blob: f58e9d39950822b366b79fa7e4d07c56264db36b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#ifndef WEBRTC_WIN
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe.h"
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test.h"
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_framework.h"
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/packet_receiver.h"
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/packet_sender.h"
#include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h"
#include "rtc_base/random.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "test/field_trial.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
#include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
namespace bwe {
// This test fixture is used to instantiate tests running with adaptive video
// senders.
class BweFeedbackTest
: public BweTest,
public ::testing::TestWithParam<BandwidthEstimatorType> {
: BweTest(), random_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()->TimeInMicroseconds()) {}
: BweTest(),
// Multiply the time by a random-ish odd number derived from the PID.
random_((getpid() | 1) *
Clock::GetRealTimeClock()->TimeInMicroseconds()) {}
virtual ~BweFeedbackTest() {}
Random random_;
::testing::Values(kRembEstimator, kSendSideEstimator));
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, ConstantCapacity) {
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
PacedVideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
ChokeFilter filter(&uplink_, 0);
RateCounterFilter counter(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
const int kCapacityKbps = 1000;
RunFor(180 * 1000);
PrintResults(kCapacityKbps, counter.GetBitrateStats(), 0,
receiver.GetDelayStats(), counter.GetBitrateStats());
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, Choke1000kbps500kbps1000kbps) {
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
PacedVideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
ChokeFilter filter(&uplink_, 0);
RateCounterFilter counter(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
const int kHighCapacityKbps = 1000;
const int kLowCapacityKbps = 500;
RunFor(60 * 1000);
RunFor(60 * 1000);
RunFor(60 * 1000);
PrintResults((2 * kHighCapacityKbps + kLowCapacityKbps) / 3.0,
counter.GetBitrateStats(), 0, receiver.GetDelayStats(),
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, Choke200kbps30kbps200kbps) {
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
PacedVideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
ChokeFilter filter(&uplink_, 0);
RateCounterFilter counter(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
const int kHighCapacityKbps = 200;
const int kLowCapacityKbps = 30;
RunFor(60 * 1000);
RunFor(60 * 1000);
RunFor(60 * 1000);
PrintResults((2 * kHighCapacityKbps + kLowCapacityKbps) / 3.0,
counter.GetBitrateStats(), 0, receiver.GetDelayStats(),
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, Verizon4gDownlinkTest) {
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
VideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
RateCounterFilter counter1(&uplink_, 0, "sender_output",
TraceBasedDeliveryFilter filter(&uplink_, 0, "link_capacity");
RateCounterFilter counter2(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
ASSERT_TRUE(filter.Init(test::ResourcePath("verizon4g-downlink", "rx")));
RunFor(22 * 60 * 1000);
PrintResults(filter.GetBitrateStats().GetMean(), counter2.GetBitrateStats(),
0, receiver.GetDelayStats(), counter2.GetBitrateStats());
// webrtc:3277
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, GoogleWifiTrace3Mbps) {
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
VideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
RateCounterFilter counter1(&uplink_, 0, "sender_output",
TraceBasedDeliveryFilter filter(&uplink_, 0, "link_capacity");
RateCounterFilter counter2(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
ASSERT_TRUE(filter.Init(test::ResourcePath("google-wifi-3mbps", "rx")));
RunFor(300 * 1000);
PrintResults(filter.GetBitrateStats().GetMean(), counter2.GetBitrateStats(),
0, receiver.GetDelayStats(), counter2.GetBitrateStats());
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, GoogleWifiTrace3MbpsStreaming) {
test::ScopedFieldTrials override_field_trials(
AdaptiveVideoSource source(0, 30, 300, 0, 0);
VideoSender sender(&uplink_, &source, GetParam());
RateCounterFilter counter1(&uplink_, 0, "sender_output",
TraceBasedDeliveryFilter filter(&uplink_, 0, "link_capacity");
RateCounterFilter counter2(&uplink_, 0, "Receiver", bwe_names[GetParam()]);
PacketReceiver receiver(&uplink_, 0, GetParam(), false, false);
ASSERT_TRUE(filter.Init(test::ResourcePath("google-wifi-3mbps", "rx")));
RunFor(300 * 1000);
PrintResults(filter.GetBitrateStats().GetMean(), counter2.GetBitrateStats(),
0, receiver.GetDelayStats(), counter2.GetBitrateStats());
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, PacedSelfFairness50msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
const int kNumRmcatFlows = 4;
int64_t offset_ms[kNumRmcatFlows];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRmcatFlows; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), kNumRmcatFlows, 0, 300, 3000, 50, kRttMs,
kMaxJitterMs, offset_ms);
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, PacedSelfFairness500msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
const int kNumRmcatFlows = 4;
int64_t offset_ms[kNumRmcatFlows];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRmcatFlows; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), kNumRmcatFlows, 0, 300, 3000, 500, kRttMs,
kMaxJitterMs, offset_ms);
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, PacedSelfFairness1000msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
const int kNumRmcatFlows = 4;
int64_t offset_ms[kNumRmcatFlows];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRmcatFlows; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), kNumRmcatFlows, 0, 300, 3000, 1000, kRttMs,
kMaxJitterMs, offset_ms);
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, TcpFairness50msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
int64_t offset_ms[2]; // One TCP, one RMCAT flow.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), 1, 1, 300, 2000, 50, kRttMs, kMaxJitterMs,
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, TcpFairness500msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
int64_t offset_ms[2]; // One TCP, one RMCAT flow.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), 1, 1, 300, 2000, 500, kRttMs, kMaxJitterMs,
TEST_P(BweFeedbackTest, TcpFairness1000msTest) {
int64_t kRttMs = 100;
int64_t kMaxJitterMs = 15;
int64_t offset_ms[2]; // One TCP, one RMCAT flow.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
offset_ms[i] = std::max(0, 5000 * i + random_.Rand(-1000, 1000));
RunFairnessTest(GetParam(), 1, 1, 300, 2000, 1000, kRttMs, kMaxJitterMs,
} // namespace bwe
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc