blob: 0bc461df18f2ab1c9c823cc19e4598d9f9985e1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector;
* Borrowed from Chromium's
* src/net/android/java/src/org/chromium/net/
* <p>Triggers updates to the underlying network state from OS networking events.
* <p>This class is thread-safe.
public class NetworkMonitor {
* Alerted when the connection type of the network changes. The alert is fired on the UI thread.
public interface NetworkObserver {
public void onConnectionTypeChanged(NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType connectionType);
private static final String TAG = "NetworkMonitor";
// Lazy initialization holder class idiom for static fields.
private static class InstanceHolder {
// We are storing application context so it is okay.
static final NetworkMonitor instance = new NetworkMonitor();
// Factory for creating NetworkChangeDetector.
private NetworkChangeDetectorFactory networkChangeDetectorFactory =
new NetworkChangeDetectorFactory() {
public NetworkChangeDetector create(
NetworkChangeDetector.Observer observer, Context context) {
return new NetworkMonitorAutoDetect(observer, context);
// Native observers of the connection type changes.
private final ArrayList<Long> nativeNetworkObservers;
// Java observers of the connection type changes.
private final ArrayList<NetworkObserver> networkObservers;
private final Object networkChangeDetectorLock = new Object();
// Object that detects the connection type changes and brings up mobile networks.
@Nullable private NetworkChangeDetector networkChangeDetector;
// Also guarded by autoDetectLock.
private int numObservers;
private volatile NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType currentConnectionType;
private NetworkMonitor() {
nativeNetworkObservers = new ArrayList<Long>();
networkObservers = new ArrayList<NetworkObserver>();
numObservers = 0;
currentConnectionType = NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType.CONNECTION_UNKNOWN;
* Set the factory that will be used to create the network change detector.
* Needs to be called before the monitoring is starts.
public void setNetworkChangeDetectorFactory(NetworkChangeDetectorFactory factory) {
assertIsTrue(numObservers == 0);
this.networkChangeDetectorFactory = factory;
// TODO(sakal): Remove once downstream dependencies have been updated.
public static void init(Context context) {}
/** Returns the singleton instance. This may be called from native or from Java code. */
public static NetworkMonitor getInstance() {
return InstanceHolder.instance;
private static void assertIsTrue(boolean condition) {
if (!condition) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected to be true");
* Enables auto detection of the network state change and brings up mobile networks for using
* multi-networking. This requires the embedding app have the platform ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and
public void startMonitoring(Context applicationContext, String fieldTrialsString) {
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
if (networkChangeDetector == null) {
networkChangeDetector = createNetworkChangeDetector(applicationContext, fieldTrialsString);
currentConnectionType = networkChangeDetector.getCurrentConnectionType();
/** Deprecated, use startMonitoring with fieldTrialsStringString argument. */
public void startMonitoring(Context applicationContext) {
startMonitoring(applicationContext, "");
/** Deprecated, pass in application context in startMonitoring instead. */
public void startMonitoring() {
startMonitoring(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), "");
* Enables auto detection of the network state change and brings up mobile networks for using
* multi-networking. This requires the embedding app have the platform ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and
private void startMonitoring(
@Nullable Context applicationContext, long nativeObserver, String fieldTrialsString) {
"Start monitoring with native observer " + nativeObserver
+ " fieldTrialsString: " + fieldTrialsString);
applicationContext != null ? applicationContext : ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(),
synchronized (nativeNetworkObservers) {
// The native observer expects a network list update after startMonitoring.
// currentConnectionType was updated in startMonitoring().
// Need to notify the native observers here.
* Stop network monitoring. If no one is monitoring networks, destroy and reset
* networkChangeDetector.
public void stopMonitoring() {
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
if (--numObservers == 0) {
networkChangeDetector = null;
private void stopMonitoring(long nativeObserver) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Stop monitoring with native observer " + nativeObserver);
synchronized (nativeNetworkObservers) {
// Returns true if network binding is supported on this platform.
private boolean networkBindingSupported() {
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
return networkChangeDetector != null && networkChangeDetector.supportNetworkCallback();
private static int androidSdkInt() {
return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
private NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType getCurrentConnectionType() {
return currentConnectionType;
private NetworkChangeDetector createNetworkChangeDetector(
Context appContext, String fieldTrialsString) {
return networkChangeDetectorFactory.create(new NetworkChangeDetector.Observer() {
public void onConnectionTypeChanged(NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType newConnectionType) {
public void onNetworkConnect(NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation networkInfo) {
public void onNetworkDisconnect(long networkHandle) {
public void onNetworkPreference(
List<NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType> types, int preference) {
notifyObserversOfNetworkPreference(types, preference);
public String getFieldTrialsString() {
return fieldTrialsString;
}, appContext);
private void updateCurrentConnectionType(NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType newConnectionType) {
currentConnectionType = newConnectionType;
/** Alerts all observers of a connection change. */
private void notifyObserversOfConnectionTypeChange(
NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType newConnectionType) {
List<Long> nativeObservers = getNativeNetworkObserversSync();
for (Long nativeObserver : nativeObservers) {
// This avoids calling external methods while locking on an object.
List<NetworkObserver> javaObservers;
synchronized (networkObservers) {
javaObservers = new ArrayList<>(networkObservers);
for (NetworkObserver observer : javaObservers) {
private void notifyObserversOfNetworkConnect(
NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation networkInfo) {
List<Long> nativeObservers = getNativeNetworkObserversSync();
for (Long nativeObserver : nativeObservers) {
nativeNotifyOfNetworkConnect(nativeObserver, networkInfo);
private void notifyObserversOfNetworkDisconnect(long networkHandle) {
List<Long> nativeObservers = getNativeNetworkObserversSync();
for (Long nativeObserver : nativeObservers) {
nativeNotifyOfNetworkDisconnect(nativeObserver, networkHandle);
private void notifyObserversOfNetworkPreference(
List<NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType> types, int preference) {
List<Long> nativeObservers = getNativeNetworkObserversSync();
for (NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType type : types) {
for (Long nativeObserver : nativeObservers) {
nativeNotifyOfNetworkPreference(nativeObserver, type, preference);
private void updateObserverActiveNetworkList(long nativeObserver) {
List<NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation> networkInfoList;
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
networkInfoList =
(networkChangeDetector == null) ? null : networkChangeDetector.getActiveNetworkList();
if (networkInfoList == null) {
NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation[] networkInfos =
new NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation[networkInfoList.size()];
networkInfos = networkInfoList.toArray(networkInfos);
nativeNotifyOfActiveNetworkList(nativeObserver, networkInfos);
private List<Long> getNativeNetworkObserversSync() {
synchronized (nativeNetworkObservers) {
return new ArrayList<>(nativeNetworkObservers);
* Adds an observer for any connection type changes.
* @deprecated Use getInstance(appContext).addObserver instead.
public static void addNetworkObserver(NetworkObserver observer) {
public void addObserver(NetworkObserver observer) {
synchronized (networkObservers) {
* Removes an observer for any connection type changes.
* @deprecated Use getInstance(appContext).removeObserver instead.
public static void removeNetworkObserver(NetworkObserver observer) {
public void removeObserver(NetworkObserver observer) {
synchronized (networkObservers) {
/** Checks if there currently is connectivity. */
public static boolean isOnline() {
NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType connectionType = getInstance().getCurrentConnectionType();
return connectionType != NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType.CONNECTION_NONE;
private native void nativeNotifyConnectionTypeChanged(long nativeAndroidNetworkMonitor);
private native void nativeNotifyOfNetworkConnect(
long nativeAndroidNetworkMonitor, NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation networkInfo);
private native void nativeNotifyOfNetworkDisconnect(
long nativeAndroidNetworkMonitor, long networkHandle);
private native void nativeNotifyOfActiveNetworkList(
long nativeAndroidNetworkMonitor, NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation[] networkInfos);
private native void nativeNotifyOfNetworkPreference(
long nativeAndroidNetworkMonitor, NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType type, int preference);
// For testing only.
NetworkChangeDetector getNetworkChangeDetector() {
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
return networkChangeDetector;
// For testing only.
int getNumObservers() {
synchronized (networkChangeDetectorLock) {
return numObservers;
// For testing only.
static NetworkMonitorAutoDetect createAndSetAutoDetectForTest(
Context context, String fieldTrialsString) {
NetworkMonitor networkMonitor = getInstance();
NetworkChangeDetector networkChangeDetector =
networkMonitor.createNetworkChangeDetector(context, fieldTrialsString);
networkMonitor.networkChangeDetector = networkChangeDetector;
return (NetworkMonitorAutoDetect) networkChangeDetector;