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* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* video_processing.h
* This header file contains the API required for the video
* processing module class.
#include "webrtc/common_video/interface/i420_video_frame.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/interface/video_processing_defines.h"
The module is largely intended to process video streams, except functionality
provided by static functions which operate independent of previous frames. It
is recommended, but not required that a unique instance be used for each
concurrently processed stream. Similarly, it is recommended to call Reset()
before switching to a new stream, but this is not absolutely required.
The module provides basic thread safety by permitting only a single function
to execute concurrently.
namespace webrtc {
class VideoProcessingModule : public Module
Structure to hold frame statistics. Populate it with GetFrameStats().
struct FrameStats
FrameStats() :
memset(hist, 0, sizeof(hist));
uint32_t hist[256]; /**< Histogram of frame */
uint32_t mean; /**< Mean value of frame */
uint32_t sum; /**< Sum of frame */
uint32_t numPixels; /**< Number of pixels */
uint8_t subSamplWidth; /**< Subsampling rate of width in powers
of 2 */
uint8_t subSamplHeight; /**< Subsampling rate of height in powers
of 2 */
Specifies the warning types returned by BrightnessDetection().
enum BrightnessWarning
kNoWarning, /**< Frame has acceptable brightness */
kDarkWarning, /**< Frame is too dark */
kBrightWarning /**< Frame is too bright */
Creates a VPM object.
\param[in] id
Unique identifier of this object.
\return Pointer to a VPM object.
static VideoProcessingModule* Create(int32_t id);
Destroys a VPM object.
\param[in] module
Pointer to the VPM object to destroy.
static void Destroy(VideoProcessingModule* module);
Not supported.
virtual int32_t TimeUntilNextProcess() { return -1; }
Not supported.
virtual int32_t Process() { return -1; }
Resets all processing components to their initial states. This should be
called whenever a new video stream is started.
virtual void Reset() = 0;
Retrieves statistics for the input frame. This function must be used to
prepare a FrameStats struct for use in certain VPM functions.
\param[out] stats
The frame statistics will be stored here on return.
\param[in] frame
Reference to the video frame.
\return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
static int32_t GetFrameStats(FrameStats* stats,
const I420VideoFrame& frame);
Checks the validity of a FrameStats struct. Currently, valid implies only
that is had changed from its initialized state.
\param[in] stats
Frame statistics.
\return True on valid stats, false on invalid stats.
static bool ValidFrameStats(const FrameStats& stats);
Returns a FrameStats struct to its intialized state.
\param[in,out] stats
Frame statistics.
static void ClearFrameStats(FrameStats* stats);
Enhances the color of an image through a constant mapping. Only the
chrominance is altered. Has a fixed-point implementation.
\param[in,out] frame
Pointer to the video frame.
static int32_t ColorEnhancement(I420VideoFrame* frame);
Increases/decreases the luminance value.
\param[in,out] frame
Pointer to the video frame.
\param[in] delta
The amount to change the chrominance value of every single pixel.
Can be < 0 also.
\return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
static int32_t Brighten(I420VideoFrame* frame, int delta);
Detects and removes camera flicker from a video stream. Every frame from
the stream must be passed in. A frame will only be altered if flicker has
been detected. Has a fixed-point implementation.
\param[in,out] frame
Pointer to the video frame.
\param[in,out] stats
Frame statistics provided by GetFrameStats(). On return the stats will
be reset to zero if the frame was altered. Call GetFrameStats() again
if the statistics for the altered frame are required.
\return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
virtual int32_t Deflickering(I420VideoFrame* frame, FrameStats* stats) = 0;
Denoises a video frame. Every frame from the stream should be passed in.
Has a fixed-point implementation.
\param[in,out] frame
Pointer to the video frame.
\return The number of modified pixels on success, -1 on failure.
virtual int32_t Denoising(I420VideoFrame* frame) = 0;
Detects if a video frame is excessively bright or dark. Returns a
warning if this is the case. Multiple frames should be passed in before
expecting a warning. Has a floating-point implementation.
\param[in] frame
Pointer to the video frame.
\param[in] stats
Frame statistics provided by GetFrameStats().
\return A member of BrightnessWarning on success, -1 on error
virtual int32_t BrightnessDetection(const I420VideoFrame& frame,
const FrameStats& stats) = 0;
The following functions refer to the pre-processor unit within VPM. The
pre-processor perfoms spatial/temporal decimation and content analysis on
the frames prior to encoding.
Enable/disable temporal decimation
\param[in] enable when true, temporal decimation is enabled
virtual void EnableTemporalDecimation(bool enable) = 0;
Set target resolution
\param[in] width
Target width
\param[in] height
Target height
\param[in] frameRate
Target frameRate
\return VPM_OK on success, a negative value on error (see error codes)
virtual int32_t SetTargetResolution(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t frameRate) = 0;
Set max frame rate
\param[in] maxFrameRate: maximum frame rate (limited to native frame rate)
\return VPM_OK on success, a negative value on error (see error codes)
virtual int32_t SetMaxFrameRate(uint32_t maxFrameRate) = 0;
Get decimated(target) frame rate
virtual uint32_t DecimatedFrameRate() = 0;
Get decimated(target) frame width
virtual uint32_t DecimatedWidth() const = 0;
Get decimated(target) frame height
virtual uint32_t DecimatedHeight() const = 0 ;
Set the spatial resampling settings of the VPM: The resampler may either be
disabled or one of the following:
scaling to a close to target dimension followed by crop/pad
\param[in] resamplingMode
Set resampling mode (a member of VideoFrameResampling)
virtual void SetInputFrameResampleMode(VideoFrameResampling
resamplingMode) = 0;
Get Processed (decimated) frame
\param[in] frame pointer to the video frame.
\param[in] processedFrame pointer (double) to the processed frame. If no
processing is required, processedFrame will be NULL.
\return VPM_OK on success, a negative value on error (see error codes)
virtual int32_t PreprocessFrame(const I420VideoFrame& frame,
I420VideoFrame** processedFrame) = 0;
Return content metrics for the last processed frame
virtual VideoContentMetrics* ContentMetrics() const = 0 ;
Enable content analysis
virtual void EnableContentAnalysis(bool enable) = 0;
} // namespace