfEvent(ChannelId channel,
DtmfEvent dtmf_event,
int duration_ms) {
// Failure to locate channel is logged internally in GetChannel.
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
return audio_channel->SendTelephoneEvent(static_cast<int>(dtmf_event),
return false;
absl::optional<IngressStatistics> VoipCore::GetIngressStatistics(
ChannelId channel) {
if (auto audio_channel = GetChannel(channel)) {
return audio_channel->GetIngressStatistics();
return absl::nullopt;
} // namespace webrtc