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* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/video_coding/inter_frame_delay.h"
namespace webrtc {
VCMInterFrameDelay::VCMInterFrameDelay(int64_t currentWallClock) {
// Resets the delay estimate
void VCMInterFrameDelay::Reset(int64_t currentWallClock) {
_zeroWallClock = currentWallClock;
_wrapArounds = 0;
_prevWallClock = 0;
_prevTimestamp = 0;
_dTS = 0;
// Calculates the delay of a frame with the given timestamp.
// This method is called when the frame is complete.
bool VCMInterFrameDelay::CalculateDelay(uint32_t timestamp,
int64_t* delay,
int64_t currentWallClock) {
if (_prevWallClock == 0) {
// First set of data, initialization, wait for next frame
_prevWallClock = currentWallClock;
_prevTimestamp = timestamp;
*delay = 0;
return true;
int32_t prevWrapArounds = _wrapArounds;
// This will be -1 for backward wrap arounds and +1 for forward wrap arounds
int32_t wrapAroundsSincePrev = _wrapArounds - prevWrapArounds;
// Account for reordering in jitter variance estimate in the future?
// Note that this also captures incomplete frames which are grabbed
// for decoding after a later frame has been complete, i.e. real
// packet losses.
if ((wrapAroundsSincePrev == 0 && timestamp < _prevTimestamp) ||
wrapAroundsSincePrev < 0) {
*delay = 0;
return false;
// Compute the compensated timestamp difference and convert it to ms and
// round it to closest integer.
_dTS = static_cast<int64_t>(
(timestamp + wrapAroundsSincePrev * (static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32) -
_prevTimestamp) /
90.0 +
// frameDelay is the difference of dT and dTS -- i.e. the difference of
// the wall clock time difference and the timestamp difference between
// two following frames.
*delay = static_cast<int64_t>(currentWallClock - _prevWallClock - _dTS);
_prevTimestamp = timestamp;
_prevWallClock = currentWallClock;
return true;
// Returns the current difference between incoming timestamps
uint32_t VCMInterFrameDelay::CurrentTimeStampDiffMs() const {
if (_dTS < 0) {
return 0;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(_dTS);
// Investigates if the timestamp clock has overflowed since the last timestamp
// and
// keeps track of the number of wrap arounds since reset.
void VCMInterFrameDelay::CheckForWrapArounds(uint32_t timestamp) {
if (timestamp < _prevTimestamp) {
// This difference will probably be less than -2^31 if we have had a wrap
// around
// (e.g. timestamp = 1, _previousTimestamp = 2^32 - 1). Since it is cast to
// a Word32,
// it should be positive.
if (static_cast<int32_t>(timestamp - _prevTimestamp) > 0) {
// Forward wrap around
// This difference will probably be less than -2^31 if we have had a
// backward
// wrap around.
// Since it is cast to a Word32, it should be positive.
} else if (static_cast<int32_t>(_prevTimestamp - timestamp) > 0) {
// Backward wrap around
} // namespace webrtc