blob: 8c0c9a8913da5d31a2216eb5f934e85e45a55658 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "voe_codec.h"
#include "shared_data.h"
namespace webrtc
class VoECodecImpl: public VoECodec
virtual int NumOfCodecs();
virtual int GetCodec(int index, CodecInst& codec);
virtual int SetSendCodec(int channel, const CodecInst& codec);
virtual int GetSendCodec(int channel, CodecInst& codec);
virtual int GetRecCodec(int channel, CodecInst& codec);
virtual int SetAMREncFormat(int channel,
AmrMode mode = kRfc3267BwEfficient);
virtual int SetAMRDecFormat(int channel,
AmrMode mode = kRfc3267BwEfficient);
virtual int SetAMRWbEncFormat(int channel,
AmrMode mode = kRfc3267BwEfficient);
virtual int SetAMRWbDecFormat(int channel,
AmrMode mode = kRfc3267BwEfficient);
virtual int SetSendCNPayloadType(
int channel, int type,
PayloadFrequencies frequency = kFreq16000Hz);
virtual int SetRecPayloadType(int channel,
const CodecInst& codec);
virtual int GetRecPayloadType(int channel, CodecInst& codec);
virtual int SetISACInitTargetRate(int channel,
int rateBps,
bool useFixedFrameSize = false);
virtual int SetISACMaxRate(int channel, int rateBps);
virtual int SetISACMaxPayloadSize(int channel, int sizeBytes);
virtual int SetVADStatus(int channel,
bool enable,
VadModes mode = kVadConventional,
bool disableDTX = false);
virtual int GetVADStatus(int channel,
bool& enabled,
VadModes& mode,
bool& disabledDTX);
// Dual-streaming
virtual int SetSecondarySendCodec(int channel, const CodecInst& codec,
int red_payload_type);
virtual int RemoveSecondarySendCodec(int channel);
virtual int GetSecondarySendCodec(int channel, CodecInst& codec);
VoECodecImpl(voe::SharedData* shared);
virtual ~VoECodecImpl();
void ACMToExternalCodecRepresentation(CodecInst& toInst,
const CodecInst& fromInst);
void ExternalToACMCodecRepresentation(CodecInst& toInst,
const CodecInst& fromInst);
voe::SharedData* _shared;
} // namespace webrtc