| /* |
| * Copyright 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include <deque> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "absl/types/optional.h" |
| #include "api/array_view.h" |
| #include "api/field_trials_view.h" |
| #include "api/network_state_predictor.h" |
| #include "api/transport/network_types.h" |
| #include "api/units/data_rate.h" |
| #include "api/units/data_size.h" |
| #include "api/units/time_delta.h" |
| #include "api/units/timestamp.h" |
| |
| namespace webrtc { |
| |
| // State of the loss based estimate, which can be either increasing/decreasing |
| // when network is loss limited, or equal to the delay based estimate. |
| enum class LossBasedState { |
| kIncreasing = 0, |
| kDecreasing = 1, |
| kDelayBasedEstimate = 2 |
| }; |
| |
| class LossBasedBweV2 { |
| public: |
| struct Result { |
| ~Result() = default; |
| DataRate bandwidth_estimate = DataRate::Zero(); |
| // State is used by goog_cc, which later sends probe requests to probe |
| // controller if state is kIncreasing. |
| LossBasedState state = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate; |
| }; |
| // Creates a disabled `LossBasedBweV2` if the |
| // `key_value_config` is not valid. |
| explicit LossBasedBweV2(const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config); |
| |
| LossBasedBweV2(const LossBasedBweV2&) = delete; |
| LossBasedBweV2& operator=(const LossBasedBweV2&) = delete; |
| |
| ~LossBasedBweV2() = default; |
| |
| bool IsEnabled() const; |
| // Returns true iff a BWE can be calculated, i.e., the estimator has been |
| // initialized with a BWE and then has received enough `PacketResult`s. |
| bool IsReady() const; |
| |
| // Returns `DataRate::PlusInfinity` if no BWE can be calculated. |
| Result GetLossBasedResult() const; |
| |
| void SetAcknowledgedBitrate(DataRate acknowledged_bitrate); |
| void SetBandwidthEstimate(DataRate bandwidth_estimate); |
| void SetMinMaxBitrate(DataRate min_bitrate, DataRate max_bitrate); |
| void UpdateBandwidthEstimate( |
| rtc::ArrayView<const PacketResult> packet_results, |
| DataRate delay_based_estimate, |
| BandwidthUsage delay_detector_state, |
| absl::optional<DataRate> probe_bitrate, |
| DataRate upper_link_capacity, |
| bool in_alr); |
| |
| private: |
| struct ChannelParameters { |
| double inherent_loss = 0.0; |
| DataRate loss_limited_bandwidth = DataRate::MinusInfinity(); |
| }; |
| |
| struct Config { |
| double bandwidth_rampup_upper_bound_factor = 0.0; |
| double rampup_acceleration_max_factor = 0.0; |
| TimeDelta rampup_acceleration_maxout_time = TimeDelta::Zero(); |
| std::vector<double> candidate_factors; |
| double higher_bandwidth_bias_factor = 0.0; |
| double higher_log_bandwidth_bias_factor = 0.0; |
| double inherent_loss_lower_bound = 0.0; |
| double loss_threshold_of_high_bandwidth_preference = 0.0; |
| double bandwidth_preference_smoothing_factor = 0.0; |
| DataRate inherent_loss_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance = |
| DataRate::MinusInfinity(); |
| double inherent_loss_upper_bound_offset = 0.0; |
| double initial_inherent_loss_estimate = 0.0; |
| int newton_iterations = 0; |
| double newton_step_size = 0.0; |
| bool append_acknowledged_rate_candidate = true; |
| bool append_delay_based_estimate_candidate = false; |
| TimeDelta observation_duration_lower_bound = TimeDelta::Zero(); |
| int observation_window_size = 0; |
| double sending_rate_smoothing_factor = 0.0; |
| double instant_upper_bound_temporal_weight_factor = 0.0; |
| DataRate instant_upper_bound_bandwidth_balance = DataRate::MinusInfinity(); |
| double instant_upper_bound_loss_offset = 0.0; |
| double temporal_weight_factor = 0.0; |
| double bandwidth_backoff_lower_bound_factor = 0.0; |
| bool trendline_integration_enabled = false; |
| int trendline_observations_window_size = 0; |
| double max_increase_factor = 0.0; |
| TimeDelta delayed_increase_window = TimeDelta::Zero(); |
| bool use_acked_bitrate_only_when_overusing = false; |
| bool not_increase_if_inherent_loss_less_than_average_loss = false; |
| double high_loss_rate_threshold = 1.0; |
| DataRate bandwidth_cap_at_high_loss_rate = DataRate::MinusInfinity(); |
| double slope_of_bwe_high_loss_func = 1000.0; |
| bool probe_integration_enabled = false; |
| TimeDelta probe_expiration = TimeDelta::Zero(); |
| bool not_use_acked_rate_in_alr = false; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Derivatives { |
| double first = 0.0; |
| double second = 0.0; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Observation { |
| bool IsInitialized() const { return id != -1; } |
| |
| int num_packets = 0; |
| int num_lost_packets = 0; |
| int num_received_packets = 0; |
| DataRate sending_rate = DataRate::MinusInfinity(); |
| int id = -1; |
| }; |
| |
| struct PartialObservation { |
| int num_packets = 0; |
| int num_lost_packets = 0; |
| DataSize size = DataSize::Zero(); |
| }; |
| |
| static absl::optional<Config> CreateConfig( |
| const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config); |
| bool IsConfigValid() const; |
| |
| // Returns `0.0` if not enough loss statistics have been received. |
| double GetAverageReportedLossRatio() const; |
| std::vector<ChannelParameters> GetCandidates(bool in_alr) const; |
| DataRate GetCandidateBandwidthUpperBound() const; |
| Derivatives GetDerivatives(const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const; |
| double GetFeasibleInherentLoss( |
| const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const; |
| double GetInherentLossUpperBound(DataRate bandwidth) const; |
| double AdjustBiasFactor(double loss_rate, double bias_factor) const; |
| double GetHighBandwidthBias(DataRate bandwidth) const; |
| double GetObjective(const ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const; |
| DataRate GetSendingRate(DataRate instantaneous_sending_rate) const; |
| DataRate GetInstantUpperBound() const; |
| void CalculateInstantUpperBound(); |
| |
| void CalculateTemporalWeights(); |
| void NewtonsMethodUpdate(ChannelParameters& channel_parameters) const; |
| |
| // Returns false if there exists a kBwOverusing or kBwUnderusing in the |
| // window. |
| bool TrendlineEsimateAllowBitrateIncrease() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if there exists an overusing state in the window. |
| bool TrendlineEsimateAllowEmergencyBackoff() const; |
| |
| // Returns false if no observation was created. |
| bool PushBackObservation(rtc::ArrayView<const PacketResult> packet_results, |
| BandwidthUsage delay_detector_state); |
| void UpdateTrendlineEstimator( |
| const std::vector<PacketResult>& packet_feedbacks, |
| Timestamp at_time); |
| void UpdateDelayDetector(BandwidthUsage delay_detector_state); |
| bool IsEstimateIncreasingWhenLossLimited( |
| const ChannelParameters& best_candidate); |
| bool IsBandwidthLimitedDueToLoss() const; |
| void SetProbeBitrate(absl::optional<DataRate> probe_bitrate); |
| bool IsRequestingProbe() const; |
| |
| absl::optional<DataRate> acknowledged_bitrate_; |
| absl::optional<Config> config_; |
| ChannelParameters current_estimate_; |
| int num_observations_ = 0; |
| std::vector<Observation> observations_; |
| PartialObservation partial_observation_; |
| Timestamp last_send_time_most_recent_observation_ = Timestamp::PlusInfinity(); |
| Timestamp last_time_estimate_reduced_ = Timestamp::MinusInfinity(); |
| absl::optional<DataRate> cached_instant_upper_bound_; |
| std::vector<double> instant_upper_bound_temporal_weights_; |
| std::vector<double> temporal_weights_; |
| std::deque<BandwidthUsage> delay_detector_states_; |
| Timestamp recovering_after_loss_timestamp_ = Timestamp::MinusInfinity(); |
| DataRate bandwidth_limit_in_current_window_ = DataRate::PlusInfinity(); |
| DataRate min_bitrate_ = DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(1); |
| DataRate max_bitrate_ = DataRate::PlusInfinity(); |
| LossBasedState current_state_ = LossBasedState::kDelayBasedEstimate; |
| DataRate probe_bitrate_ = DataRate::PlusInfinity(); |
| DataRate delay_based_estimate_ = DataRate::PlusInfinity(); |
| DataRate upper_link_capacity_ = DataRate::PlusInfinity(); |
| Timestamp last_probe_timestamp_ = Timestamp::MinusInfinity(); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace webrtc |
| |