blob: 4f8b2c7e19834503117d6dc0a81de2a579596e2a [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package webrtc.audio_network_adaptor.config;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.webrtc.AudioNetworkAdaptor";
option java_outer_classname = "Config";
message FecController {
message Threshold {
// Threshold defines a curve in the bandwidth/packet-loss domain. The
// curve is characterized by the two conjunction points: A and B.
// packet ^ |
// loss | A|
// | \ A: (low_bandwidth_bps, low_bandwidth_packet_loss)
// | \ B: (high_bandwidth_bps, high_bandwidth_packet_loss)
// | B\________
// |---------------> bandwidth
optional int32 low_bandwidth_bps = 1;
optional float low_bandwidth_packet_loss = 2;
optional int32 high_bandwidth_bps = 3;
optional float high_bandwidth_packet_loss = 4;
// `fec_enabling_threshold` defines a curve, above which FEC should be
// enabled. `fec_disabling_threshold` defines a curve, under which FEC
// should be disabled. See below
// packet-loss ^ | |
// | | | FEC
// | \ \ ON
// | FEC \ \_______ fec_enabling_threshold
// | OFF \_________ fec_disabling_threshold
// |-----------------> bandwidth
optional Threshold fec_enabling_threshold = 1;
optional Threshold fec_disabling_threshold = 2;
// `time_constant_ms` is the time constant for an exponential filter, which
// is used for smoothing the packet loss fraction.
optional int32 time_constant_ms = 3;
message FecControllerRplrBased {
message Threshold {
// Threshold defines a curve in the bandwidth/recoverable-packet-loss
// domain.
// The curve is characterized by the two conjunction points: A and B.
// recoverable ^
// packet | |
// loss | A|
// | \ A: (low_bandwidth_bps,
// | \ low_bandwidth_recoverable_packet_loss)
// | \ B: (high_bandwidth_bps,
// | \ high_bandwidth_recoverable_packet_loss)
// | B\________
// |---------------> bandwidth
optional int32 low_bandwidth_bps = 1;
optional float low_bandwidth_recoverable_packet_loss = 2;
optional int32 high_bandwidth_bps = 3;
optional float high_bandwidth_recoverable_packet_loss = 4;
// `fec_enabling_threshold` defines a curve, above which FEC should be
// enabled. `fec_disabling_threshold` defines a curve, under which FEC
// should be disabled. See below
// packet-loss ^ | |
// | | | FEC
// | \ \ ON
// | FEC \ \_______ fec_enabling_threshold
// | OFF \_________ fec_disabling_threshold
// |-----------------> bandwidth
optional Threshold fec_enabling_threshold = 1;
optional Threshold fec_disabling_threshold = 2;
message FrameLengthController {
// Uplink packet loss fraction below which frame length can increase.
optional float fl_increasing_packet_loss_fraction = 1;
// Uplink packet loss fraction above which frame length should decrease.
optional float fl_decreasing_packet_loss_fraction = 2;
// Uplink bandwidth below which frame length can switch from 20ms to 60ms.
optional int32 fl_20ms_to_60ms_bandwidth_bps = 3;
// Uplink bandwidth above which frame length should switch from 60ms to 20ms.
optional int32 fl_60ms_to_20ms_bandwidth_bps = 4;
// Uplink bandwidth below which frame length can switch from 60ms to 120ms.
optional int32 fl_60ms_to_120ms_bandwidth_bps = 5;
// Uplink bandwidth above which frame length should switch from 120ms to 60ms.
optional int32 fl_120ms_to_60ms_bandwidth_bps = 6;
// Offset to apply to the per-packet overhead when increasing frame length.
optional int32 fl_increase_overhead_offset = 7;
// Offset to apply to the per-packet overhead when decreasing frame length.
optional int32 fl_decrease_overhead_offset = 8;
// Uplink bandwidth below which frame length can switch from 20ms to 40ms. In
// current implementation, defining this will invalidate
// fl_20ms_to_60ms_bandwidth_bps.
optional int32 fl_20ms_to_40ms_bandwidth_bps = 9;
// Uplink bandwidth above which frame length should switch from 40ms to 20ms.
optional int32 fl_40ms_to_20ms_bandwidth_bps = 10;
// Uplink bandwidth below which frame length can switch from 40ms to 60ms.
optional int32 fl_40ms_to_60ms_bandwidth_bps = 11;
// Uplink bandwidth above which frame length should switch from 60ms to 40ms.
// In current implementation, defining this will invalidate
// fl_60ms_to_20ms_bandwidth_bps.
optional int32 fl_60ms_to_40ms_bandwidth_bps = 12;
message FrameLengthControllerV2 {
// FrameLengthControllerV2 chooses the frame length by taking the target
// bitrate and subtracting the overhead bitrate to obtain the remaining
// bitrate for the payload. The chosen frame length is the shortest possible
// where the payload bitrate is more than `min_payload_bitrate_bps`.
optional int32 min_payload_bitrate_bps = 1;
// If true, uses the stable target bitrate to decide the frame length. This
// will result in less frame length toggling but spending more time at longer
// frame lengths compared to using the normal target bitrate.
optional bool use_slow_adaptation = 2;
message ChannelController {
// Uplink bandwidth above which the number of encoded channels should switch
// from 1 to 2.
optional int32 channel_1_to_2_bandwidth_bps = 1;
// Uplink bandwidth below which the number of encoded channels should switch
// from 2 to 1.
optional int32 channel_2_to_1_bandwidth_bps = 2;
message DtxController {
// Uplink bandwidth below which DTX should be switched on.
optional int32 dtx_enabling_bandwidth_bps = 1;
// Uplink bandwidth above which DTX should be switched off.
optional int32 dtx_disabling_bandwidth_bps = 2;
message BitrateController {
// Offset to apply to per-packet overhead when the frame length is increased.
optional int32 fl_increase_overhead_offset = 1;
// Offset to apply to per-packet overhead when the frame length is decreased.
optional int32 fl_decrease_overhead_offset = 2;
message Controller {
message ScoringPoint {
// `ScoringPoint` is a subspace of network condition. It is used for
// comparing the significance of controllers.
optional int32 uplink_bandwidth_bps = 1;
optional float uplink_packet_loss_fraction = 2;
// The distance from `scoring_point` to a given network condition defines
// the significance of this controller with respect that network condition.
// Shorter distance means higher significance. The significances of
// controllers determine their order in the processing pipeline. Controllers
// without `scoring_point` follow their default order in
// |ControllerManager::controllers|.
optional ScoringPoint scoring_point = 1;
oneof controller {
FecController fec_controller = 21;
FrameLengthController frame_length_controller = 22;
ChannelController channel_controller = 23;
DtxController dtx_controller = 24;
BitrateController bitrate_controller = 25;
FecControllerRplrBased fec_controller_rplr_based = 26;
FrameLengthControllerV2 frame_length_controller_v2 = 27;
message ControllerManager {
repeated Controller controllers = 1;
// Least time since last reordering for a new reordering to be made.
optional int32 min_reordering_time_ms = 2;
// Least squared distance from last scoring point for a new reordering to be
// made.
optional float min_reordering_squared_distance = 3;