blob: 9e61b51884f75a41532eaf242319314ee2481b38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_processing/test/video_processing_unittest.h"
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
#include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Define command line flag 'gen_files' (default value: false).
DEFINE_bool(gen_files, false, "Output files for visual inspection.");
} // namespace
static void PreprocessFrameAndVerify(const VideoFrame& source,
int target_width,
int target_height,
VideoProcessing* vpm,
const VideoFrame* out_frame);
static void CropFrame(const uint8_t* source_data,
int source_width,
int source_height,
int offset_x,
int offset_y,
int cropped_width,
int cropped_height,
VideoFrame* cropped_frame);
// The |source_data| is cropped and scaled to |target_width| x |target_height|,
// and then scaled back to the expected cropped size. |expected_psnr| is used to
// verify basic quality, and is set to be ~0.1/0.05dB lower than actual PSNR
// verified under the same conditions.
static void TestSize(const VideoFrame& source_frame,
const VideoFrame& cropped_source_frame,
int target_width,
int target_height,
double expected_psnr,
VideoProcessing* vpm);
static void WriteProcessedFrameForVisualInspection(const VideoFrame& source,
const VideoFrame& processed);
: vp_(NULL),
half_width_((width_ + 1) / 2),
size_y_(width_ * height_),
size_uv_(half_width_ * ((height_ + 1) / 2)),
frame_length_(CalcBufferSize(kI420, width_, height_)) {}
void VideoProcessingTest::SetUp() {
vp_ = VideoProcessing::Create();
video_frame_.CreateEmptyFrame(width_, height_, width_,
half_width_, half_width_);
// Clear video frame so DrMemory/Valgrind will allow reads of the buffer.
memset(video_frame_.video_frame_buffer()->MutableDataY(), 0,
memset(video_frame_.video_frame_buffer()->MutableDataU(), 0,
memset(video_frame_.video_frame_buffer()->MutableDataV(), 0,
const std::string video_file =
webrtc::test::ResourcePath("foreman_cif", "yuv");
source_file_ = fopen(video_file.c_str(), "rb");
ASSERT_TRUE(source_file_ != NULL)
<< "Cannot read source file: " + video_file + "\n";
void VideoProcessingTest::TearDown() {
if (source_file_ != NULL) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(source_file_));
source_file_ = NULL;
delete vp_;
vp_ = NULL;
#if defined(WEBRTC_IOS)
TEST_F(VideoProcessingTest, DISABLED_PreprocessorLogic) {
TEST_F(VideoProcessingTest, PreprocessorLogic) {
// Disable temporal sampling (frame dropping).
int resolution = 100;
EXPECT_EQ(VPM_OK, vp_->SetTargetResolution(resolution, resolution, 15));
EXPECT_EQ(VPM_OK, vp_->SetTargetResolution(resolution, resolution, 30));
// Disable spatial sampling.
EXPECT_EQ(VPM_OK, vp_->SetTargetResolution(resolution, resolution, 30));
VideoFrame* out_frame = NULL;
// Set rescaling => output frame != NULL.
PreprocessFrameAndVerify(video_frame_, resolution, resolution, vp_,
// No rescaling=> output frame = NULL.
EXPECT_TRUE(vp_->PreprocessFrame(video_frame_) != nullptr);
#if defined(WEBRTC_IOS)
TEST_F(VideoProcessingTest, DISABLED_Resampler) {
TEST_F(VideoProcessingTest, Resampler) {
enum { NumRuns = 1 };
int64_t min_runtime = 0;
int64_t total_runtime = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(source_file_ != NULL) << "Cannot read input file \n";
// no temporal decimation
// Reading test frame
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> video_buffer(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
fread(video_buffer.get(), 1, frame_length_, source_file_));
// Using ConvertToI420 to add stride to the image.
EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, video_buffer.get(), 0, 0, width_, height_,
0, kVideoRotation_0, &video_frame_));
// Cropped source frame that will contain the expected visible region.
VideoFrame cropped_source_frame;
for (uint32_t run_idx = 0; run_idx < NumRuns; run_idx++) {
// Initiate test timer.
const int64_t time_start = rtc::TimeNanos();
// Init the sourceFrame with a timestamp.
int64_t time_start_ms = time_start / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec;
video_frame_.set_timestamp(time_start_ms * 90);
// Test scaling to different sizes: source is of |width|/|height| = 352/288.
// Pure scaling:
TestSize(video_frame_, video_frame_, width_ / 4, height_ / 4, 25.2, vp_);
TestSize(video_frame_, video_frame_, width_ / 2, height_ / 2, 28.1, vp_);
// No resampling:
TestSize(video_frame_, video_frame_, width_, height_, -1, vp_);
TestSize(video_frame_, video_frame_, 2 * width_, 2 * height_, 32.2, vp_);
// Scaling and cropping. The cropped source frame is the largest center
// aligned region that can be used from the source while preserving aspect
// ratio.
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 56, 352, 176,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 100, 50, 24.0, vp_);
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 30, 352, 225,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 400, 256, 31.3, vp_);
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 68, 0, 216, 288,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 480, 640, 32.15, vp_);
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 12, 352, 264,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 960, 720, 32.2, vp_);
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 44, 352, 198,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 1280, 720, 32.15, vp_);
// Upsampling to odd size.
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 26, 352, 233,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 501, 333, 32.05, vp_);
// Downsample to odd size.
CropFrame(video_buffer.get(), width_, height_, 0, 34, 352, 219,
TestSize(video_frame_, cropped_source_frame, 281, 175, 29.3, vp_);
// Stop timer.
const int64_t runtime =
(rtc::TimeNanos() - time_start) / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMicrosec;
if (runtime < min_runtime || run_idx == 0) {
min_runtime = runtime;
total_runtime += runtime;
printf("\nAverage run time = %d us / frame\n",
printf("Min run time = %d us / frame\n\n", static_cast<int>(min_runtime));
void PreprocessFrameAndVerify(const VideoFrame& source,
int target_width,
int target_height,
VideoProcessing* vpm,
const VideoFrame* out_frame) {
ASSERT_EQ(VPM_OK, vpm->SetTargetResolution(target_width, target_height, 30));
out_frame = vpm->PreprocessFrame(source);
EXPECT_TRUE(out_frame != nullptr);
// If no resizing is needed, expect the original frame.
if (target_width == source.width() && target_height == source.height()) {
EXPECT_EQ(&source, out_frame);
// Verify the resampled frame.
EXPECT_TRUE(out_frame != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(source.render_time_ms(), (out_frame)->render_time_ms());
EXPECT_EQ(source.timestamp(), (out_frame)->timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(target_width, (out_frame)->width());
EXPECT_EQ(target_height, (out_frame)->height());
void CropFrame(const uint8_t* source_data,
int source_width,
int source_height,
int offset_x,
int offset_y,
int cropped_width,
int cropped_height,
VideoFrame* cropped_frame) {
cropped_frame->CreateEmptyFrame(cropped_width, cropped_height, cropped_width,
(cropped_width + 1) / 2,
(cropped_width + 1) / 2);
ConvertToI420(kI420, source_data, offset_x, offset_y, source_width,
source_height, 0, kVideoRotation_0, cropped_frame));
void TestSize(const VideoFrame& source_frame,
const VideoFrame& cropped_source_frame,
int target_width,
int target_height,
double expected_psnr,
VideoProcessing* vpm) {
// Resample source_frame to out_frame.
VideoFrame* out_frame = NULL;
PreprocessFrameAndVerify(source_frame, target_width, target_height, vpm,
if (out_frame == NULL)
WriteProcessedFrameForVisualInspection(source_frame, *out_frame);
// Scale |resampled_source_frame| back to the source scale.
VideoFrame resampled_source_frame;
PreprocessFrameAndVerify(resampled_source_frame, cropped_source_frame.width(),
cropped_source_frame.height(), vpm, out_frame);
WriteProcessedFrameForVisualInspection(resampled_source_frame, *out_frame);
// Compute PSNR against the cropped source frame and check expectation.
double psnr = I420PSNR(&cropped_source_frame, out_frame);
EXPECT_GT(psnr, expected_psnr);
"PSNR: %f. PSNR is between source of size %d %d, and a modified "
"source which is scaled down/up to: %d %d, and back to source size \n",
psnr, source_frame.width(), source_frame.height(), target_width,
void WriteProcessedFrameForVisualInspection(const VideoFrame& source,
const VideoFrame& processed) {
// Skip if writing to files is not enabled.
if (!FLAGS_gen_files)
// Write the processed frame to file for visual inspection.
std::ostringstream filename;
filename << webrtc::test::OutputPath() << "Resampler_from_" << source.width()
<< "x" << source.height() << "_to_" << processed.width() << "x"
<< processed.height() << "_30Hz_P420.yuv";
std::cout << "Watch " << filename.str() << " and verify that it is okay."
<< std::endl;
FILE* stand_alone_file = fopen(filename.str().c_str(), "wb");
if (PrintVideoFrame(processed, stand_alone_file) < 0)
std::cerr << "Failed to write: " << filename.str() << std::endl;
if (stand_alone_file)
} // namespace webrtc